177: Lay down and see (2)

[Warning, there are people in the room!]

The Warrior hastily issued a warning. While talking with Cheol-woo in the elevator, the search for the surroundings was delayed for a while.

Tilt Tit Tit! Pyrrik~!

But the door was already open. After beckoning to Linda, ‘Stay here,’ Cheol-woo quickly ran into the room.

“Ilho oppa? Keep the ice cream in the freezer.”

There was no one in the living room, and a familiar voice came from the shower room along with the sound of water. At that moment, Cheol-woo’s body hardened.

‘Wow, Warrior. How the hell is this…?’

[sorry. There was a delay in the search for a while because I used a lot of resources to run the overseas stock management program.]

Due to a brief communication failure in the elevator, the Warrior temporarily dumped the brain capacity he had been managing for stock management. And I never expected it to happen in such a short period of time.

What is going to happen is something that must happen? Recalling the quantum mechanical hypothesis, the Warrior learned new facts about probability and fate today.

shoot ah! drop!

“Ilho oppa, why didn’t you answer… uh?”

After taking a shower, Cheol-woo, who was walking backwards like a stray cat, came into her eyes as she came out with her robe on. Cheol-woo, who had struggled to move her stiff body, stopped with a stiff smile.

“Everyone, Dain! Hey, how did this happen…”

“You bastard child. You kill me today!”

Dain’s face with its eyes turned upside down was beautiful. And her body, trained by dance, was even agile.

As soon as she saw him, she was looking for something to throw in and found a cup on the table. Then, all of a sudden, it rushed to the place like lightning.

swish! Whoops!

“Everyone, Dain. Don’t do this, let’s do it in our own words. You know that losing your reason can’t bring you good results, right?”

Fortunately, Cheol-woo’s movements were faster than hers. His hand held her wrist first before she could grab her cup.

After suppressing her wrist once, Cheol-woo said in a trembling voice. His voice, which had been too cold even on the battlefield, trembled especially for this moment.

“Reason, good results? Whoever likes… Don’t let go of this hand, you bastard!”

“You have a habit of throwing something when you are angry. This is a very bad habit.”

“If you don’t piss me off, it won’t work. You bastard untied!”

She struggled with all her might, trying to break free from his bondage. As a result, her gown naturally came off, revealing her naked body.

Normally, she would have dressed her clothes with shame, but now there was no reason to be of the opposite sex. Because there were only the two of them, they flirted without being rough and fluttered half-naked.

“Ouch! Dain-ah, you got teeth marks on your hands. aren’t you a pup? Use your mouth only for speaking. we···. yes?”

“Shut up! dog is you You run around the neighborhood like a dog with a leash, sowing seeds. You bastard asshole!”

With good physical strength and strength, she struggled non-stop. Had it been her man, I would have knocked her out right away, but there was no way I could hold her back.

Then Linda, who was outside the door, came in. As she saw her, her dyne reflexively tried to cover her naked body.

But Cheol-woo hadn’t let go of her wrist yet. After she looked at him with her bloody eyes, he had no choice but to let go of her hand.

Dain, whose hands were loose, grabbed the disheveled gown and unfolded it. A silk gown wrapped around her explosive body, which made her look even more seductive.

“Is that person…?”

“Huh! Both are superficial. would you like to say hi? This is Linda Grace. And this is Jeong Da-in…”

Cheol-woo introduced the two in the middle with an embarrassed expression. Both women were equally perplexed.

There was no way we could smile and shake hands. The opponent was an unscrupulous bitch trying to intercept her man.


Linda looked at her and raised a hand awkwardly. It was difficult for her to spit out even the cliché that it was nice to meet her now. Dain looked at her like her and was silent.

In any case, this was her realm, and that blonde western bitch was just an opponent who tried to hijack her man. A spark suddenly rose in Dain’s eyes, who had quietly scanned her figure.

When he saw the other person’s earrings and ring, he got angry again. Seeing it in person is different from seeing it in photos.

No woman in the world would be happy to watch what she thought was the only ring in the world to become two and three. As if she was the only person in the world, her love had to be the only one in the world.

Money can be distributed like a red flag, but love can never be. It was when she tightened her eyes and was about to shout Cheol-woo to get out.

[The sniper takes his place again. It is 50 meters away from the building at 11 o’clock.]

The Warrior has been warning you. At that moment, Cheol-woo’s confused mind returned.

Now they have come here to escape the killer. And it was a situation where they were trying to dig a trap with a bait to catch him.

“Dain! I’m sorry, but that’s not the case right now.”

“huh! Is there anything more urgent than this situation?”

“The guy who’s aiming for Linda is in the building across the street with a gun. I’m here to catch him. Never go to the window! You never know when the bullets will fly.”

Cheol-woo said with a serious expression. But she couldn’t easily believe it.

It was unfamiliar to me to be a killer or a sniper in Seoul. And in this neighborhood, even the police station was holding on.

“Even if you don’t believe me right now, just listen to me. And you should leave before he exposes your face…”

“no! Why am I leaving, no, I will never go!”

she said firmly. If she left, she had to leave there, there was no reason for her to leave.

