Suddenly Invincible

Chapter 118: Is this the fight of the cultivator?

   Holy City.

   After a year, it once again ushered in a great sensation.

   Four swaggering figures appeared in the holy city. They were extremely arrogant and crossed the sky directly, as if it was shameful not to let people know that they appeared.

   The entire God City was in turmoil, Dao Tianjun appeared, and the thirteen forces and the cultivators who were obsessed with offering rewards were all ready to move.

   "Hahahaha, I'm traveling with Duan Dedao, those old friends don't want to show up soon!"

   Duan De made no secret of his arrival, and shouted.

   This is different from Duan De, who was afraid that his reputation would spread before and be hunted down. This is why there is such a situation.

   Because, Li Qiye is here, he doesn't panic.

   Duan De, he knew the horror of Li Qiye. That mysterious power could easily kill a few holy grounds. Before Dao Tianjun said that he wanted to announce his identity, he didn't agree with knowing that Dao Tianjun would not necessarily help him deal with it.

   This situation is different now.

   As long as those who shot at him don't know whether they are involved in Li Qiye, it will be fun.

   "The fox is pretending to be a tiger, Wang." The Black Emperor squinted with contempt.

   "Who said that my fox is pretending to be a tiger?" Duan De didn't know what Heihuang meant. "Tian Jun told me before, and I disagree, but now I think about it, I have to be magnanimous."

   Duan Deli is not straightforward but strong.

   "Then you have a kind of don't get so close."

   The Black Emperor despises.

   At this moment, Duan De is inseparable from Li Qiye, which is obviously different from what he said.

   Hearing this sentence, Duan De's eyes widened, "Say me, what about you."

   Duan Dezai is also speechless.

   The Black Emperor said about him, but the Black Emperor is also close to Li Qiye at the moment, obviously thinking the same as Duan De.

   "These two live treasures, I really despise you." Dao Tianjun secretly said with a headache.

   Soon, Dao Tianjun stood over.


   Suddenly intervening in Dao Tianjun, Duan De and the Black Emperor said in unison.

   "Give me a concession, I have to rely on it." Dao Tianjun's voice was calm, even awe-inspiring.

  In an instant, Duan De and the Black Emperor screamed.

   They have always felt Dao Tianjun's contemptuous gaze projected from him.

   At this moment, the three of them are constantly hustling and walking towards the center of the holy city, leaving many people speechless.

   Li Qiye was a little dazed.

   Why are the three of them so enthusiastic, are all the cultivators so enthusiastic?

   just when the four people appeared openly.

   There are countless gazes coming from the holy city, each gaze is different, and the breath becomes depressed.

   In a daze, someone's complexion changed drastically and thought of something.

   Some cultivators were leaving one after another. Soon, an area in the holy city became empty, and the people on the streets that had been busy with it were hollowing out.

   and the people in the building disappeared.

   Everything becomes weird.

   As for Dao Tianjun, the four of them have already noticed.

   "Here." Dao Tianjun and the four fell from the sky and stood on top of an ancient pavilion.

   "Huh? Everyone left."

   Li Qiye watched people gradually disappear, and finally became invisible to everyone. Even if he was ignorant, he knew something was about to happen.

   "No, someone is in the sky." Li Qiye suddenly looked up at the sky, and scanned other locations.

   Hear the words.

   Dao Tianjun and the three people looked in the direction that Li Qiye could see.

   There is no figure.


  In an instant, there were multiple killings, extremely powerful.

   There is boundless murderous intent, Shen Xi is shining, and the sword-inspired murderous intent is boundless, the world becomes heavy, as if the blue sky is sinking.

   The sound of fragmentation rang through the sky and underground, and the void shattered. The surrounding buildings blinked and turned into dust and fluorescent spots. The area was so bright that it was falling like a big day.


   Some old guys have also shot, and the cultivation base is terrifying.

   is the mighty one!

   There are many powerful people with cold expressions, their swords are out of Changhong, and their breath pierces the sun, as if they can split everything in half.

   There are also many half-step great abilities.

  Such a sight is simply appalling. Anyone who peeped here in the holy city would have a palpitating heart.

   in an instant.

   Dao Tianjun and the three people all know that this is their enemy.

   Killing intent locked them down.

   However, facing all this, Dao Tianjun and others were unmoved.

   They stood peacefully between the sky and the earth, the ancient pavilion under their feet had long been crushed, and their expressions were calm and even a little bit of smile, and a little bit of excitement.

   did not wait for everyone to doubt.

   An unparalleled breath of horror broke out!

   As if an immortal was about to be born, a more brilliant light soared into the sky, concealing Killing Shenxi, and the universe became bright.


   The heavens and the earth are roaring, as if the whole world is going upside down, and the unimaginable pressure is swept away.

   Holy city, without exception, this power is felt in every inch of the earth.

   Many people are trembling, shivering.

   This kind of power, this kind of power makes them feel like the immortal descends from the earth and the world is destroyed.


   The guardian array of the holy city is operating autonomously, this is an array that only operates when it receives a huge impact.

   It has never been shown for millions of years.

   Now in this world, a powerful force has appeared in the holy city, making it run and resisting all of this.

   "What kind of power is this."

"No way!"

   The monks in the holy city were all horrified, looking at the world where Dao Tianjun and the others were in aghast.


   The rules are chaotic, and the space is constantly shattering, as if the same supreme being is about to break through this world.


   The mighty person is screaming, and the mighty person is bleeding in half a step.

   They are as fragile as flowers, constantly withering, their bodies exploded, and the white bones are crystal clear, and then directly gasified into beautiful light and rain.

   The surface is cracked.

   The holy city trembled, and everything in this area disappeared.

   Everyone is shocked.

   Dozens of assailants, such as the Mighty One, Half-Step Mighty, and Dragon Transformation Cultivator, died.

   Without exception, all disappeared in that piece of heaven and earth.

   There are four Dao Tianjun in that area, and at the same time, there is an abyss that is bottomless, and the scene is terrifying.

"It's him!"

   Someone noticed the key, and looked at Li Qiye in fear. UU reading www.

   The young man who seemed to be too ordinary, suddenly broke out, obliterating many powerful people.

   That is a mighty one.

   unexpectedly accompanied like an ant, heading for extinction. The whole journey took less than a few seconds. Every time I thought of that scene, my heart trembled and my soul trembled.


   Dao Tianjun and several people are slobbering along.

   Duan De's eyes widened, and there was a lingering fear in his heart. All this was stronger than he expected.

   "If you are in the outside world and you don't have the feeling of the holy city formation, this land will be penetrated for thousands of miles." The Black Emperor also felt dumbfounded.

   Its eyes looked at Li Qiye.

   This seems to be overkill for killing a powerful person, so a saint with such power should be able to kill too.

   Holy City.

   has been standing in the East for countless years and has experienced many generations of hard work.

   It experienced the arrival of many ancient emperors, and they were contaminated with imperial aura.

   Then even the Great Sage may not be able to destroy the city, but now it has been penetrated by a hole, and the abyss has bottomed out. It is estimated that it will take a long time to fill in.

   this moment.

   The monks in the entire holy city are crazy. They can be recorded in history today. They are destined to be celebrities forever. Since the construction of the holy city, they have suffered one of the few severe damages, like a piece of pie with a corner gnawed away.

"what happened."

   As the principal, Li Qiye was a little at a loss, even slightly surprised.

   "It's amazing, is this the battle of the cultivator."

   He stared at the bottomless abyss under his feet and exclaimed.

   However, after hearing his words, Duan De and the Black Emperor were speechless. Dao Tianjun also twitched at the corner of his eyes, brother, you did it, don’t you know...


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