Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 268: The situation is wrong

After Magneto escaped from prison, the leaders of various countries were very nervous. After all, this guy had a history of assassinating leaders.


   This kind of person registration bill was put on the agenda again. With the constant media propaganda, the people also knew the danger of mutants.


   The media and ordinary people have always been more sensitive to the issue of mutants. After all, this is all about their own interests.


   Most of the media and the public are conservative about mutants and have an instinctive fear. They think they are too alien, and even some extreme people regard them as demons in human skin.


   Mutant Registration Act has been mentioned more than once, but it has never been successful.


   Therefore, when several directors of the National Security Council proposed the mutant registration bill to the Congress again, they really pushed the matter to the police.


   Suddenly, the streets and alleys again talked about mutants, and even many media have attributed the injuries of ordinary people in recent crimes to mutants.


As soon as this public opinion came out, people in all streets and alleys of New York, regardless of whether the news was true or false, spontaneously organized on the streets and held large-scale demonstrations, urging the government to strictly control the mutants across the country, and some extreme people. It even asked the government to clean up the mutants.


  On a flyover in New York, an old man wearing a gentleman's hat stood quietly in a shadow, quietly watching the demonstrators below.


   "Look, Charles, as I said, your ideal of getting mutants and ordinary people to live in peace is a joke, it's just your wishful thinking."


   "Only when the human world is conquered and the mutant's own country is established, can the mutants live and work in peace and contentment, blindly wishful thinking that human beings will accept the naive and ridiculous idea of ​​the mutants."


   "The future belongs to mutants! Humans should have been eliminated long ago!"


   After speaking, the old man walked along the shadows and turned away.


   Under the silent overpass, there were only crowds who followed the parade yelling frantically. No one had ever noticed that someone had come above them.


   Westchester County, Xavier Genius Youth School.


   The atmosphere in the whole school is very sluggish. All the children and teachers here are mutants. They are deeply afraid of the aggressive procession outside.


   Mutants have indeed acquired some weird abilities because of genetic mutations, but this does not mean that all mutants have the power to destroy the world.


   For most mutants, they are just a little bit stronger than ordinary people. There are even a small number of mutants who have strange mutant abilities, which are the same as incapable.


   "Professor, many students have lost control of their ability due to stress. Is there any way to do this?"


   Qin in red came to Professor Charles's office and asked.


  琴 has now graduated. After graduation, out of her love for this mutant school, she chose to stay and teach. She is now a teacher of this mutant school.


   But recently, because the media deliberately spilled dirty water, they attributed the injuries of ordinary people in recent attacks to mutants, which led to the streets and alleys of New York full of various demonstrations.


   And because of the metal nameplate, there have been many mutant attacks, and the audience also very much agree with this statement.


   The shouts of these people can be heard clearly even by mutant students in school.


   Now all the students in the school are in extreme panic. If it weren’t for Qin and several other mutant teachers to comfort them these days, it is estimated that these students would have completely collapsed.


   "Sorry, Jin. I can't do anything about this for the time being. Let's try my best to calm down the students. Later, we will ask Hank, there should be some news from him."


   "These media seemed to collectively turn around overnight, aiming at the mutants. Something big should have happened."




   New York, Bison Bar.


  Fireman Paul is drinking depressedly in this bar.


   A few months ago, he studied at the mutant school, and finally fully controlled his ability to control the flames.


   This makes him extremely excited, because he can finally live like a normal person again.


   He told the good news to his friend-Tina, a girl next door.


   grew up with him since he was a child, but after he became a mutant, he gradually estranged from him.


   And when he told Tina the news, he confessed to her by the way, he hoped she could be his girlfriend.


   However, he was ruthlessly rejected, and the reason was that he was a mutant!


   Tina told him that a normal ordinary person would not want a mutant boyfriend.


   This sentence hurt him deeply. He knew that this was the fear and discrimination of ordinary people towards mutants!


   Actually, mutants are no different from humans. They can die and get sick.


   But once they become mutants, why do everyone look at them like monsters?


   Why? !


   Paul was howling in his heart, his anger was nowhere to vent, he could only drink in this bar non-stop.


   He hopes to use alcohol to extinguish the anger in his heart and numb the pain of his broken love.


   Perhaps only by establishing the mutant’s own world can the mutant no longer suffer discrimination!


   There seemed to be such a voice in his heart telling him.


   But as soon as his bold idea emerged, he instinctively rejected it immediately.


   He knows how difficult it is to build such a world!


   Paul chuckled, then he shook his dizzy head vigorously.


  And at this his eyes accidentally caught the TV screen in the bar.


   At this time, a show discussing the Mutant Bill is being broadcast on TV.


   The host is Ms. Anri Hua Dan, the head of nbc, and the invited guest is Mr. Kelly, a member of Congress.


   "Congressman Kelly, what do you think of the mutant bill now introduced by the government?"


  Ms. An Li, the host of the nbc radio station, asked the invited guest, Senator Kelly, a question.


   "First of all, I am very grateful to the host, Miss An Li, for the invitation to me again. This is my second time to be a guest on nbc radio. After this time, Miss An Li, would you like to have a meal together?"


   Senator Kelly blinked at the host Miss An Li mischievously, and his humor immediately caused a burst of laughter from the audience.


   "Okay. It's a joke with everyone. It's my honor to have a meal with the beautiful and charming Miss Anri."

  ) Book friends, hurry up and pay attention!

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