Strange story player

Chapter 664 Deep Diving


Qiao Ziru and Xia Nan were not notified, and there was no contact between them.

The face in the sky is gradually becoming complete. Judging from the current situation, in an hour or two at most, a stunning and huge face will appear in the sky.

That face touched Qiao Ziru even more deeply because she knew this person.

This...person named Mei Sijun.

She was once trapped in the ghost story in Qiaojia Village with Mei Sijun.

After Qiao Ziru was rescued by Lao Dao, he has always been worried because Mei Sijun was still inside.

Until this moment, she didn't know that Mei Sijun was later rescued by Li Xi.

She always believed that the reason why Mei Sijun's face appeared in the sky was probably because of what she had done.

Mei Sijun would become like this, Qiao Ziru felt that he was responsible.

In fact, in a sense, Qiao Ziru was not too wrong.

The biggest reason why Mei Sijun became the body of the God with Red Eyes is that he was rescued by Li Xi, who rescued him and sent him directly to Yi Lianhai's base.

This led to a series of subsequent events.

However, judging from the root of everything, the reason why Qiao Ziru went to Qiaojia Village was purely because his late grandmother suddenly dreamed that the ancestral grave at home had been disturbed.

Only then did a series of subsequent events occur.

The initiator was Yi Lianhai.

Qiao Ziru didn't know the details. She just blamed herself. Mei Sijun didn't have a close relationship with her, but she was in this situation because of her.

Right now, the whole world is in chaos. Qiao Ziru and her parents are hiding at home. There is black mist outside and corpses everywhere. I don't know when this doomsday will end.

However, the next moment, Qiao Ziru only felt a flash of white light in front of her eyes. When she saw clearly again, two Qin Manjiang appeared in her house.

One was wearing a white coat and glasses.

The other has pure white pupils and mysterious white lines on his face. The lines have spread to the bottom of his neck, looking mysterious and weird.

Qiao Ziru looked at the two people in disbelief. Although their temperaments were completely different, they clearly looked like the classmate Qin he knew, Qin Manjiang!


Of these two people, who is Qin Manjiang?

Qiao Ziru didn't find any familiar feeling from either of them.

"This classmate Qiao, because of your appearance, has changed the trajectory of her life. She didn't have to be involved in things related to the pupil world, nor did she have to enter the ghost story game. Now, she also has spiritual pupil in her body. The cause you planted, The consequences... are also up to you to end."

After Jiang Du spoke, Qiao Ziru finally determined who Qin Manjiang was.

This man who looks like a ruthless sculpture is Qin Manjiang!

"Classmate Qin, what's wrong with you?" Qiao Ziru immediately stepped forward and looked at him with concern.

Qin Manjiang let her hold his arm without saying anything or resisting.

What no one could notice at this moment was that Qin Manjiang's spiritual world was undergoing drastic changes.

The power from the God of White Eyes was about to invade his consciousness, but at the moment Qiao Ziru appeared and grabbed his arm.

The moment of Qingming that belonged to Qin Manjiang suddenly appeared.

He had no time to lament or reminisce about the past.

Qin Manjiang's brain was thinking rapidly in this moment of clarity. The first thing he thought of... was about Qiao Ziru and Xia Nan.

After gradually understanding everything, he discovered that there was a huge loophole here!

All humans in this world were created by the God with White Eyes, and all ghosts and monsters were created by the God with Red Eyes. There are only forty-nine humans from other worlds who continuously provide "food" for the God with Red Eyes.

What about the God with White Eyes?

According to legend, the God with White Eyes deeply loves the humans he created, and the source of his power is also the positive emotions of humans. The God with Red Eyes is just the opposite, and his power comes from the negative emotions of humans.

The fight between the two gods, the white and the red, caused a doomsday scene that caused almost all humans to fall into the abyss of despair. Only then did the red-eyed god, who was originally at a disadvantage, turn around and win over the white-eyed god.

