277: Reshoot (2)

“···I see.”

Ilryong bowed deeply and expressed his gratitude. Da-in allowed the work of persuading Cheol-woo, which Il-ho had handed over to him.

“Can I contact you right now?”

“Oh, no! Just give me two days. Until then, we will take care of all issues.”

she asked, holding her phone in her hand. A thin bandage was wrapped around her wrist.

He wasn’t seriously hurt by this. But she couldn’t leave a bruise on her particularly white wrist at a time when she had to travel around Southeast Asia and do her American activities right away.

So, after going through surgery and going to the dermatology department, the result was a bandage wrapped around this gauze. The doctor said it should be left on for two days to promote skin regeneration.

“In two days? He wouldn’t be a good match by any means…”

“That is enough. After that, they contacted me as if nothing happened.”

Ilho rubbed his palms once again. If this happened, he couldn’t be safe either.

Il-ryong and Il-ho brothers were regarded as one body. So, obviously, you will be held jointly responsible.

So, knowing Ilho’s intentions, he took on the task of persuading her. This is because she could only make the problem worse if the silent Ilho had done it.

Seeing his attitude, she smiled. In every aspect of Il-ho’s attitude, it was evident that he had a hard time with Cheol-woo.

In addition, CEO Baek and his brothers all had difficulties with her. It was also because of her past mistakes, but the underlying reason was definitely Cheol Woo.

‘Is your brother that strong?’

To her, Cheol-woo was the closest being in the world. She was also, on the one hand, the most unknown person.

He was strong, he was good at driving, and he knew that he was excellent at work. In addition, the company’s ability to tinker was outstanding.

But at first, he thought he was an ordinary (?) office worker, but one day he suddenly became the owner of the building, the hidden owner of entertainment, and all of a sudden he had people under him who even knew the media president in a funny way.

In addition, he seduced Linda, the world’s richest man…

‘huh! bad guy!’

It was something she couldn’t understand with common sense, but it didn’t matter to her. It only matters if she can trust Cheol-woo.

Nothing was more important to her than that. There was nothing she feared more than losing someone or being betrayed.

And now his faith has not wavered. After hearing about Chul-woo’s attitude that Linda confided…

It didn’t matter who he was. All I needed was her belief that he would care for her and be with her until the day she died.

And there was no doubt about that. She flew around and cheated, but she was sure she would never let go of her hand.

And just in time, he contacted me. There was a time difference of just over an hour, so I didn’t even think that we were so far away.

“Did you buy cookies?”

“Well then…!”

“What is the problem? You, tell me the truth!”

“Well, that’s true…”

Even if I lied, I would be so pissed off. How can you not believe this?

Tiling! Huh!

After finishing the call in a cold sweat, Cheol-woo let out a long sigh. It was still difficult for him to deal with Dain, who noticed like a ghost even if he was a little careless.

“shit! Do I even have to act like this because of you?”

“Sorry! Who knew that?”

Director Yang apologized with a sullen look. I didn’t know that eating just a few cookies would be such a sin to death.

“I still have one bottle left…”

“Then, I bought six bottles, but would you say thank you for leaving only one?”

“No, I just thought I’d buy it again…”

“You know how long the lines are waiting there. Besides, I take two days off a week. Crucially, you never know when the door will open in this country!”

Cheol-woo was rarely angry. When I returned to the hotel with Mingyu and the bag of money, Director Yang had forgotten to eat the packaged cookies.

Fear of going outside, he opened a box of visible cookies to appease his bored mouth. The sweetness goes well with the strong Hong Kong-style coffee, and as I continued to eat it, I emptied five bottles.

At first, I thought I would just buy a new one. But things didn’t turn out the way he had hoped.

One of the Hong Kong police officers cracking down on protesters has been killed. And the number of minor injuries exceeded 10.

Hong Kong police used this as an excuse to show that they could no longer see it as a peaceful protest. The ensuing protests were nothing more than a declaration of war that they would crack down even harder.

Hong Kong citizens protested against this and took the position to hold a large-scale demonstration on the weekend. Due to protests in central Hong Kong, nearby stores have all tried to lock their doors for long periods of time.

“Oh I don’t know! The director knows how to buy it.”

“Hey! There will be uproar everywhere in the next few days, but where do I go? Can’t we just hit it with money?”

“It’s a problem because it can’t be done. tt! That’s why I haven’t been able to get married yet.”

“hey! Why is that talk here? Is it okay to scold my boss like this for eating one cookie?”

“Even if your mouth is crooked, you have to speak straight. Where do you do it, five bottles. How many are there?”

Director Yang was very upset, but there was nothing more to say. Anyway, it was he who ate the whole cookie.

If you want to buy cookies, you probably have only one chance today. But he wasn’t confident enough to jump into this mess again.

In the end, both directors decided to induce as much sympathy as possible. He looked at Cheol-woo with pathetic eyes and said in a voice as moist as possible.

“So you said sorry. Can’t I compensate you with something else later?”

“Don’t shoot those eyes. ‘Cause I almost fell out of my fist Damn, what more can I ask of you? Aww!”

He said with an even more angry face. Then he picked up his phone and looked through the list of calls.

“Even if your child speaks, be sure to…! Anyway, what are you going to do with that yangban?”

Director Yang secretly shifted the topic of conversation. Mingyu, who came in last night with Cheol-woo, hurriedly ordered a meal through room service, ate it, and then stretched out in the back room.

“I do not know. I didn’t even think about it until then…”

“Is there anything the president has instructed you to do?”

“I just told them to crack down on them so that no more accidents would happen.”

“Hey, maybe that’s why he asked me to get rid of that yangban…”

“Is that so?”

