Chapter 3 Excited Akainu, Magma + Sparkling Horror!

Armament Haki is extremely powerful on both offense and defense, and can greatly improve defense and attack power!

Observation Haki can even predict the enemy’s movements in advance, capturing the speed of sound and even the speed of light.

Even Observation Haki can predict the future.

Physical strength is also an extremely critical ability.

If Kong has the ability of one body, without physical strength, he will not be able to exert his powerful strength.

Admiral level battles.

Movement is for several days.

Physical stamina matters!

What surprised Evan even more was that.

Appeared: Lava-Lava Fruit Ability Fragments!

This is Oda’s claim to be the most powerful attack to get the Logia ability.

Has the explosive power of a volcano.

High temperature of magma.

Elemental body.

One word: strong!

If it weren’t for the office, the top Marines would be there.

Evan really wanted to scream twice in excitement.


can not!

Efforts to suppress the excitement in my heart.

[Detecting the skills that the Host does not have, automatically consumes the energy of fragments and converts them into skills. 】

I silently checked my panel in my heart.

【Host: Evan】

[Strength: Intermediate (6412/100,000)][Agility: Intermediate (202/100,000)][Physical Strength: Advanced (4524/300,000)]

【Armament Haki: Master Level (121/100,000)】

【Observation Haki: Master Level (45201/100,000)】

【Lava-Lava Fruit: Beginner Level (2.45/10,000)】

【Comprehensive Strength: Marine Rear Admiral】

He sighed in his heart: “The harvest is full, as expected of Marine Admiral Akainu.”

“Being able to bring me such a generous reward.”

“Go directly from the level of Marine Major to Marine Rear Admiral!”

“It has crossed an entire realm!”


The strength has been increased several times with ease!

Evan was very surprised.

Through the system to give others the ability of the second Devil Fruit, you can obtain the ability of others.

It can increase his strength extremely quickly.

Stand above this sea and become a peak powerhouse.

in the room.

Sengoku’s eyebrows were full of joy, and there was anticipation in his eyes.

He urged Akainu: “Sakazuki, hurry up and try to use Sparkling fruit’s ability!”

Garp buttoned his nostrils, his eyes sparkling and excited, “Let everyone see how Evan’s ability to awaken you is?”

throughout the office.

All eyes were on Marine Admiral Akainu.


Akainu’s heart surged, and he responded: “Everyone, make a little space.”

Others also stepped back.

Stand by the desk.


Akainu’s tall and straight body instantly turned into golden photons.

Suddenly disappeared in place.

Then the golden photons converged into the shape of Akainu near the office door.

Everything happens in an instant.


It’s almost here Ultimate!

Movement at the speed of light is like teleportation!

Akainu rises.

It turns into a dazzling light that is refracted in the room.

It keeps appearing in various places in the room.

The speed is no worse than that of Admiral Kizaru!

Seeing all the Marine executives stunned.


“too fast!”

“No one can match this speed except Polusalino!”

“Seeing Akainu so happy, I’m so envious.”


There were exclamations in the office.

The golden light illuminated everyone’s faces, and the eyes of the eyes were golden.

Shine bright!

Kizaru had a look of shock and shock on his face, “This is really incredible… Originally Akainu’s movement was a disadvantage, but now there is no shortcoming at all.”

“It’s scary, I’m afraid Whitebeard may not be Sakazuki’s opponent.”

Speed ​​is power!

He knows this very well.

Plus Lava-Lava Fruit…  

Heart shaking.

Sengoku nodded with a look of approval, and sighed: “Sakazuki’s strength has not been improved by Sparkling fruit.”

“But it’s all thanks to Evan, because we didn’t believe it before.”

“I didn’t expect such a bizarre thing to really happen.”

Aokiji also smiled rarely, “Then I’m looking forward to what kind of power Evan can help the rest of us gain.”


Sengoku, Kizaru, Aokiji, Tsuru Vice Admiral’s eyes burst out.

Only Garp had a frustrated face and shouted dissatisfiedly: “It’s a pity that the old man is incompetent, otherwise I will definitely let Evan give me a try!”

“Two abilities, just thinking about it makes me fascinated!”

I also began to struggle and tangle in my heart. Do you want to find a Devil Fruit to eat?

Awaken Evan’s second Devil Fruit ability?

Akainu is still excited.

Go to the office window, “Try the laser light…”

Raise your finger.

The blazing golden light gathered between the fingers.

Suddenly burst out.

The long laser dragged a golden trail across the sky.

Straight into the sea.

boom! ! !

Golden light burst.

The sea splashed ten feet high!

The turbulent waves dashed away in all directions.

Together with more than a dozen huge Marine warships docked in Crescent Bay, they all swayed.

on the port.

“This golden light…is it Marine Admiral Kizaru?!?!”

“Kizaru Admiral… What is this for?! What if the shot goes wrong and the warship is destroyed?!”

“Admiral is still strong…with a single blow capable of doing so much damage.”

“If the laser falls on a person, it is estimated that a big hole will be blasted out in an instant!”


The soldiers on the Crescent Bay and the warship were petrified one by one.

The waves are endless.

in the office.

Sengoku’s face was full of smiles, “This time Sakazuki has no weaknesses at both ends, and his speed has become an advantage.”


He walked over to Evan and patted Evan on the shoulder.

Without hesitation, he praised with a smile: “Evan, what a blessing for Marine!”

“With your magical ability, you can definitely apply for the position of Admiral!”

Evan is also happy in his heart.

It’s easy to do things with Admiral status and get benefits!

Smiley responded to Sengoku, “Thank you Marshal Sengoku, also Sakazuki Admiral mighty.”

“In order to awaken such a powerful ability, other people can’t do it.”

Although Marine Admiral Sakazuki is dubbed “Red Dog”, he admires Akainu’s military style!

In the room, Akainu also heard Evan’s words.

A slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, “Evan, if you have any problems in the future, just come to me!”

next second.

Become a golden man.

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Appears behind Marine Admiral Kizaru.

The golden light on the feet is dazzling.

Kick out.

All in one go!

It turned out to be an attack on Marine Admiral Kizaru! *

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