Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 101: Supreme

Kerry Empire, the Dark Star battleship.

The cosmic hunter who returned to the Dark Star battleship from the planet Morag was reporting on his previous actions.

"Master, that person is a thief, an outlaw who claims to be a star nobleman, but we have now made an agreement with a backbone man called a broker to get back the universe spirit ball." The universe hunter reported. Quietly looking at Ronan, who was doing it in front of him, this radical wing of the Cree tribe of the Cree empire, and one of the highest accusers of the Cree empire.

"I promised Thanos to help him get back the universe spirit ball, so that he can help me destroy Shandal." Ronan stood up holding the scepter, looked at the person standing on the right and said, "Nebula, help me go to the mountains. Dahl took back the cosmic spiritual ball."

Nebula is the goddaughter of Thanos. The female pirate in the universe, Lufenmode.

"It will be my honor." Nebula stepped forward.

"This will be your end." Camora, who was standing on Ronan's left, stepped forward and stared at Nebula in a cold voice. Camora and Nebula were working under Ronan's hands. Mora is the adopted daughter of Thanos, and the last member of the Zehoubeli Clan in this universe.

"If you fail again, my father won't reward you." Camora said, staring at Nebula with a pair of eyes.

"The guy who came back empty-handed, why do you say that to me?" Nebula's expression became cold: "I am Thanos' daughter, just like you."

"But I'm more familiar with Sandal." Kamo Ramen said expressionlessly, "If it hadn't been for the trouble of the guys in Asgard, I would have brought back the power gem."

"But Ronan has ordered me to come..." Nebula's tone hesitated.

Ronan looked at the two and said coldly, "Don't make decisions for me."

Nebula's voice suddenly stopped, and he stepped back silently, not speaking.

Ronan walked to Camora and looked at Camora coldly: "You can't fail again."

"Have I failed?" Camora looked at Ronan without showing any weakness. ? "I once brought everything back, but Loki took it from your ship."

"You go out." Ronan held the scepter and turned to leave. Camora looked at Nebula provocatively and turned and left. "I will settle the matter about Loki, a bereaved dog that has been abandoned by Asgard. I will let him know what despair is."

Sandal, this is the capital of the New Star Empire, located in the middle of Andromeda and the Milky Way. There is no three great cosmic empires as powerful as the New Star Empire is just one planet.

"Welcome to you, Your Majesty Adam." A golden beauty looked at Adam with a grin. "I am New Star Supreme, the queen of Sandal."

"You are so supreme." Adam nodded, thinking about what he would use as an excuse. After all, the power gem had not come yet, so he came first, and there was always an excuse.

The Supreme is golden all over, but it looks a lot like Adam's golden soldiers.

The palace where the supreme is located is golden everywhere, as if it is made of gold, and there is a big golden egg behind it.

Wait, golden egg?

Adam's mouth curled up and found a very good excuse.

"I don't know why His Majesty Adam came?" For the new king of Asgard, the Supreme still respects him. "Your arrival is a great honor for the New Star Empire."

"I want the egg behind you." What Adam thought in his heart now was that he didn't know if the master card was good or not.

Adam never thought that the golden woman in front of him would reject him.

Even Ronan, who possesses a power gem, can almost destroy a civilization, and Adam's current power is enough to threaten it.

Although Shandar possesses the top new star legion in the universe, he was destroyed by Thanos without gems in the original work.

Although Adam is not sure that the goddess of death must be better than Thanos, who has no gems, as long as he borrows Jiali's abilities, there is nothing to worry about!

"Why?" The Supreme asked curiously: "Is your visit just for this egg?"

"Don't tell me you don't know what you played." Adam was quite rude. "Warlock Adam is Asgard's enemy, not to mention his and mine have the same name, how can he continue to be happy after he is resurrected."

"It was a misunderstanding between him and Asgard." The Supreme stroked the golden egg lightly, his expression very soft. "All this is Thanos' conspiracy. Odin has always known about him with me."

"Odin has abdicated now." Adam didn't listen to Supreme's explanation at all. "Hand over this golden egg, you can get Asgard's friendship without shelter."

The supreme fell silent, but his expression was always indifferent, as if he was holding a hole card.

"You have no fear now, just because you are ignorant." Adam threatened involuntarily: "Ronan will never give up without destroying Sandal."

"Ronan has never succeeded, and will never succeed in the future." The Supreme shook his head and said blankly: "The New Star Empire never fears danger."

"Then there is no need to talk about it?" The expression on Adam's face looked like a smile.

"Perhaps it can be said after the banquet is over." The supreme smiled and pointed out the banquet for Adam.

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiley people with your hands.

The Nova Empire gave Adam the highest welcoming ceremony, and it was also the favorite welcoming ceremony of the people of Asgard, a grand banquet.

Asgard's reputation in the universe has always been very good, the Supreme is very sure, Adam will not turn his face directly.

"Asgardians like to use battle to solve problems."

People give you such a big face, you can't help but continue, but is Adam a person who wants face?

Adam thought for a while and said: "I brought three men, so let's have three battles. Three games and two wins. I won, I will take away the golden You won, I Help you kill Ronan."

"New Star Empire has never been good at single-handed combat." Supreme showed a pitiful expression. "Who in the universe doesn't know the fighting power of the Asa Protoss?"

I haven't said everything, but the meaning has been made clear.

"But isn't the Legion fighting a bit too exaggerated?" Adam pretended not to understand. "But it's up to you."

"I know that the New Star Legion is the most powerful legion in the universe. I would like to see it." Adam showed a malicious smile. "Rainbow Bridge can bring my army here at any time. Have you accepted this battle?"

"His Majesty Adam really deserves to be the son of the goddess of death." Supreme's face became very gloomy. "It seems that your Majesty must take this egg away."

"I don't want to bully you either, but this guy made Asgard lose an infinite gem after all." Adam said, "I know the defense of this egg is very, very high, so let me give you a face. Only attack him once."

"If this egg can carry me an attack, the matter of Infinite Gems will be revealed." Adam said, "Of course, if he can't carry it, this thing will end there."

"Do I have the right to refuse?"

The supreme has no expression on his face, just like a human-shaped model made of gold. If it is not for the lips to move when speaking, it is a good disguise for talent.

(End of this chapter)

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