Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 253: ether

London, England.

The dawn showed a tiny light from the horizon, and the city was filled with a faint mist, which seemed to be shrouded in a layer of haze. The capital of Great Britain has always been greyish, and it rarely happens when the weather is clear.

During the Industrial Revolution in the last century, London was famous for its smog and was dubbed the "Fog City". The burning of coal and a large number of industrial emissions made air pollution extremely serious, and even caused about 12,000 people. Most of the deaths were due to respiratory diseases.

Of course, the British began to reflect on the bitter consequences of air pollution, which gave birth to the world's first air pollution prevention and control bill, the "Clean Air Act". It took about half a century and a huge amount of money to control the smog all over the city to a certain extent, but it is a pity that the blue sky and white clouds are no longer there.

Like an ordinary tourist, wearing gorgeous robes, strolling leisurely on the street, he has followed Jane, who has been here for a few days, to visit the Greenwich Observatory overlooking modern London, and the religious and holy St. Paul’s Cathedral. Heading to the London Eye, I saw some towering boulders standing in a ring in the green wilderness. It is Stonehenge, the most famous and mysterious prehistoric relic in the British Isles.

Until I saw all the famous sights and attractions in London, Jane plunged into work with full of joy. Adam did not continue to follow, and walked alone along the Thames.

The King of God stood on the Tower Bridge in London. He waited for Jane to discover the etheric particles, and then awaken the dark elves. Adam knew that this moment was coming.

"The fifth gem is coming soon."

Adam was satisfied. He traced the energy of the Cosmos Rubik's Cube and the Spirit Gem back to the breath of etheric particles, but the reality gem that once belonged to the dark elf was not on the planet under his feet, but was sealed in the desolate and silent edge star field.

The dark elves obtained the gem of reality tens of thousands of years ago. They regarded the precious gem with the rules of leveraging and distorted reality as the ultimate weapon of their own civilization. The astronomical phenomenon "Nine Stars Connecting Pearls"-that is, the nine star fields are connected in a straight line under the action of gravitational migration. At that time, the boundaries between the various worlds collide and touch each other, and the energy tide makes the space barriers extremely fragile. The nine kingdoms seem to be connected together.

And Malkis, the leader of the dark elves, wants to unleash the powerful power of ether particles, twist the laws of matter, create a dark universe, and establish a perfect home for the people of the tribe.

But Asgard prevented this plan, and King Odin personally led the army to take the opportunity to capture the etheric particles, and let the goddess of death defeat the dark elves, close to extinction!

It was also during that period that Asgard's absolute prestige was established in one fell swoop.

Up to now, in Asgard's ancient books and poems, there is still this magnificent epic.

Unfortunately, Asgard no longer exists.

Adam looked up at the sky, although there were only white clouds and dogs in the sky, he couldn't see anything at all.

At that time, the king of Asgard, Odin, sealed the ether particles in the barren land, no one knew their whereabouts, and the leader of the dark elves, Malekis, led some of the surviving tribesmen, sleeping in some of the nine star regions. A corner, waiting for the rise of a comeback.

If you want to unlock the etheric particle, you must have the blood of the dark elf, and Jane has it.

In an abandoned factory on the outskirts of London, Jane brought her intern Daisy to the destination of this trip.

According to news reports, this power plant, which was abandoned in the last century, often has some weird phenomena that are difficult to explain scientifically. For example, a tanker truck parked in Westminster crossed a long distance without warning, landed inside the factory, and was accompanied by stable gravity anomalies.

All sorts of abnormal signs caused the Metropolitan Police Agency to report the case to S.H.I.E.L.D., which was then screened based on artificial intelligence data and finally uploaded to the database center.

Originally S.H.I.E.L.D. had been disbanded because of the Hydra, but Iron Man once again formed a new S.H.I.E.L.D. in the name of the Avengers. The purpose is to protect the earth from alien aggression, such as Adam who is powerful and unwilling to communicate with the earth.

Because Jane’s teacher, Dr. Eric, had a certain mental problem. After conducting an experiment in London, he ran into the street naked and advertised something that no one else understood, and was arrested by the police.

Therefore, Jane ran from New York to London. According to the data of the measuring instruments, this factory is likely to be an anomalous gravity field with very chaotic spatial boundaries, which is of considerable research value.

After showing the work card of the Stark Group, Jane got his wish and entered the factory. What was greeted was a floating oil tanker, whose heavy body was suspended from the ground, as if gravity had lost its effect.

A policeman who led the team gently raised the front of the car, and the ton of oil tanker turned over effortlessly, which made Daisy who was behind Jane open her eyes wide, holding the measuring instrument in her hand eager to try.

They followed the police guarding here up the stairs, the other side came to a specific location, picked up an empty bottle and dropped it from a height After falling for a certain distance, the Coke bottle disappeared, and then it was a few moments later. The seconds appear from above.

As if this space was intercepted and separated from the world, the bottle circulated back and forth, falling back and forth, until a few minutes later, it never came back.

"This place is very weird. Sometimes you can come back when you throw things away, and sometimes you can't. The consultants at Scotland Yard can't explain it either."

The police are accustomed to it. They have tried to throw away living things like white mice, but they rarely come out, and there is no rule to speak of.

"I have seen this strange energy fluctuation, I think I can explain it."

Looking at the rising data on the measuring instrument, Jane was surprised. This kind of situation only happened a few times when the Asgardians arrived in the small town of New Mexico.

Ignoring Daisy who was having fun on the side, Jane took the measuring instrument alone and walked around until she came to an empty corridor. The data showed the largest peak.

"it has started."

Adam suddenly appeared in a corner that no one had noticed, and everyone's glances swept across and found no abnormalities.

There was a whistling wind on the black promenade, and a violent pulling force dragged Jane into the invisible space channel. The female astronomer seemed to be submerged in the water, and her figure disappeared suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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