From beginning to end, what is the value provided by Lingtong?

Furthermore, what exactly is a spiritual pupil? Does it belong to the God with White Eyes or the God with Red Eyes?

If Kaitan Game is the three-part agreement between the God with White Eyes and the God with Red Eyes after his "defeat", just to preserve mankind.

The original forty-nine people and the forty-nine spiritual pupils should not have changed much. Even if the soul is divided and other corresponding people appear, tracing back to the source, they are still the same person.

But, what about Qiao Ziru and Xia Nan?

There is no corresponding person between the two of them, whether in the past or in another city.

Because they are not spiritual pupil owners at all!

No matter how far their souls go back, they are still the aborigines of this world and will not go back to the original forty-nine people.

The reason why Qiao Ziru and Xia Nan became players is entirely because of themselves!

Qin Manjiang suddenly realized this...

Yi Lianhai spent most of his life looking for ways to turn himself into a "player", but failed to do so.

But I can do it...


Is it because of that [Tongjie Mobile Phone]?

However, the Tongjie mobile phone was originally invented and created by Yi Lianhai. It is impossible for him not to know that the Tongjie mobile phone has this ability...

Qin Manjiang felt an indescribable strangeness suddenly enveloped him.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized how bizarre it was that he had become the agent of [Tongjie] and could develop "new players" on his own.

That is simply not the ability of the Hitomi mobile phone!

Is it because of me?

At this moment, Qin Manjiang himself could not realize that a red spiral appeared faintly in his pupils, which had completely turned into pure white.

The red lines are faintly visible in the pupils, sometimes disappearing.

Qin Manjiang himself was sometimes sober and sometimes confused.

What he didn't know was that the first time this state appeared was when he returned to twenty years ago through Guanyin Pinghu.

That time he used the mysterious power of the Guanyin statue to make his pupils appear spiral red and white.

But this time, only the power of the God of White Eyes appeared on him, but when he realized that he might have a problem, his pupils, which had turned into pure white, appeared again with traces of red...

Qin Manjiang could no longer sense the outside world at all, and he was struggling in his own spiritual world.

The authorities were confused. Qin Manjiang couldn't see the abnormality in his eyes, but Qiao Ziru could see it, and so could Jiang Du.

Qiao Ziru didn't know anything about Jiang Du and Qin Manjiang, but judging from their appearance, the two people must have a close relationship.

At this moment, Qin Manjiang was in pain and struggling, so Qiao Ziru could only turn to Jiang Du for help.

"Please help him!"

Jiang Du stepped forward and took a look at the red and white spiral in Qin Manjiang's eyes.

His eyes finally showed some real emotions.

Eyes narrowed, mouth corners exaggeratedly grinned...

He is in ecstasy!

An extremely dangerous aura spread out from Jiang Du's body. This gloomy coldness made Qiao Ziru's hair stand on end, as if the "Qin Manjiang" standing opposite him was not a human at all, but a creature wearing human skin. Some kind of scary monster!

The real emotions in Jiang Du's eyes flashed away, and then his eyes fell on Qiao Ziru gently and gently.

"Don't look at things you shouldn't see."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qiao Ziru's eyes suddenly kept...

The panic and confusion were still on his face, and the next moment——


Her beautiful head broke off from her neck and rolled to the ground.

And Jiang Du's face was exaggeratedly distorted to an extremely terrifying level. His face was squirming crazily, as if a creature inside was adjusting its outer skin...

next moment.

Qin Manjiang suddenly woke up. The red light in his pupils disappeared and turned back to pure white.

When he saw Qiao Zirui lying on the ground, his head and body separated, and blood flowing all over the ground, his pale pupils suddenly narrowed!

Qin Manjiang suddenly turned his head and looked at Jiang Du.

But he saw Jiang Du staring at him with a look of horror:

"It's not enough to kill her, you want to kill me too?"

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