Strange story player

Chapter 615 My name is Qin Manjiang

My name is Qin Manjiang, I am thirty years old this year.

The Qin of the Qin and Han Dynasties, the falling moon shaking the trees in the river full of love.

Actually, I'm not very satisfied with this name. I vaguely remember that my father gave it to me casually with a slap on the forehead.

However, after using this name for so many years, I have gotten used to it.

My hometown is Xiajiang Village, a remote village near Fucheng.

I heard from my father that there used to be a Shangjiang Village upstream of Xiajiang Village. As soon as I heard the name, I knew that the name was not particular.

Now Shangjiang Village is gone. It is said that the river once overflowed the shore and washed away Shangjiang Village. Later, the river receded, leaving only a mess on the ground. Logically speaking, the land in Shangjiang Village is quite high. Not to the point of being flooded, but it was flooded nonetheless.

After so many years, Shangjiang Village is still in ruins. No one goes there anymore and the buildings are no longer renovated.

After all, no one knows when the river will rise again.

The survivors and descendants of Shangjiang Village have basically settled in Xiajiang Village, except for those whose families had some money and fled to the city.

That is my village.

But everyone in the village hardly talks about them. Although they all live in the same village, they have little contact with the original Xiajiang villagers.

I am thirty years old this year, but from when I was a child until I grew up, when I went to study in the city and then returned to my hometown after studying, I have been working in the countryside for a while now, but I still haven’t met anyone whose ancestors came from Shangjiang Village. , maybe I just don’t know?

But now that I think about it, I want to slap myself.

Why do we have to find people from Shangjiang Village in Xiajiang Village? If this idea hadn't suddenly occurred to me, maybe I wouldn't have encountered this kind of thing.

I'm really crazy...

I can't even figure out what I was thinking today.

I thought about going around the village after get off work and going from house to house!

You will always meet people from Shangjiang Village, right?

It really occurred to me that I have lived in Xiajiang Village for so many years, but I haven't even met a single person from Shangjiang Village. Don't they all go out?

Human beings just can't be blindly curious.

After curiosity emerged, everything changed... It seemed that problems that I shouldn't have been aware of were suddenly noticed, and everything became abnormal...

I work at a hospital in the town. It’s almost six o’clock in the evening after get off work. When I ride my bicycle back to the village, it’s still dark and blurry. The dusk and lights are intertwined. It’s impossible to see without turning off the lights on the road. It’s so clear that you can’t see clearly even if you turn on the light.

It was already seven o'clock when I returned to the village. I took a careful look at the wolf dog owned by Uncle Wang at the entrance of the village. That dog was very territorial, but Uncle Wang was at the entrance of the village again. Anyone who came and went in and out of the village every day was always there. Dogs can be heard barking.

What was unexpected today was that this big black-backed wolfdog just lay on the ground without raising his head or even looking at me.

I took a look at Uncle Wang's yard. The lights in Uncle Wang's house were brightly lit, and all the doors and windows were open, but no one could be seen inside. There were only a few white cloths hanging on the windows. When blown by the wind, they floated strangely. Penetrating.

I was watching so hard, why couldn't I see anyone in Uncle Wang's house?

With his stingy nature, no one in the house had to turn off the lights, let alone the lights.

This kind of situation with the lights on but no one at home is impossible to happen at Uncle Wang's house.

Could something have happened?

I quickly got off the bike and said kindly to the big wolf dog guarding the entrance of the yard: "Don't bite me. I'll go see your master."

I don’t know if it understood it, but in the end it didn’t raise its head to care about me and just continued to sleep on its stomach.

I plucked up the courage and stepped into the yard. Suddenly, it seemed like someone was looking at me?

I immediately looked up at the open door.

The wind blew the white cloth tied to the doorframe fluttering back and forth.

Floating, a gray-white face appeared among a pile of white cloths.


"Uncle Wang?"

I shouted.

