Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 254: Reality gems

After experiencing a short period of darkness, Jane broke free from the state of weightlessness, and the violent pulling force led her through the dark and empty corridor to an alien space.

Jane called Daisy's name loudly, trying to suppress the fear in her heart, and her voice spread far in the dark and dead deserted place, and no one responded.

The female astronomer at this time regretted it a bit. She shouldn’t walk around alone. The gravity of this factory is abnormal, and there are invisible and intangible space entrances. In fact, it is quite dangerous. If she is careless, she will fall into an alien space. .

Jane wanted to go back down the original passage, but she could not find the gravitational blur point. She had to carefully observe the surroundings, with the dim night starry sky above her head, and the hard land beneath her feet, with the only dim light. , I can vaguely see countless ravines on the surface of the earth, like craters, the breeze rushes over my ears, and fluttering hair is lifted.

"The composition of the atmosphere here is very close to that of the earth. There is no sign of living creatures for the time being, and the direction of the magnetic field cannot be determined..."

Jane lowered her head to fiddle with the measuring instrument, and the scientist's instincts came into play.

In a cold silence, she saw the hazy red brilliance, standing in the gap between the huge rocks behind her, the faint light overflowed, reflecting the dark red color.

With strong curiosity, Jane carefully approached the rough boulder that overlapped on top of one another, and the bottom seemed to be branded with complicated patterns, a bit like the ancient text of Asgard.

The dark red light that overflowed was reflected on Jane's face, and she could clearly see the etheric particles wandering in the gap, like a group of fluctuating liquid matter, exuding a strange and strong attraction.

"Don't touch it."

The sudden sound made Jane startled. She trembled violently, and waved the measuring instrument in her hand to hit back.

"Hey, it's me."

The slender arm was grasped, and the gentle voice stopped the female astronomer's more fierce resistance.

Jane recovered from the panic and found a black-haired and dark-eyed young man standing in place with a gentle smile, like a knight descending from the sky, instantly filling that fearful heart with a sense of security.

"Who are you? How did you come here?" Jane looked puzzled.

"I remember we met." Adam smiled gently. "My name is Adam, from Asgard."

Adam shrugged, he explained a few words, and then moved his gaze to the dark red matter in the crevice of the boulder, which is etheric particles, the legendary reality gem.

"Don't touch it, this thing is dangerous."

The young man took Jane back a few steps, and the Asgardians sealed the etheric particles here to prevent the dark elves from getting it again.

This barren planet is located on the edge of the nine star fields, and it is inaccessible. If it weren't for the appearance of the gathering of celestial bodies, no one would be able to find it.

In the original timeline, Jane strayed into this sealed place. By mistake, he became the host of the etheric particles, and at the same time awakened the sleeping dark elves, and was finally discovered by Thor and brought back to Asgard for treatment.

But now Thor is dead, and Asgard has become the kingdom of death. If Jane touches the etheric particles casually, Adam will not care about her.

Each of the infinite gems has the magical power to pry the rules, but not anyone can grasp it. The space gems are located at the core of the universe Rubik’s cube, and the soul gems are inlaid on the golden scepter. They cannot be touched at will, even more mortals. Don't ever want to take possession of yourself.

For example, a gem of power containing boundless power, once it loses the protection of the outer shell of the cosmic spiritual ball, and the lower life touches it, it will immediately be incinerated into ashes and evaporate.

Like etheric particles, unless it is a dark elves, Asgardians, and other races that are born strong, ordinary people will become the host, and their vitality will be absorbed and eroded, and then die gradually.

Ether particles will not choose ordinary people as hosts.

However, Jane has the blood of the dark elves, and the ether particles are weapons made by the dark elves with infinite gems, so the ether particles are likely to choose Jane as their master.

Glancing at Jane, who was staying quietly behind him, the young man pushed aside the heavy boulder that was pressing on it, and Asgard's seal was in front of him, like sand and stone passing by the wind.

"It is a magical ability to distort reality and turn the fake into reality."

Adam whispered, the silent space resounded with the gurgling of a stream, and the etheric particles slowly floated in front of him like a python awakened from hibernation.

The dark red substance that looks like a liquid surrounds the young man, and in the changing faint light, it seems that there is an infinite world that spins and disappears. Each drop of crimson water contains subtle and complex layers. Energy and matter, dark to light, real and an unusually complex collection, changing and evolving all the time.

The prototype of the ether particle is the reality gem. Among the six infinite gems, it and the soul gem possess the most elusive mysterious power. It is easy to manipulate the rules. All scientific rules and natural laws are meaningless in front of them.

Adam stretched out his hand, and the etheric particles spread upward along the fingertips, intertwined with the golden light emitted by Adam's divine power, and merged.

Through the endless dark red light, he saw the appearance of real gems. Unlike other infinite gems, the etheric particles are like a group of changing liquid matter. In the shimmering light, the boundary between illusion and reality is blurred. I was slightly immersed in it, and it was like touching a new The dark red liquid was wrapped around the arm, like water droplets surging in all directions, continuously attached to Adam’s body, followed by new ones. Changes have occurred!

The energy of the etheric particles suddenly raged, and the four gems of space, mind, power, and time embedded on the Supreme Throne also violently oscillated. Five majestic energies rushed into the body, and huge spatial fluctuations exuded blue. If there is no wave of green light, purple lines appear on Adam, and the obscure breath of bright yellow is like a turbulent wave. The blue, yellow, green, and purple light wraps around the dark red illusory halo, constantly colliding Shock.

Like a fierce flame boiling endlessly, there was a trace of pain on Adam’s face, and an endless wave of energy surged, roaring like a monstrous wave, huge pressure came from all directions, every cell in the body was filled with energy, The tiny particles are torn apart, and then quickly reorganized.

The powerful force forced the cells of the whole body to continuously disintegrate. Countless blood flowed down the pores all over the body under pressure. Adam's body burst out with unprecedented golden light, billions of light transpired and released, the earth under his feet trembled endlessly, and the barren planet thundered. Sounds, the violent air current tears through the dim dark sky and rushes straight into the sky!

The terrifying vision lasted for less than a minute, and the aftermath gradually subsided.

In the end, all the five forces entered the throne tattoo behind Adam.

Adam's power has increased again.

(End of this chapter)

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