Chapter 55: To the hotel, of course!.

Nine o’clock in the morning.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka finished washing and changed clothes in the room.

Putting on her long sleeves, she pulled her long shiny black hair out of her back. Wearing a pleated skirt, she sat on the bed and pinched the stockings over her legs.

When released, the stockings snapped at the thighs. After glancing at her appearance in the mirror, she opened the door.

Outside the door, Machida Kenko leaned against the wall, looking drowsy.

“Miss Machida didn’t sleep well last night?”

Shiha Kasumigaoka pushed her shoulder. Machida Enko was like falling from a cloud, and her whole body was a stirring spirit.

Coming back to her senses, she rubbed her eyes and said without much spirit: “I thought about something late yesterday.” ”

“It’s really hard.”

“Who do you think it’s for?”

“Yes, thank you, Miss Machida.”

“Just know.”

Machida Enko nodded and glanced at her all over her body: “Kasumi Shiko-sensei doesn’t need makeup?” ”

“Need makeup?”

Shiwa Kasumigaoka asked strangely.


Machida Enko stared at her face for a while: “Kasumi Shiko-sensei is a very beautiful girl, judging from her skin appearance and figure, she can’t fault her in all aspects. ”

Retracting her gaze, she said solemnly: “But you can’t let down your guard because you’re young, and you should also pay attention to maintenance when you are young, so that you won’t age too quickly in the future.” ”

Female high school students have no idea what they will look like when they are old, but they also have a mental eye in their hearts. The two walked to Kitami Zegawa and knocked on the door.

There was no movement for a minute. Knocked again. Still no movement.

“Do you want to go to the front desk and find a key?”

Machida suggested.

“It’s illegal to break into someone’s room casually!”

Shiwa Kasumigaoka disagreed with this absurd proposal: “Besides, what name do we have to go to the front desk to get the key?” ”

“Isn’t this with you?”

Machida Enko blinked.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka only felt that Machida Yuanko’s smile was very hateful, as if he had seen it through. Glaring at her with a red face, she left on her own with her bag.

Machida Enko caught up and asked regretfully, “Really don’t wake up Kitami-sensei?” ”

“Just let Kitami-san sleep more, anyway, wake him up and have nothing to do, just stand there with us.”

“I didn’t expect that Teacher Kasumi Shiko was really considerate, and I originally wanted to use his appearance to attract a few girls to buy books.”


Walking out of the hotel, both of them subconsciously covered their eyes with their hands. The weather has changed today.

While in the room, they found that the sun was out today.

But strangely, last night Shiwa Kasumigaoka checked the weather forecast when she slept. The software shows that both days will be rainy.

Did the Meteorological Bureau forecast go wrong?

I can’t figure it out, but such bright, warm, hopeful weather does make people feel a lot more relaxed. Even if today’s signing meeting is still the same as yesterday, I guess the mood will not be as bad as yesterday. When I walked to the bookstore, it had been open for two hours.

It’s ten o’clock in the morning, and with the addition that today is Sunday, the bookstore has noticeably more traffic. The place where Shiwa Kasumigaoka held the signing party was in the corner on the left side of the shelf.

There is a wide aisle, so even if someone buys a book to sign it, it won’t disturb other customers who buy the book. Shiwa Kasumigaoka poured herself a glass of water with a thermos cup, put her hands on the table and sat down, and began to accept today’s torture. Machida stood aside, looking at the customers in the bookstore.

Twenty minutes later, a customer arrived.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka and Machida Sonoko raised the spirit at the same time.

“Hello, you are Kasumi Shiko-sensei, right?”


“Please sign for me.”

“Okay, thanks for the support.”

“I will continue to support, please continue to create excellent works!”

The first fan left, and Shiwa Kasumigaoka and Machida Enko looked at each other, both feeling a little incredible. Someone coming so soon?

Yesterday’s first fan waited two hours to come! A few minutes later, new fans appeared.

“Teacher Kasumi Shiko, please help me sign!”

“The second volume is so wonderful, I watched it all night last night, and now my mind is full of heroine figures.”

“Please come on, teacher!”

When the second fan left, Shiwa Kasumigaoka sensed something was wrong. It seems like…… Too fast?

Could it be that sunny days really produce such a change?

Machida Enko also felt strange, but more happy.

Because she saw the new customers all starting to walk towards the shelves with love metronome.

“Teacher, please help me sign!”

“The second volume has really become very powerful, and the teacher has changed very well!”

“When will the third volume be released?”

“I will support it well, please come on!”

There are more people, and more are visible to the naked eye.

After the second fan left, the flow of people began to increase at a rate that Machida Enko could not have imagined. Gradually, a long line formed in front of the table.

Machida Enko, who was standing on the side, also became busy.