The man standing at the gate was standing in the shadows and couldn't see clearly, but the face that flashed by just now and emerged from the gap in the white cloth was Uncle Wang.

I saw him slowly raise his hand and wave to me.

I shivered, and a "bang" sounded in the dark night sky at the right time.

It's windy and thundering, and it's probably going to rain heavily tonight.

"Uncle Wang! If you're fine, I'll leave first!"

I breathed a sigh of relief, although I felt a little uncomfortable. My exposed skin felt as cold as if it had touched greasy ice cubes.

It must be because it's going to rain soon.

I turned around and left the yard, and said hello to today's incompetent "doorman": "I'm leaving. Don't bark when you see me next time."

The big black-backed wolfdog still didn't raise its head.

Did this dog fall asleep today?

I was a little confused, but I didn't take it to heart.

Get on your bike and ride to your home by the river.

Along the way, the wind got stronger and stronger, blowing so hard that I could hardly keep my eyes open. The trees beside the road rustled, and the fallen leaves and dust flew into the sky. Even the bicycle was struggling to pedal under this strong wind.

He also said that he would take a walk around the village tonight and talk to the "immigrants" from Shangjiang Village. Looking at the weather, it would be difficult to even go out at night.

I rode with all my strength against the strong wind, but I still couldn't ride anymore.

From time to time there was a sound of thunder in the sky.

It was dusk just now, but it turned dark so quickly, and even the weather changed so quickly.

As a last resort, I got off the bike and could only push the bike forward against the wind.

Speaking of which, the village was really quiet today, especially quiet. Except for the sound of the wind, the rustling of branches and leaves, and the occasional sound of doors and windows being blown by the wind and smashing against the walls, there was no sound of people or dogs barking.

I pushed the bicycle, half-squinted my eyes, and raised one hand to block the strong wind and dust. The wind was really happened to be blowing from the direction of my home.

It was almost like it was preventing me from going home.

I lowered my head, gritted my teeth and pushed the car forward. I still didn’t believe this evil. Could it be that there was a storm at home?

No, I really can't walk anymore. The wind blowing from the front is like a wall, blocking me.

I stopped and looked up. The sky that had just been dusk was now dark. Thunder was brewing in the dark and low rain clouds. The electric light occasionally outlined the outline of the black clouds, and there was gradually some moisture in the air.

It's really going to rain heavily.

My heartbeat was getting faster and faster. From the moment I entered the village, an inexplicable uneasiness and strangeness swirled in my heart. I felt that my throat was tight and my breathing became unsmooth.

The lights in the village were all on, but still no one was seen.

Although the wind is very strong and people should not go out, similar things happen usually. In this kind of weather, the uncles and aunts in the village like to shout everywhere, put away clothes, close the windows and so on.

But why... there was no sound from anyone today, and no one was seen except Uncle Wang from before.

My panic could no longer be suppressed, and my eyes were looking around rapidly.

But at this moment, the invisible wall of wind that had been blocking my front suddenly disappeared!

I immediately looked ahead. This road was the direction to go home. On both sides were weeds and trees blown to and fro, and in the blurry darkness in front of me, there was a faint gap!

A gap opened in the darkness!

I am not wrong, right? !

I pinched my face.

Something even weirder happened...

A vague humanoid outline stepped out of the cracked black gap.

Step by step, he slowly walked out of the darkness and stood in front of me. His face was illuminated by the scattered lights from the villagers' houses on the roadside.

Under the strong wind, his clothes and hair were flying randomly.

But this face...this face!

He was obviously startled when he saw me.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

Two sounds appeared in my mouth and his at the same time.

"I am Qin Manjiang."

"Qin Manjiang..."

The wind is still strong, and the black clouds are low, pregnant with thunder.

There was dead silence between me and him.

(Tonight’s update, I have stomach problems again, heartburn and acid reflux, I can’t stand it anymore. This novel has also entered the final stage, I will write it carefully and fill in all the pitfalls.)

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