Strongest replication

Chapter 612 Blood Beast

The companion beast protects the growth of the spiritual creature. Every time the spiritual creature improves by one level, its companion beast will automatically rise by one level. If the guarded spiritual object is destroyed, the companion beast will also be destroyed.

"Boy Chu, that's right, the companion beast of the Blood God Tree is the Blood God Beast that can swallow the blood and spiritual power of a warrior!"

"Huang Lao, I wonder how high the grade of this companion beast blood beast is? How strong is it?" Spiritual objects that can produce companion beasts are extremely rare spiritual objects in this world.

The levels of these spiritual objects range from high to low. A high spiritual object may reach the first level, while a low spiritual object may only have a tenth grade. Therefore, if you want to deal with the blood beasts that are associated with the blood god tree, you must know the blood beasts. The true grade and strength.

"Judging from the aura just now, the level of the blood beast that haunts the mine has reached the lower sixth level." After carefully recalling the aura he had just sensed using the power of his soul, Huang Lao gave the level of the blood beast. .

"Lower level six, based on the comparison between the level of the alien beast and the level of the warrior, the strength of the alien beasts of the lower level six is ​​equivalent to that of a peerless strongman at the primary level of the divine soul." Huang Lao's judgment on the level of the blood beast made Chu Zhong Tian consciously began to compare.

The result of the comparison gradually relaxed his nervous mood.

Because the Huang Lao in his mind has already reached the peak of the divine soul stage without overdrafting the power of the divine soul. It is a piece of cake to deal with a blood divine beast at the beginning of the divine soul stage.

"Boy Chu, things are not as simple as you think!" Huang Lao had to remind him when he saw Chu Zhongtian gradually relaxing his mind after passing the comparison of strength.

"The Blood Divine Beast is different from ordinary alien beasts. Its shape is somewhat similar to monkey-like alien beasts, but it does not have the defensive power of monkey-like alien beasts, but it has attack power that ignores any defense. It can enter your body and attack directly. Your internal organs.”

"At the same time, it can also create an illusion that makes you trapped in it and unable to extricate yourself."

Huang Lao's explanation of the blood beast's ability made Chu Zhongtian's relaxed state of mind suddenly become tense again.

"Huang Lao, when you said you ignored defense, did you ignore physical defense or strength defense?"

If the blood beast ignores physical defense, then he must use the mystery of the true essence attribute to transform into a piece of defensive armor.

If the blood beast ignores the powerful defense, then he must mobilize his true energy from time to time to activate the defensive weapons on his body.

However, Huang Lao's next explanation put Chu Zhongtian into a dilemma.

"Boy Chu, whether it is physical defense or strength defense, the blood beast ignores them all. Moreover, the blood beast also has a special ability, that is, it can absorb all the blood in a living being in a short period of time. This is why the miners who lost all their blood had no scars on their bodies.”

"Huang Lao, since the blood beast is so difficult to deal with, can't we withdraw from the mine now!" Chu Zhongtian suggested.

If you can't beat me, can't you escape?

I have the route map given by the old man in my hand, and the distance into the mine is not too long now. As long as I exit the mine and stay away from Qingmei Town, the Blood Beast can continue to pursue it!

"If we hadn't seen this corpse, or seen the spirit stone in the corpse's hand, it would be too late to exit now, but we have just seen the spirit stone, and the blood beast has recorded our breath through the spirit stone. It will never let us leave the mine alive." Mr. Huang directly rejected the proposal to withdraw from the mine.

"It seems that just trying our best is not enough. We must find a way to find the weakness of the blood beast. Otherwise, we may really fall here." There is no way to retreat. Facing the blood beast that ignores any defense, Chu Zhong After Tian Zai abandoned all distracting thoughts, he began to think about ways to deal with this.

"Boy Chu, if the blood divine beast has any shortcomings, it is that its own defense is very weak, not even as good as an ordinary warrior in the Qi refining period, so as long as you can find a way to attack it, it will be easy to destroy it. "

When Chu Zhongtian learned that there was no way to retreat, he abandoned all impurities and began to think about ways to deal with the blood beast. Huang Lao also gradually realized that some of his ideas were too affected by the rumors before his body was intact, so he hurriedly Adjust his mentality, use the rumors he heard in his previous life, and start looking for a way to kill the blood beast.

Huang Lao's idea just now is good, but if you want to find a way to attack the blood beast, you must be strong enough to test it with your own life.

Although the old man had said before leaving that there were at least two hundred strong men who could fly in the air and entered the mine veins, he didn't know any of these strong men, and it was impossible to convince them to use their own lives to test how to attack the blood. The method of the mythical beast, so the method that Mr. Huang just thought of can only be used as the second option.

Therefore, he must find a more convenient, direct, and safer way to deal with the blood beast.

When his eyes saw the semi-spiritual sword clenched in the corpse's hand, an idea suddenly flashed through his mind.

Companion beasts are beasts that are born, grow, and die together with spiritual creatures. So if the blood tree guarded by the blood beast is directly destroyed, wouldn't the blood beast automatically perish?

Later, Chu Zhongtian told Mr. Huang his thoughts. After hearing Chu Zhongtian's thoughts, Mr. Huang also felt that this method was the simplest and most direct way to destroy the blood beast.

The only thing that puzzled Huang Lao was why those strong men who encountered the Blood God Tree and the Blood God Beast in the era when his body was intact did not think of this method!

Since the method just now is feasible, the next priority is to find the Blood God Tree.

Based on the rumors that Huang Lao had heard before and the survival habits of the Blood God Beast, Chu Zhongtian finally determined that the location of the Blood God Tree must be in the deepest part of the mine, so he took out the route map given by the old man and chose the route that could reach the deepest part of the mine the fastest.

"Huang Lao, I will hurry up next, and the task of vigilance will be handed over to you!" Since the Blood God Beast has been spotted, we must always guard against the Blood God Beast's sneak attack on the next journey.

The only one who can detect the approach of the Blood God Beast in advance is Huang Lao, who has a soul body, so his own safety can only be entrusted to him temporarily.

"Don't worry, Chu boy! If the Blood God Beast enters your body, the first person to die is not you, but me with a strong mental power."

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