Strongest replication

Chapter 250 Incident

Ten hours later, Chu Zhongtian had already raised his strength to the peak of the ninth level of the Qi Refining Stage because the blood demon he was facing now had reached the peak of the tenth-grade high-level. Each blood demon was equivalent to the strength of a human warrior at the peak of the Qi Refining Stage.

"Kill...!" Chu Zhongtian had just killed the three tenth-grade high-level blood demons that blocked him and picked up the three blood crystals that fell on the ground. Suddenly, he heard a burst of fighting sounds from the right.

Turning his head, Chu Zhongtian found that three high-level Qi Refining disciples, two men and one woman, were being besieged by eight tenth-grade high-level blood demons.

How could there be servants in the Blood Demon Secret Realm?

Looking at the three trapped servants, a trace of doubt flashed through Chu Zhongtian's mind.

Before he rushed into the Blood Demon Secret Realm, he had taken a look at the situation outside the Secret Realm. At that time, although the servants and outer disciples rushed to kill the blood demons with all their strength and rushed to the Secret Realm, it was too late.

At most, hundreds of outer disciples in the middle and high levels of the Body Refining Stage, such as Huangfu Qi, who were at the forefront, could rush into the secret realm before it was closed.

As for those Qi Refining Stage errand disciples, it was absolutely impossible for them to rush into the secret realm.

Although he also knew that when the inner disciples rushed into the Blood Demon Secret Realm, in addition to slaughtering the Blood Demon, they also tried their best to bring their younger generations and clansmen into the Blood Demon Secret Realm.

Dongfang Yuner and the royal family member in the second level of the Body Refining Stage were brought into the Blood Demon Secret Realm by Dongfang Yongping, but the younger generations and clansmen helped by the inner disciples were basically in the Body Refining Stage.

Because in the first level of the Blood Demon Secret Realm, only disciples in the Body Refining Stage can ensure their own safety, and it is difficult for disciples in the Qi Refining Stage to survive safely, so Chu Zhongtian believed that there could be no Qi Refining Stage errand disciples in the Blood Demon Secret Realm.

However, the three disciples in front of him broke his belief.

The Blood Demon Secret Realm was only opened for one day, so Chu Zhongtian had plenty of time to hunt the Blood Demon. Moreover, the three errand disciples in front of him were his fellow disciples, so it was reasonable for him to help.

Using the intermediate-level martial arts Jingfeng Leg and basic swordsmanship, Chu Zhongtian used eight sword moves in less than a second to directly kill the eight-headed Blood Demon that was besieging them.

"Thank you, senior brother, for your help!" The three trapped disciples saw the eight-headed Blood Demon attacking more and more fiercely. They thought they would definitely die here today, but they didn't expect to be rescued by a master, so the three rescued people hurriedly thanked Chu Zhongtian.

When they looked up and saw Zhongtian's appearance clearly, their faces suddenly showed expressions of shock and surprise.

At the beginning, in front of the Blood Demon Secret Realm, because thousands of disciples in the Body Refining Stage were slaughtered, all the errand disciples and outer disciples at the scene had the intention to retreat, and no one dared to continue hunting the Blood Demon, let alone rush into the Secret Realm.

Only Chu Zhongtian dared not only to slaughter the blood demon, but also rushed into the secret realm alone. This made the errand disciples and outer disciples at the scene admire him very much, and they had a very deep impression of him.

"How dangerous is the blood demon secret realm? Don't you know it?" After saving the three people, Chu Zhongtian subconsciously glanced and was surprised to find that the girl among the three people, both in appearance and temperament, was a bit like someone he had fallen in love with before crossing. He didn't know what was going on in his heart. He couldn't suppress his anger and spoke in a stern tone.

"You are really brave. Not only do you dare to enter the secret realm with your high-level cultivation in the Qi Refining Period, but you dare to go deep into the range where the tenth-grade high-level blood demon appears. Are you tired of living?"

The three disciples who were rescued did not expect that the noble who helped them would criticize them without knowing the truth, but they did not dare to and could not be angry.

Not to mention that Chu Zhongtian had just saved their lives, his criticism was also out of concern for their safety, and his starting point was good.

"Brother, my name is Zhu Ying, and I am a errand disciple of the Trial Peak Kung Fu Pavilion. I have been a disciple for five months." Zhu Ying, the only girl among the three, felt that she was a girl, and Chu Zhongtian might be embarrassed to criticize her, so she mustered up the courage to introduce herself to him and explained why they were here.

"Brother, you misunderstood us. We don't want to enter the secret realm, and we don't want to be in the range of the tenth-grade high-level blood demon. There are reasons for all this."

With Zhu Ying's explanation, Chu Zhongtian's doubts were solved, and at the same time, a bigger question arose.

Because according to Zhu Ying, at the entrance of the secret realm, hundreds of thousands of blood demons slaughtered the disciples in the body refining period. They were already scared and had decided to give up the experience of the blood demon secret realm.

Since Master Wu did not order everyone to leave, they had to stay where they were for the time being. They planned to leave the secret realm together and return to the Trial Peak after the entrance to the secret realm was completely closed.

However, less than a minute after Chu Zhongtian rushed into the passage, the gap that should have been closed not only did not close, but a very terrifying suction force came from the gap, sucking all the disciples in the Qi Refining and Body Refining stages on the scene into the secret realm.

The reason why they appeared in the range where the tenth-grade high-level blood demon appeared was because they were directly thrown to this place by the terrifying suction force.

If it weren't for their extraordinary origins and many life-saving treasures on their bodies, they would not have been able to hold on for so long.

Even so, after nearly a day and a night of fighting, the life-saving treasures on their bodies were basically consumed, which put them in a situation of being besieged by the blood demon.

"I ask you, have Hall Master Wu and the other seven Qi Hai Stage masters been sucked into the secret realm?" Chu Zhongtian did not expect that the Blood Demon Secret Realm, which had been opened for thousands of years and had never had any mistakes, would have a change in this opening. At this time, he first considered Hall Master Wu and others.

Because Hall Master Wu and the seven masters of the sect are all in the Qi Hai Stage. If they were also sucked into the Blood Demon Secret Realm, even if there were any changes in the secret realm, their strength would be enough to deal with it, or to hold it for a while, giving the sect masters time to help.

"I don't know, the suction at that time was too terrifying, we didn't react at all, and we were sucked into the secret realm. As for whether Hall Master Wu and others were also sucked into the secret realm, we are not very clear." Shaking his head, thinking of the terrifying suction that suddenly appeared in front of the secret realm, Zhu Ying's face still showed a trace of fear.

"You guys should go in this direction. The blood demon that appeared in that direction is lower than the tenth-grade high-level. With your strength, as long as you are more careful and don't fall into the illusion created by the blood demon, you can basically protect yourself."

Since it is impossible to confirm whether Wu Tangzhu and others have entered the blood demon secret realm, Chu Zhongtian temporarily gave up this idea.

Then, he thought of Dongfang Yuner who was brought to the blood demon secret realm by Dongfang Yongping.

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