“Dain-ah, the current situation is not a situation where you can be proud of yourself.”

“I am not proud of myself! I’m just trying to exercise my rights. Oppa, choose right now! Is it me, this year? If I choose this year, I will leave without any regrets…”

It was a fight for self-esteem. For her, her current choice was more important than her life.

[There is a person approaching the door. This is number one.]

Usually the Warrior did not report separately about the people he knew. It was because of Cheol-woo’s request that if he reported all of those things, he would not be able to live because people would be tired.

However, as the situation became more serious, the alert level was automatically increased. The Warrior was also reflecting on the consequences of the small gap on the border.

Beep beep! Terry! shudder!

The lock with the key opened, and Ilho slid his head out. It was an action to first look at the atmosphere inside in case of any contingency.

“Ouch! this···.”

“Come in quickly and lock the door.”

“Yes? Absolutely!”

Ilho, with an envelope in both hands, entered the room with an awkward look. He then looked at Linda with a surprised expression.

“I wonder if Ilho oppa knew it too?”

“Yes? Oh, no, I’ll never know. sure···. Trust me.”

“Noisy! There’s a sniper on the roof of the building across the street. Ilho, you protect the two women here. In the worst case, a guy with a pistol might break in, so prepare in advance…”

It was Ilho who denied Dain with all his might. However, as soon as he heard Chul-woo’s explanation of the situation, he quickly changed his expression and moved calmly.

“Come on, you two, go to the back bedroom. Do not come out unless there is a specific signal.”

“Uh, uh…!”

At times like this, I was very fortunate to have one. Ilho hurriedly pushed the two women into the bedroom and gave Cheolwoo a wink.

Thanks to Ilho, we overcame the biggest obstacle. Now it’s time to catch the real killer.

“It’s Paul. As directed, everyone in the party was taken to the back room.”

“Good work. And the killer caught up this way. But there’s no need to worry about it either. To maintain the state of security in case of emergency… I will contact you after handling this.”

“Yes! Do you ever need more reinforcements?”

“done. After all, you can’t shoot guns here anyway. If there are too many people, it will only get in the way… ah! And how many bodyguards are there in total?”

“There are 11 people including myself. All of them are real bastards made up of only green berets. Huh!”

Paul showed his pride as he spoke on the phone. He didn’t care much for naive people like Navy Seals.

“You seem to be targeting Linda right now, but have there been any recent incidents that could be the reason?”

“no! There wasn’t. Outside of the regular schedule, he was only engaged in charitable activities requested by Mr. Bay. Those gangs have also been very friendly to Mr. Linda.”

The foundation for children in the slums was a task that Cheol-woo asked, so Linda was paying special attention. Even the gangs who ruled her ghetto knew who she was, so they dared not treat her badly.

Rather, he tried to make a good impression on her. Thanks to her, she was able to create play and educational facilities for children very easily in hard-to-reach areas.

“Hmm! If so, it’s most likely because of Pietro. Because he was whining at me on the phone because of the Sicilian Mafia.”

“I think it is very likely. There is a bay behind Mr. Pietro, and Mr. Linda is directly involved, so perhaps…”

“Maybe it was a ploy to get her out or kidnapped and summoned me. Or maybe they are trying to create confusion and make it easier to settle in New York.”

“It’s a very probable scenario.”

Paul readily agreed. If it was the work of the Sicilian Mafia, it was difficult to see that they were moving with detailed information.

If so, it must have been a ploy to create confusion and create a niche for Linda. Because if you hire a killer, you can get the job done without evidence or traces.

“Make sure to send someone to where Pietro is, just in case. Because the killer might have gone there too…”

“It means you may have been double-checked.”

“Yes, there are enough people, so be prepared.”

“Yeah, I’ll take a former sniper and I’ll go there myself.”

“Okay, let’s take care of that. Then I’ll see you after work.”

“good luck. Bay!”

“You too…. Huh!”

After finishing the call, Cheol-woo laughed softly. It was highly likely that Pietro’s whining concerns had become a reality.

Of course, it might not be a big deal if you look at it with a long breath. Aiming at opponents is a common daily routine for gangs and mafia.

However, if you aim for Cheol-Woo and Linda, the story is completely different. There was no answer for this other than the complete annihilation of them.

“Brother, the goods have been delivered. It is now an underground parking lot.”

“Yeah, don’t go right down.”

Cheol-woo, who answered the phone call, looked at the bedroom they had entered. He sighed secretly as he looked at the girls sitting apart with the bed between them.

‘Warrior, tell the first dragon on the island that there might be a sniper. I have nothing to deal with directly, and I tell them to act as usual.’

When the Warrior answered, Cheol-woo began to move. He was going to tell the big guy to keep this place, and to use Ilho as an assistant in killing killers.

“Ilho! You are guarding here, and when you get big…”

While Cheol-woo was giving orders to Il-ho, the two women kept their mouths shut. If the situation outside was bloody, the situation inside was as cold as Siberia.

For Cheol-woo, this bloody situation was rather comfortable. The problem was that there was no more answer after catching the killer.

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