Strongest replication

Chapter 617 Weird

After sensing something strange at the end of the passage, the six of them restrained their auras, and led by the strongest old farmer, they slowly approached the end of the passage.

The passage they chose to pass this time was a medium passage, less than a kilometer long, and even walking took less than thirty seconds.

There is a slightly protruding rock at the end of the passage. Chu Zhongtian and others who reached the end of the passage temporarily hid behind the protruding wall and observed what was happening ahead through the faint light in front.

In the hundreds of square meters of space excavated artificially, there are four strong men wearing uniform clothes.

They leaned against each other, forming a circular defensive posture. At the same time, the four people exuded a powerful aura, and the aura was mixed with a strong murderous aura. At first glance, they looked like strong men who had grown up from the blood.

Ten meters away to the left of the four people, there was a dead body wearing the same clothes as the four people, but with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Huang Lao, are the blood beasts around?" Seeing the body lying on the ground with a satisfied smile, Chu Zhongtian immediately realized that they had been attacked by the blood beasts, and the remaining four people's full defense indicated that It is very likely that the bloody beast has not left yet.

"Boy Chu, the blood beast has left!" Huang Lao said in a strange tone.

After using the power of the soul to check it once, there was an expression of doubt on his face. Because of the blood divine beast's ability to ignore any defense, its previously elusive attack methods, and the five and a half-step ten thousand life warriors on the scene, it was impossible for it to be its opponent. Why did it quietly retreat as soon as I and others approached? !

Could it be that there are people among these people that it is afraid of, or maybe there are treasures in these people that it is afraid of!

Regarding the suspicion in his heart, Mr. Huang did not tell Chu Zhongtian for the time being because he did not want to interrupt Chu Zhongtian's plan.

"Little friend, with your cultivation level, you can't use the power of spiritual thought to transmit sounds, so you just need to listen to me!" Just as Chu Zhongtian looked at the four people in front of him who were fully defending, a message suddenly came to his mind. Here comes the voice of the old farmer.

"My friend, the four people in front of me are from the famous fourth-grade family in the Southern Territory. They are the strongest secret guards of the Du family. They specialize in secretly handling some matters that cannot be seen in the light. At the same time, the Du family is one of the nine major forces. , the Chu family’s most loyal ally.”

"So I suspect that the news about the Thousand-Year Fruit was leaked, and it is very likely that the Chu family was secretly responsible for it. Because it was originally discovered that there were two other jade slips in the cave of the Wanshou period strongman that recorded the Thousand-Year Fruit Jade Slip. I think that The two jade slips may also contain information about the Millennium Fruit."

"It's just that I don't understand now what their purpose is for leaking the Millennium Fruit, and what kind of benefits they can get by doing so!"

The reminders from the Du family, a fourth-rank family, the Chu family, a third-rank family, and the old farmer made Chu Zhongtian more certain that the Chu family secretly leaked the news about the longevity fruit. There must be a shocking conspiracy, but the information currently obtained is too little to speculate. The purpose of leaving the Chu family.

Seeing that the four people in front of them were fully defending, it was impossible to leave in a short time. Chu Zhongtian, who was eager to destroy the Blood God Tree, did not want to continue this stalemate.

So, he signaled to the old farmer and others, and then everyone exited the passage along the same route.

Chu Zhongtian and others did not notice that on the wall less than ten meters away from them, two sixth-grade intermediate spiritual stones hidden in the wall were staring at Chu Zhongtian and others as if they were spiritual. To be more precise, the person the two seventh-grade mid-level spiritual stones were looking at was Chu Zhongtian, who was surrounded by everyone.

Taking out the road map and re-determining the route, Chu Zhongtian led the farmers and elders to continue deep into the mine veins.

During the next journey, Chu Zhongtian and the others were quite lucky. They neither encountered a sneak attack by the blood beast nor encountered other strong men who entered the mine to hunt for treasure, allowing them to reach the deepest part of the mine smoothly.

Looking at the only passage in front of him, Chu Zhongtian took out the route map given by the old man. After careful comparison, he found that the current location where he and others were was already at the end of the route map.

In other words, whether the next passage is a direct passage to the Blood God Tree depends on the luck of myself and others!

However, before that, he still needed to confirm the distance between the Blood God Tree and him and others.

"Huang Lao, how far are we from the Blood God Tree now?" Chu Zhongtian asked.

"According to the breath of the blood beast, the blood tree is no more than five kilometers away from our location!" Using the power of the soul to penetrate the only passage in front of him, Huang Lao gave a surprising answer.

"Five seniors, the passage in front of us is most likely a passage leading directly to the Blood God Tree. We are already close to the base camp of the Blood God Beast. In other words, we may encounter a sneak attack by the Blood God Beast at any time." Distance from the Blood God The tree is less than five kilometers away, which is less than five thousand meters away.

With everyone's speed, it only lasts for tens of seconds. This is the only time when the blood beast can make a sneak attack. Otherwise, when everyone gets close to the Blood God Tree, it will be difficult for them to withstand the attacks of themselves and others with the help of the spirit tree which has no attack or defense capabilities.

"Five seniors, please increase your vigilance by 200% to prevent a sneak attack by the blood beast." After telling everyone to be more vigilant, the old farmer walked in front, the thin old man walked behind, and the other three strong men were Standing on both sides of Chu Zhongtian, tightly surrounding him in the middle. At the same time, everyone took out their own spiritual weapons to prepare for the sneak attack of the blood beast.

One thousand meters!

Two thousand meters!

Three thousand meters!

Until halfway through the journey, the crowd did not encounter the sneak attack of the blood beast. This strange phenomenon not only made the old farmer and others feel puzzled, but even Chu Zhongtian could not understand what was going on.

Although he wanted to ask Huang Lao, but it was less than two thousand meters away from the blood tree. Chu Zhongtian temporarily resisted the desire to speak and continued to follow the old farmer.

Three thousand five hundred meters!

Four thousand meters!

When it was less than a thousand meters away from the end of the passage and it would only take a dozen seconds to reach the end, the old farmer could not help but turn his head and look at Chu Zhongtian.

Nodding, Chu Zhongtian signaled everyone to continue at the current speed. He not only used the true essence to stimulate the defensive spiritual weapon, but also used the method of true essence attribute transformation to arrange another layer of defense on the defensive spiritual weapon.

Five hundred meters!

Three hundred meters!

At this moment, everyone could vaguely see a ray of light at the end of the passage. At the same time, they could also feel a majestic breath of blood and qi emanating from the end of the passage.

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