Karasuma Gaki turned his head and looked at Yukimura, "Okay," and took Kudo Shinichi to a lounge chair and sat down.

A group of people including Niou and Bunta came over, "Um... can I talk to Karasuma brother and Yukimura brother alone?" Kudo Shinichi looked up and said to the group of people with an innocent and cute face.

"Go back to training." Yukimura said, and the crowd dispersed, and went back to training and practice.

"Who are you? What do you want to do by pretending to be my brother? All our family property is mine." Karasuma Gaki squinted at him.

"Karama brother, Yukimura brother, do you remember what happened in Dorobiga Park last Sunday?" Kudo Shinichi tried.

"Remember, what's the matter?" Karasuma Gaki looked at him suspiciously, "How did you know we went to Dorobiga Park last Sunday?"

Damn! Do you really not remember me? It was obviously the two of them who took me to the hospital for bandaging and sent me home!

The nurse didn't remember me, the police officer didn't remember me, and they didn't remember me either. What's going on? This world?

"I'm actually Kudo Shinichi." Kudo Shinichi was a little depressed.

Karasuma Gaki and Yukimura looked at each other, disbelief written all over their faces, "I will beat the child."

Yukimura glared at Karasuma Gaki helplessly, "Don't threaten the child."

"I really am" Kudo Shinichi told them all the details of the projects he and the two of them played together at Dorobiga Park that day, including when they were riding the roller coaster, they and Xiaolan were in the same car, and he sat alone in the back car, but a case happened, "I separated from you later, and I later found a suspicious man on the road and followed..." He told his experience again.

Yukimura frowned slightly, looking puzzled. Karasuma Gaki was confused, "But we left the park after dinner, and didn't meet you or Kudo brother."

"And you have no evidence to prove that you are Kudo Shinichi. What kind of poison can turn a person into a six or seven-year-old? Isn't that a direct rejuvenation?" Karasuma Gaki firmly maintained an attitude of disbelief, "I'll call Xiaolan sister to ask what's going on with Kudo brother. If I know you dare to play tricks on me, I will beat the child."

Karaasuma Gaki quickly took out his mobile phone to make a call, and Kudo Shinichi was shocked! He rushed over and tried to grab the phone, "Don't tell her!"

Urasawa Gaki raised his hand, and the dwarf couldn't reach it. He raised his eyebrows and answered the phone, "Hello? Xiaoyuan, what's the matter?"

Urasawa Gaki put the phone close to his ear, "Sister Xiaolan, what is Kudo brother doing recently? Is he still solving the case?"

"Hey, come to think of it, Shinichi has been much more obedient recently, and he goes to school honestly." Xiaolan put her left index finger on her chin and looked up to recall.


"Do you want to find him for something?"

"Nothing, I'll just ask, I'm hanging up." After hanging up the phone, she looked down at the child.

"Kudo Shinichi is attending class honestly, what on earth are you doing, little brat?"

Kudo Shinichi was helpless, he told them about his wandering experience this week, with his shoulders slumped and his head down, "You kid are not from another world, are you?"

Yukimura didn't know what Karasuma Gaki's purpose was, nor did he know if the kid was really Kudo Shinichi, he was a little confused about the plot.

"Aichi, you go back to training first, I'll talk to this kid," Karasuma Gaki turned to Yukimura and Yukimura nodded.

"What other world?" Kudo Shinichi felt like his brain was stuck, "You are not from this world, you traveled through time." Karasuma Gaki started to talk nonsense, today is also a day as a director~

"How is it possible!?" This is not scientific!

"How is it impossible? You said you took poison and turned from 17 to 7 years old, is this scientific?" Ke Xue.

"There are so many unsolved mysteries in the world that cannot be explained by science." Karasuma Gaki pointed in the direction of Niou, "Does tennis have phantoms in your world?"

Kudo Shinichi turned his head and looked in that direction, only to see two identical and serious junior high school students wearing hats practicing, "? Twins"

"No. Niou!" Karasuma Gaki shouted, and Niou hit back a ball from Sanada, removing the phantom, "What?"

"!!!" How could this guy turn into another person? He remembered this person with the same white...silver-blue long braids, who was just around him.

"It's okay, you continue." Karasuma Gaki waved his hand to indicate that it was okay, "Do you have it in your world?" He stretched out his hand and turned Kudo's head and asked.

"I've never seen it..." This is unscientific!

"Can your tennis ball damage the ground?" Karasuma Gaki stood up, picked up the racket standing next to him, smashed a ball, and smashed it into the open space, "Bang——" A loud noise came from the ground in the distance, spreading dust, and the dust dispersed, a big pit appeared.

"Agaki!!!" Liu's angry voice came from a distance. Although the Rikkai Demolition Team often destroys the venue during practice, no one like Agaki suddenly hits a ball to deliberately destroy it! It is very hard for him to manage the funds!

"Haha, I will pay for the repairs! Don't be angry Liu!" Karasuma Gaki touched his head and laughed.

Kudo Shinichi ate a pound of dust with his big mouth.

This is really a different world...

What should he do...

"Do you know how to go back?" Kudo Shinichi asked Karasuma Gaki after he came to his senses.

"How do I know? I read comics and novels. Some novels say that you can go back after death." Karasuma Gaki put away the racket and sat back in his seat. Suddenly, he felt dizzy and frowned.

"No, this statement must be false." Kudo Shinichi denied the statement that you can go back after death. He was thinking about where he should go.

"A child like you who has no identity and no parents wandering around outside will be sent to an orphanage, right?"

Kudo Shinichi did not answer. The history of this world and his experience are exactly the same. The turning point is when he tracks down the suspicious man.

He successfully tracks him but is attacked and becomes smaller. The Kudo in this world loses him and continues his previous life.

Are he and the Kudo in this world actually the same person? If it is the same person in a parallel world, he knows his parents. If there is an extra child, they will only be happy and curious, but he himself should not feel happy.

"If what you said is true, then you and Kudo brother are the same person." I have to find a chance to get a tube of blood. "I'll help you do an identification with him." Karasuma Yuan took out a needle from his tennis bag, pulled out the needle cover, and quickly and accurately stabbed his little arms and legs, drew a tube of blood, and hey, Rong Mama has taken over.

Kudo Shinichi was stabbed before he could react! "You! Is this clean? Have you disinfected it? Did you take it out of your tennis bag?"

"It's clean, don't worry, I'll do a paternity test for you. If you two are the same person, you can go to your parents and act cute." Karasuma Yuan put away the needle and gave him sincere advice.

"Hair can also be used for identification! It doesn't have to be blood! Yours won't be dirty and infected, right?" Kudo Shinichi was worried to death.

"Don't be afraid, you are from another world, the chosen one, you won't die!" Karasuma Yuan pulled out a few more of his hair.

Kudo Shinichi rolled his eyes, Karasuma Yuan put away his things, waved his hand at him and sent him away, "You go back first! I'll tell you if there's any news"

"Why do you want me to do a test with him?"

"Mountain people have their own tricks"

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