Strongest replication

Chapter 3: Incredible Ability (2)

"Not good! Stop it quickly." Feeling his body getting weaker and weaker, and his vitality gradually leaving, Chu Zhongtian's expression suddenly changed, and he roared in his heart.

However, the program that had been started in his mind did not stop because of his roar, and continued to run. Looking at his increasingly thin body, Chu Zhongtian didn't know what to do at this time.

Because now is not like in the previous life, if you want to forcibly stop a program, you only need to force shut down or cut off the power, but now he is at a loss and can only watch everything continue.

When he was sucked to the point of being skin and bones, his face was as white as a piece of white paper, and the meridian grass in his hand was finally fully formed, the suction force stopped. At this time, he only had half his life left.

He crawled on the ground weakly, panting and secretly thanking himself: "Fortunately, fortunately, it's only a five-year-old meridian grass. If it was a ten-year-old one, I'm afraid I would have been dead by now."

However, if you want to copy and paste a herb, you actually need your own blood, bones and flesh, then this ability is too useless!

What happened just now made Chu Zhongtian dare not continue to copy, but he was unwilling to face the fact that this supernatural ability of copying and pasting was not used.

The meridians were damaged, his status was low, and he was not valued. All kinds of cruel realities made him clearly realize that if he wanted to survive safely, he could only rely on himself and this supernatural ability.

After thinking carefully about what happened just now, Chu Zhongtian felt that things might not be as he guessed, and there might be a solution.

"From the online novels I have read before, such supernatural abilities generally require a lot of energy or spiritual energy." Thinking of this, Chu Zhongtian's eyes lit up and he quickly got up to get something.

But at this moment, he forgot that he had been seriously injured in order to copy and paste the meridian grass. His weak arms could not support his whole body at all, and he fell heavily to the ground. The intense pain made him roar twice.

Don't be impatient, wait a while, wait until your strength is restored, Chu Zhongtian comforted himself.

After his body recovered some strength, Chu Zhongtian moved to the bedside little by little, and moved the pillow with difficulty. Under the pillow, there was a bundle wrapped in cloth.

Slowly opening the bundle, in addition to a pile of gold, silver and copper coins, there were also seven dull stones.

"Whether it works or not depends on this one." Picking out a slightly bright stone, Chu Zhongtian held the stone in his palm, and then silently recited the program in his heart.

As the program was started, a suction force appeared in his mind, through his body, and his arm began to absorb the stone in his palm directly. In less than a minute, the originally slightly bright stone quickly darkened and softened, and finally turned into a pile of powder, which fell from the gap between his fingers.

As the stone turned into powder, five identical meridian grasses appeared in his hand.

"It really works!" Looking at the five identical meridian grasses in his hand and the strange fragrance emitted by the meridian grass, Chu Zhongtian burst into tears.

From now on, his fate has completely changed, and he can finally control his own fate!

When he calmed down a little, Chu Zhongtian looked at the meridian grass in his hand and thought to himself: "It seems that my guess just now is completely true, then the next step is my ascension."

Thinking of this, he grabbed another six slightly darker stones in his hand, and restarted the program according to the previous action, and finally obtained 24 meridian grasses.

"It seems that the more spiritual energy and spiritual stones there are, the more herbs can be copied and pasted." Comparing the number of pasted just now, Chu Zhongtian secretly calculated.

Then, his eyes fell on the pile of white powder under his legs. The seven stones just taken out are not ordinary stones, but the specialty of the Eternal Continent... lack of spiritual stones.

What is lack of spiritual stones?

In places where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is extremely abundant, some places with strange terrain will absorb and store a lot of spiritual energy. After years of accumulation, these strange terrains will eventually form spiritual veins. The stones containing spiritual energy in the spiritual veins are spiritual stones.

According to the amount of spiritual energy contained in the spiritual stones, there are ten grades in total, with the lowest grade being the lower grade spiritual stones and the highest grade being the top grade spiritual stones.

In addition to being able to produce spiritual stones, the spiritual veins are surrounded by spiritual energy all year round, which will form a kind of spiritual energy that does not reach the grade, but contains a small amount of spiritual energy inside. These stones are spiritual stones.

The seven stones he took out just now were spiritual stones of insufficient grade.

Warriors absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to enhance their strength, but the spiritual energy scattered in the air is too scattered. It is very difficult to rely entirely on absorbing the spiritual energy scattered in the air to quickly advance. Therefore, when warriors practice, they are either in a place with sufficient spiritual energy or with the help of external objects.

The external objects are spirit stones, elixirs, etc.

Although the spirit stones are not of good quality, they are at least much more than the spiritual energy of heaven and earth scattered in the air, so they are one of the most commonly used treasures by low-level warriors.

With Chu Zhongtian's current identity and status, these seven spirit stones were obtained under difficult circumstances, accounting for nearly one-third of his worth.

The seven spirit stones were consumed in just a few minutes, and Chu Zhongtian didn't feel bad at all. Because treasures that cannot be used are waste, as long as they can repair damaged meridians and absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to enhance cultivation, then consuming more spirit stones is necessary.

Turning up the light, Chu Zhongtian sat cross-legged on the bed with great effort, and placed the thirty-one meridian grasses one by one in front of him.

"Huh!" He took a deep breath, and when his mood was completely calm, he picked up a meridian grass, put it in his mouth, chewed it gently, and finally swallowed it into his stomach in one breath.

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