Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 140: 4 gems gather

   "Your role is over, I don't bother to play with you." Adam stretched out his right hand impatiently. "Goodbye, or goodbye."

Natasha only felt an invisible force acting on her, and she lost resistance and fell to the ground. I watched the scepter in his hand and the universe cube behind him flew to Adam and turned into fragments, leaving only two beautiful gems floating in front of Adam.

"Space, mind, two higher cosmic energies." Adam squinted his eyes, and directly merged the two gems into the supreme throne, but first absorbed the higher energies.

Adam had already obtained the cosmic higher energy of the power gem, absorbed the space and soul in front of him, and he had three new higher energies. Two kinds of energy can upgrade the golden soldier one level, and the remaining one can be stored, waiting for the next upgrade.

After the Golden Soldier is upgraded, it becomes the pinnacle of legendary combat power, and it will grow to the limit when it is upgraded to one level.

Adam didn't call out the golden soldiers. Although he wanted to see what changed, there was something more important now. The Supreme Throne behind him slowly appeared.

The two jewels entangled and flew to the Supreme Throne, and at the same time they were inlaid on the Supreme Throne. There was not much momentum and the fusion was completed directly.

Adam didn't need to perceive carefully, he got the use of the new power, the blue light flashed, Adam and the motorcycle disappeared in front of Natasha.

"The Universe Rubik's Cube and the scepter were snatched away. It is from Asgard. Motor calls him your Majesty."

Natasha calmly reported in the newsletter.

"Receive the team first, now we are not qualified to challenge him." Nick Fury's voice sounded, as if he had known this kind of thing would happen, and said with a little comfort: "Anyway, you saved the earth! Avengers!"

Adam, Chris, and motorcycle appeared directly on the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard.

"Got the space gem?" A hint of surprise flashed in Heimdall's eyes. "Should I say...Is it really Adam?"

"Yeah, if nothing unexpected happens, you can almost retire."

Adam made a joke. He didn't have time to play the role of a rainbow bridge for Asgard. Wouldn't it be necessary for Adam to use space gems to send troops to any low-level planet?

Therefore, Heimdall's effect is still not small.

A blue light flashed, Adam left Chris and the others directly, and appeared in the treasure house of the Asgard Palace.

"Has the crack been completed?"

A huge research work is underway in the treasure house of the palace. The leader of this research is Murdoch, a magician at the main **** level.

"At most ten days, I can solve this coordinate." Murdoch's eyes exuded fanaticism. "The origin universe of this coordinate must be full of evil."

"Can you see so many things in one coordinate?" Adam was a little disbelief. "Did you see something through the coordinates?"

"The coordinates have not been completely deciphered, and it is impossible to see anything through it." Murdoch explained: "When I was studying it, I used some techniques of the Eternal family to perceive to a certain extent. The result of perception. It was at the position where the coordinates reached, exuding a strong smell of sin."

"It always feels unreliable." Adam shook his head. "I will accelerate the time of the entire treasure house. The comparison of the time flow here and outside is one to fifteen. After the experiment is completed, remember to send me a signal not to get out of this treasure house without authorization."

"The power of time?" Murdoch's eyes turned green. "After I thoroughly research the coordinates, I will build a portal directly in the treasure house. I will send you a message after the portal is built. However, I hope my next research topic is..."

"It's a good research direction. You have successfully evolved from a magician to a professor. Come on." Adam nodded and agreed to Murdoch's request.

The blue light flashed again, and Adam had appeared in the palace.

After possessing the power of space, it really makes people become a little lazy. It is obvious that the distance which is only a few steps away, but also needs to be transmitted by space.

Adam sat in the palace, closed his eyes slightly, carefully feeling the immense power contained in the Supreme Throne.

The four forces are constantly entangled in the throne. Under the coordination of the throne, these four forces are entangled with each other deeper and deeper, increasing their respective strengths in a strange way.

Adam could see that without the coordination of the throne, they would erode each other out. And if it weren’t for the Supreme Throne to coordinate these four powers, Adam could only use one power at a time. If two powers were used at the same time, there would be a certain degree of weakness. The more types of power used, the weakness becomes Bigger.

"I said Odin doesn't care about the power of the infinite gems, it turns out that they cannot be used at the same time." Adam thought of the infinite gloves. "Fortunately, I have the Supreme Throne."

Thanos who wears infinite gloves and possesses six infinite gems will be chopped on his chest by Thor with an axe, which shows that the infinite gems of this universe are not very reliable.

After feeling the power of the gem, Adam began to feel the increase brought to him by the Supreme Throne.

The surging divine power rushed in the body, Adam slowly floated in the air, and the surging aura filled the entire palace.

"Is it still the pinnacle of the main god?"

Adam felt carefully and found that when his strength reached a certain level, he would be stuck by an inexplicable restriction and could not go any further.

"Unless I collect six gems, otherwise the increase will not help me directly reach the strength of the heavenly This is the limit of the universe."

Adam opened his eyes and read the message sent to him by the Supreme Throne.


In the depths of the universe, a corner where almost no one will visit.

"My lord, Loki has failed!"

"He wouldn't have succeeded in the first place."

"What should we do next? The guy named Adam is not easy to deal with, it can be said that it is harder to deal with than the old guy Odin!"

"It's not easy to deal with, but you shouldn't overestimate him. No, you don't overestimate him, but you underestimate Odin too."

"Odin? That timid old man who was scared by his daughter?"

"That's because you haven't seen his peak style. Odin's death is a bit strange. As long as Adam doesn't get five gems, we won't move for the time being."

"Yes. But, even if he gets it, it doesn't matter, right?"

"Odin can't use it, doesn't mean he can't use it either. If it really can't be used, why does a **** king collect so laboriously? No one can find soul gems?"

"No news at all."

"Okay. Send someone to bring my daughter back. Don’t let her follow the boy named Xingjue. Igo is a trouble. I still remember many years ago when he was created by a strong man in the last session. …"

(End of this chapter)

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