Strange Tales of the Ghosts

Chapter 106 Wolf Husband (35)

After several days, Qing Yu didn't appear. Mo Chuchen was a little uneasy. He wanted to look for it but didn't know where to look. He secretly blamed himself for not even knowing where Qing Yu lived.

I don't know if it was God's will, but after Mo Chuchen searched everywhere for two days, he couldn't find Qing Yu, but found the injured wolf. The wolf's wound was half healed, and blood stains could still be seen on the fur. Mo Chuchen The little wolf was swallowing a dead rabbit when Chen found it. When Mo Chuchen approached the little wolf, the little wolf was surprisingly panicked. He didn't know why. As soon as he saw the little wolf running away, Mo Chuchen wanted to chase him. A wolf and a man chased each other one after another, running half way up the mountain. The little wolf finally couldn't hold on anymore, because the fierce running made its wounds open and bleed. The blood dripped into the grass. Mo Chuchen didn't like the wolf at first, but he just saw it injured and couldn't bear to hurt it. At this time, a five-foot-long snake coiled on a branch and stared at the injured wolf cub on the ground. In this situation, Mo Chuchen had no choice but to draw his sword to help, but the little wolf didn't know it. When it saw Mo Chuchen drawing his sword, it let out a wail and trembled all over. After shaking for a few times, it transformed into a human form and lay down in the grass.

"No... don't kill me."

"..." Mo Chuchen was stunned. The voice seemed familiar. Looking at the figure again...

At this time, the big snake opened its mouth and thrust its head towards the ground. Mo Chuchen didn't have time to think, and stabbed out with his sword. It missed the vital part, but the sword penetrated into the mouth of the big snake. After being attacked, the snake seemed to be angry and wanted to attack Mo Chuchen, but the pain in its mouth made it helpless, so it twisted its body and meandered towards another tree.

Mo Chuchen was a little reluctant to lose his sword, but he was even more curious about another thing. He looked at the person lying on the ground without blinking. He saw it right, that clothes, that hair, that appearance. , all look like Qing Yu. Could it be that Qingyu was transformed into a wolf? Mo Chuchen didn't believe it, and realized that he had met a monster, and asked sternly: "How dare you, monster, to transform into Qing Yu!"

"I... didn't..." The woman in the grass turned her head, with tears in her eyes, looking at Mo Chuchen pitifully. "I am Qingyu."

"I don't believe it, how could Qingyu be such a beast like you?!"

"Did you forget that I picked wild fruits for you to eat?" the woman said, pressing the injured area on her waist with her hand, and the blood flowed from her fingers and stained her clothes red.

Mo Chuchen never thought that Qing Yu would be a character conjured by a wolf. His complicated emotions made him unsure of what to do. However, he was a Taoist and the other party was a wolf monster. If he wanted to pretend to turn a blind eye, there would be It was against the laws of nature, so no matter whether the wolf demon in front of him was Qing Yu or not, he couldn't tolerate it anymore. "How can a cultivator allow a monster like you to exist in the world and harm the world? I think you are kind to me, so please go."


"Don't call my name again." Mo Chuchen replied coldly, then turned around and left.

He didn't see the tears Qingyu shed after he turned around...

At night, Qing Yu came outside the cave where Mo Chuchen lived. He didn't dare to go in and softly called Mo Chuchen's name outside. Mo Chuchen was not hard-hearted, but he just violated the Tao rules.

"If you don't leave...don't blame me..."

"Chuchen, I never thought of hiding it from you, but I don't know how to tell you. I am a wolf demon who has been cultivating for hundreds of years in Wuhua Mountain. I have lived here alone since I was born. I don't know that my family is here. Wherever I am, I don’t know what I should be like originally. I just practice very hard and want to have a human life like the pangolin said. However, I have never gone out and I have never harmed anyone..."

"Wolves are cold-blooded. Whether you know it or not, it cannot change this fact."

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