Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 695: Discord

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Augusta also agreed with the old mother's opinion, and decided to see Li Xiao first to see what the legendary cousin has that can make their family cripple. It's just that the change is always faster than planned, and she has returned to Berlin before she can find Li Xiao to find out William I.

William I's personality is quite straightforward. After hearing the whole story from his wife, he waved his hand and said directly: "Don't be so troublesome, I will meet him in person!"

Augusta wanted to persuade me a few more words, but William I said very domineeringly: "This is a man's business, and you and women don't need to be involved. I want to see what this kid is capable of!"

Looking at William I, who was confident that he did not intend to listen to any opinions at all, Augusta sighed secretly. Her husband is too masculine. He always talks the same about everything. As long as he is sure, he must follow his will. Come. This was the case during the Berlin Revolution, and it is still the case. There is no way.

Sometimes Augusta wants to vomit the bad temper of the Hohenzollern family. Does it need to be so hard? Politics is not only tough, let alone iron and blood. Sometimes it is necessary to be gentle. Sooner or later, things will happen if you are blindly strong.

However, Augusta also knew that she could not persuade William I at all, so she didn't waste the effort, but took a step back and suggested: "Then I will go with you!"

According to William I, he was unwilling to take Augusta to see Li Xiao, because he believed that politics was a man’s job, and even a noble and aristocratic lady like Augusta’s main job was to marry a woman. Godson, should not be mixed with politics.

In fact, he had been dissatisfied with Augusta's involvement in political affairs before. Just on the way back from London, his wife did something extraordinary. At that time they ran into Bismarck on the road, but his wife had a secret talk with Bismarck and hoped that Bismarck would help him become King of Prussia.

To be honest, when William I first heard about this situation, he was furious. It is not only because Augusta's conspiracy to "coup" to overthrow his old brother Frederick William IV is too outrageous and absurd. What is even more absurd is that she was only looking for a Congressman from Berlin for planning such a big event. How much energy can a small congressman have?

Anyway, William I didn’t like the little congressman of Berlin, Bismarck. He thought that this guy was a small shrimp, and he had no favor with congressmen and the like, who had just been embarrassed by the revolutionary party. He deeply felt that although the main force of the revolution in this revolution was the mob, those behind the scenes were the increasingly restless bourgeois lawmakers. Without them, things would not have been so troublesome.

And now Augusta wants to cooperate with the enemy, and is still conspiring to overthrow his elder brother, how can this be tolerated!

Of course, this is not because of how loyal William I was to his elder brother, Frederick William IV, but because this arrogant guy believed that even if the coup did not pass, the seat of the future king would be his own, what he wanted. He didn't need alms or help from others, he would definitely reach out and take off the king's crown and put it on his head. I don’t need any help!

All in all, after this incident, William I was very disagreeable with Augusta, and this time the Duke of Alexander sent a special envoy to contact him, and she took her own family to intervene in it. William I was even more dissatisfied.

[Lao Tzu is the crown prince and the future king, why do you make your own decisions about Lao Tzu's house! Even if you want to test the bastard's details, you have to ask my opinion first. What do you mean if you don’t listen to it and do your own thing! 】

The thought of these William I was furious, so he bluntly rejected Augusta's suggestion again: "No, you don't need to participate in this little matter, I will solve it!"

Augusta also obviously felt the discomfort of William I, so she did not strongly demand, but agreed after a few reminders. It's just that after William I left, her face became very ugly.

"Augusta, why is your face so ugly!"

Facing his mother, Augusta finally confided: "William...William's mood is very wrong, he was not like this to me before!"

Maria Pavlovna wondered: "What's the matter?"

Augusta explained the whole story in detail, and then said quietly: "Since he came back from London, he has not been the same as before. He also deliberately left me when I went to Hamburg and went alone, as if he was deliberately avoiding me! "

Maria Pavlovna said with relief: "Probably it was the revolution that made him impetuous. You also know how much the last defeat hit him... People who are as proud as him are the most unbearable. Now that the pressure is so great, it is inevitable that there will be ups and downs in your mood, so don't think too much!"

But Augusta shook his head and said: "I don't think it's the case. I thought it was because of what you said before, but today I clearly feel disgusted in his eyes. He deliberately didn't take me. The more I want to go, the less he is willing to take me. This obviously hates me!"

Maria Pavlovna To be honest, she regrets it now, she regrets that she brought Li Xiao to see her daughter-in-law, maybe it's time to let William and Augusta stay away from politics The most correct choice.

It's just that, this will never be possible, because who makes William I the dignified prince and crown prince, the rest of the Hohenzollern family can not participate in politics, but William I can not! This is probably fate!

Maria Pavlovna sighed in her heart and replied slowly: "Sometimes you just like to intervene in these things too much. Now what William needs most is not that you help him come up with ideas, he needs the most. It is your tenderness, your tenderness is ten thousand times more precious than those things!"

Speaking of Maria Pavlovna, she sighed again and touched her daughter’s hair and said, “You’ve liked these things since you were a kid. At that time, I thought you were born in a family like ours. It’s not a bad thing. But after you get married, you become more and more enthusiastic about all of this. That’s not right! What William needs most is to care for his wife, not to advise him! You should be more like a wife. !"

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