She walked to the back and began to remind the team: “Please keep fans in order and don’t cut the queue, today Teacher Kasumi Shiko will be here all day!” ”

“Photography is not allowed here, please put away your phone!”

“Don’t worry, there is still a lot of stock in the second volume, everyone can buy it.”


A… A book… A book…

Shiwa Kasumigaoka was at a loss from the beginning, and the rhythm of signing gradually became proficient. The dialogue has also changed from the beginning to becoming routine.

I don’t know how many copies she signed or how many thank you she said, until Machida said “sold out” before she put down her pen.

Shiha Kasumigaoka exhaled and collapsed into his chair, his dark red eyes full of exhaustion.

“Sold out! Shiko Kasumi! ”

Machida Kenko shook her shoulders excitedly.

“Really sold out?”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka rubbed her sore wrist, unable to believe it.

“Of course.”

Machida nodded heavily.

The shopkeeper who came over smiled and said, “Teacher Kasumi Shizi, counting the 63 copies sold yesterday, plus today’s 3,937 copies, all 4,000 copies are sold.” ”

Kasumigaoka Shiwa was stunned.

4,000 copies were sold in two days, something she had only come true in a dream she had a few days earlier.

“Not only that, but the 1,300 copies of the first volume in stock today are all sold out today.”

“The first volume is so bad that it can sell so much?”

“Why don’t you understand, you’re still a light novelist!”

Machida Enko gave her a reproachful look: “New rolls can drive sales of old rolls!” ”

“Needless to say, new readers will willingly pay for this whether it is for viewing or signing collections!”

I don’t understand, I don’t understand at all.

She is just a new writer who has been in the light novel industry for less than half a year…

I usually spend most of my time thinking about the plot and codewords, and I don’t have time to watch these things.

“By the way, I have to ask about the situation of other bookstores to see if it is only sold out here!”

With excitement, Machida began to contact the owners of other bookstores.

Shiyu Kasumigaoka picked up the water cup on the table and took a sip. That charming and touching face is still in a state of stunned.

What happened was so magical that she felt a little unreal.

After a while, when Machida Enko returned, everyone could feel the joy on her face.

“The love metronome is really on fire!”

“Teacher Kasumi Shizi, do you know that this has happened not only in this bookstore, but also in other bookstores!”

“Of course, other bookstores will have worse data because they don’t have Kasumi Shizi’s signature, but according to this trend, the second volume will be sold out in five days!”

Taking into account the results of the first volume, according to the opinion of the editorial office, the first edition of the second volume was printed in 30,000 copies, and the subsequent reprint was decided according to the results.

It was she who worked hard to raise the number of first editions to 50,000. Now it seems that 50,000 copies is still less.

“Miss Machida, this book is very popular, and I must consider republishing it as soon as possible.”

The shopkeeper reminded from the sidelines.

“I will put this matter on the agenda as soon as possible, please rest assured.”

After seeing off the owner, Machida Enko was full of joy and was ready to celebrate later.

When I turned back, I saw Kasumi Shiko holding the cup in both hands, and her expression looked unhappy.

“Why do you look silly, and you’re still not happy when you sell out?”

“I’m not unhappy.”

Kasumi Zhiqiu Shiyu put down the water cup and shook his head: “Obviously, yesterday it was less than a hundred sales, and today it can all be sold…”

“Doesn’t Miss Machida think it’s strange?”

Machida Enko thought about it and found a reason why she didn’t believe it: “Maybe yesterday was a rainy day?” ”

“Even if the sun appears, there can be no such miracle!”

Kasumi Shiko’s beautiful face was resolute.

“Indeed, no matter what the situation, such a miracle is difficult to happen, and something must have happened that I do not know: The thought emanated, and an idea gradually emerged in Machida Enko’s mind 2.6. ”

As an editor, you naturally know what it takes for a book to sell as quickly as possible.

She took out her phone and opened the software, and then showed a “sure enough” expression.

“Probably the reason is clear, there is a big blogger who published the content of books related to you.”

Shiwa Kasumigaoka took her phone and saw photos and captions of her books on the screen.


The ID of the tweet felt familiar to her. The reason is that there is a Kitami Zegawa by her side.

“Do you think it’s him?”

Machida Enko smiled.

“I don’t know…”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s beautiful little face showed hesitation: “But I think it should be him.” ”

There are many people with the surname Kitami, but after posting this tweet last night, it is difficult not to suspect that the person with the ID “Kitami-sensei” is Kitami Sawagawa.

“It’s indeed Kitami-kun.”

Machida Enko is no longer hiding, and she has followed this account herself.

“Kitami-kun introduced your book on his Twitter account, and then”

“Let’s go!”

Shiha Kasumigaoka suddenly stood up.

“Going to dinner?”

“What is Miss Machida thinking? To the hotel, of course! ”

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