Cheol-woo said it was nothing, but Director Yang’s expression hardened in an instant. Even though he was a salaried worker who lived according to his orders, he could not take care of people’s lives for them.


Cheol-woo put his finger to the corner of his mouth as he read Yang’s thoughts that were evident on his face. And then, after a while, the device answered the call.

“I need to run one more errand before I come here.”

“Doesn’t anyone speak English well?”

“Yes? I can speak English too.”

“···Whew! Is there anyone who can speak English?”

“I’m fine…”

Cheol-woo’s blood pressure rose sharply. All around here was a minefield.

Then the door opened and Mingyu walked out. The arrogance of the past could not be found in his skinny and aged appearance.

“It’s fine. Look at this child and tell me what I am saying.”

Fortunately, there was someone who could translate. From now on, I decided to only communicate with the device through the Warrior.

So, Janggien was given a very important task to buy ■Cookies. And he had to stop at one more place to carry the goods.

“Honey, something is wrong!”

“What are you making a fuss about in the morning?”

The CEO of the ○○ newspaper asked, who was getting ready to go to work. After his son’s return to the entertainment industry, his son-in-law’s wife, contemplating, held the tablet at him.

“Hey, look at this!”

“What kind of article was it that caused a commotion in the morning… what, what! This···?”

He was speechless for a while. The New York Times reported that the drunk driving accident that nearly caused his son to be expelled from the entertainment industry was actually caused by a hallucinogen.

Had it been for another media outlet, I would have been warned in advance. But this damn American company didn’t cooperate at all when it came out with an online Korean version.

“Where are you, kid?”

“I don’t know. He didn’t even come home last night.”

“Get him right now! When this starts spreading in the media, his life is over, over!”

“You said you were sure to bury the case, didn’t you?”

“shit! I don’t know if it’s a domestic media company, but they tell me what to do with foreign things. Anyway, get this bastard right now! For the time being, we have to crack down on not even stepping out of the house. Oh, now!”

he said with a serious expression. It was a mistake to force a guy who couldn’t even win over his wife’s back into the entertainment industry.

And if this problem escalates, it will inflict huge losses on his career. This was the same situation as the guy who was appointed as a sniper was shot by his opponent on the contrary.

So, somehow, we had to rectify this situation quickly. If your opponent is using his favorite method, this article won’t be enough. never···.

“Children, by now, you’re probably going to blame the shit. Huh!”

“Are you just saying this?”

President Baek was grinning in his office. Il-ryong, who was sitting on the sofa in front of the desk drinking coffee, looked at him and tilted his head.

“Are you familiar with this floor? ‘Chuck’ means ‘chuck’, and you’ll probably guess what’s going to happen next.”

“What’s going on next?”

“When the media raises a case, there is an order. ‘The returning senior did harm to a successful junior!’ That’s not enough to get people’s attention.”

“It is! Because there are so many incidents in the entertainment industry.”

“right! But this guy was actually a drug addict. But what’s even more surprising is that this guy, Abbie, is the president of a media company and overpowered the case with simple drunk driving. Then this becomes a power-type corruption problem. Huh!”

“Wow! Awesome hair! My brother had a head like that…”

Ilryong did not drink coffee, but clapped his hands in admiration. She had been with him for a long time, but she didn’t know how to devise such a clever ploy.

“Well, actually, this was the advice of Team Leader Huh.”

“Well then! There’s no way your brother has such fine hair.”

“bastard! So what are you doing here when you’re not working?”

“Ilho decided to keep working for a week. I knelt down to Mr. Dain, and in return for empty… Whoops!”

“…so what does Dain say?”

“You said you would wait until I asked you to. But is this really going to be resolved so quickly? The other party seems to be the one who uses the power here too…”

“I have to let it go, what can I do? Still, the government and business circles are working together to push it, so can’t they destroy a small media company?”

“What kind of political and business circles work together in such a thing?”

“It’s not about the size of the case. The location of the victim is the problem. You wouldn’t even know in your dreams who they were touching. Anyway, we have to show our strength once in a while. Don’t let anyone fool you again…”

“Anyway, I will only trust my boss. Whoops!”

Il-ryong crossed one leg and drank coffee as if slurping. As if to show off the leisure of a person who has completed a difficult mission…

“…But how much do you pay a month?”

“Foot! I’m busy, so I’ll just go! Clap cack!”

Il-ryong jumped to his feet at President Baek’s question. The monthly rent issue was their own secret.

“Hey man! how much do you pay? Why can’t you speak!”

The Il-ryong, who was enjoying himself to the fullest, ran out of Burinake’s office. The more he did, the more his suspicions grew.

Brother Il-ryong, who successfully completed some of Chul-woo’s missions, apparently received a monthly rent reduction. And, unfortunately (?), he didn’t benefit from it at all.

Now, I was able to live a pretty decent life just with the boss’s salary. However, the 200 monthly rent made his bones ache.

Had it been normal, I would have moved to another place right away. However, as Chul-woo said, he was now in a situation where he was forced to receive the punishment of the past.

So I couldn’t even make a sound and I was paying two hundred a month.

“shit! If I did well this time, I’d be happy if I didn’t swear or eat it. Hey, it’s like this filthy bastard…”

Most of all, I hated being discriminated against with the Il-ryong brothers. They paid only half of the reduced monthly rent to live together.

“Eww! I should go see a building or something to change my mind.”

He slowly got up from his seat. Except for Dain, there were no problems with the company.

So I was thinking of going out to find a new hobby, a building worth investing in. After the last purchase of the building, it was CEO Baek who developed a bit of a hobby.

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