Strongest replication

Chapter 848 Seizing the Moral High Point

Using the method of shattering his palm, the supreme warrior from Yuanlao Peak finally escaped the crisis of being devoured by the power of soul and law.

However, thinking that he had condensed a giant palm of the supreme high level, and faced Jiao Enjun's condensed black dragon of the supreme middle level peak, not only did he not defeat the opponent, but was forced by the opponent to actively shatter his palm, the supreme warrior of Yuanlao Peak felt a strong sense of humiliation in his heart.

When Chu Zhongtian broke through the soul stage, his divine thoughts extended nearly ten thousand miles, and his momentum covered nearly ten thousand miles, which almost alarmed the people of the entire sect. This led to the battle between him and Jiao Enjun just now. The sect masters above the soul stage saw that they were defeated by Jiao Enjun who was at a disadvantage. They also saw it clearly. This is an unwashable humiliation for the supreme warrior of Yuanlao Peak.

Unless one day, he can really defeat Jiao Enjun!

Fortunately, he still had self-knowledge and knew that he was not yet a match for Jiao Enjun, so he temporarily suppressed his inner anger and planned to oppress Jiao Enjun with the status of an elder, so that he would pay the price for his reckless behavior just now.

"Jiao Enjun, Junior Brother Yuan Xuan is not only the supreme power of the sect, but also your fellow junior brother. Just defeat his reckless attack, why do you want to devour his source power!" The supreme power of Yuanlao Peak asked sternly.

"Dare to attack my apprentice and disturb my apprentice's realm breakthrough. Not to mention devouring his source power, I even dare to devour him himself, believe it or not!" Facing Yuanlao Peak's questioning, Jiao Enjun responded more domineeringly.

"Bold, is this the attitude that you, an inner door deacon elder, should have towards the sect elders! Is this the attitude that you, a junior, should have towards the sect elders! Is this the attitude that you, a junior, should have towards the sect elders! Is this the attitude that you, a sect junior brother, should have towards the fellow senior brother!" Three consecutive questions, each question could push Jiao Enjun into the abyss.

According to Jiao Enjun's arrogant character, he was disdainful of refuting the other party's questions, not to mention that he didn't know how to refute at all, so he just snorted coldly to show his attitude.

Jiao Enjun disdained to refute, but Chu Zhongtian had to take it seriously.

After the secret observation just now, he found that the sect's attitude towards him was completely different when he broke through the Soul Stage and broke through the Qi Transformation Stage.

When he broke through the Qi Transformation Stage, whether it was the Elders Group, the Law Enforcement Peak, the Merit Hall, or other factions, they all rushed to accept him as a disciple.

However, when he broke through the Soul Stage, except for the Blood Robe Ancestor who took the initiative to stand on his side because he admired him, countless strong men in the entire sect did not seem to expect him to break through. Perhaps they were full of greed for the various means he showed when he broke through the Soul Stage.

Therefore, Chu Zhongtian had to stand up and refute, firstly to allow himself and others to stand on the moral high ground and win the support of some neutral strong men.

Secondly, he must also find a way to eliminate the greed in the hearts of some people so that he can continue to stay in the sect safely.

Otherwise, in order to save his life, he could only choose to flee the sect and become a casual cultivator who could be hunted down at any time.

"Master, I wonder who the person who just scolded you is?" If you want to refute the other party, you must know who the other party is, so Chu Zhongtian first learned about the other party's origin from Jiao Enjun.

"That old guy's surname is Fu, and his name is Fu Zhujun. He was the previous demon-level hall master of the Merit Hall. He broke through the supreme level a hundred years ago. When the senior brothers took office, the old guy automatically retired behind the scenes and became a veteran of the Elders Group."

After briefly introducing the other party's background, Jiao Enjun looked at Chu Zhongtian and asked, "Kid Chu, what do you want to do?"

"Master, you don't need to care too much, just watch!" After instructing Jiao Enjun, Chu Zhongtian looked directly at the Elders Peak deep in the sect, and used the power of his soul to respond loudly: "Junior Chu Zhongtian, meet Elder Fu!"

"Boy, you are just a small core disciple of the sect. You have no right to talk to me. You'd better roll aside and wait for your punishment!" Facing Chu Zhongtian's respectful greeting, Fu Zhujun sneered disdainfully.

In response, although Chu Zhongtian was very angry, he chuckled without changing his expression. Because he knew why the other party despised him so much, I'm afraid the reason was still Jiao Enjun.

In addition to the fact that Jiao Enjun had just defeated the strong with the weak, which made him suffer an indelible humiliation, it was also because Jiao Enjun recklessly killed the master of the Merit Hall, which must have made Fu Zhujun from the same faction very angry.

He was not Jiao Enjun's opponent, and he did not dare to vent his anger on him, but he could vent it on himself.

"Fu Zhujun, I respect you as an elder, just because you have lived longer, not because you are someone worthy of respect!" If you don't take revenge, you are not a gentleman. Since the moment he took action against the black dragon, they had an irreconcilable grudge, so Chu Zhongtian chuckled and directly changed his face and scolded.

"Boy, you are looking for death!" Chu Zhongtian's obviously insulting scolding made Fu Zhujun's suppressed anger soar, and he threatened with gritted teeth.

"Hmph! Fu Zhujun, whether I, Chu Zhongtian, am seeking death or not, I don't think you, a useless elder, can decide. The reason I'm talking to you is to refute the three questions you asked my master just now!"

The strong man who can really decide the direction of the situation has not yet appeared. Chu Zhongtian didn't want to waste too much time on Fu Zhujun, so he just responded with an insulting retort and began to seize the moral high ground.

"Fu Zhujun, let me refute your first question first: Is this the attitude that you, an inner sect deacon elder, should have towards the sect elders!"

"Then, I can tell you clearly that this is the attitude that my master should have. Because at the beginning of the sect, in order to prevent the elders from manipulating the sect, several ancestors of the sect formulated a series of regulations specifically for the elders, including that the elders cannot interfere in any affairs of the sect. If anyone violates it, their cultivation will be immediately recovered and expelled from the sect."

"Fu Zhujun, you just interfered with my master's battle, which has violated the sect's rules. I have the right to ask Master Li of the Law Enforcement Peak to enforce the sect rules immediately!"

Hearing Chu Zhongtian's first question, Fu Zhujun smiled contemptuously and didn't take it to heart at all.

And Li Yanjun's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a hint of sarcasm.

Chu Zhongtian didn't care about this. He also knew that Fu Zhujun would not accept the punishment of the sect rules, and Li Yanjun would not enforce the sect's rules.

After a pause, Chu Zhongtian continued, "Let me refute your second question: Is this the attitude you, a junior, should have towards the elders of the sect?"

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