Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 273: The plot begins

Precisely because of the difference in their treatment of human beings, these two former friends finally turned to their opposites.

Adam was hiding in a corner, eavesdropping on the conversation between the two.

"What are you doing here?"

When Charles saw Magneto appearing in front of him, he suddenly had some bad feelings in his heart.

Magneto's opponent Charles smiled and said: "Charles, you are always so indecisive, and you obviously have such a powerful ability, but you always don't use it."

"Look, because of your indecision and weakness, the children you worked so hard to cultivate and the school you built will dissolve in front of those pig-like humans."

"The humans who ruined your hard work are just slightly larger ants in front of your abilities."

"Your idea of ​​killing them or changing them is just a small idea, but you are always so stubborn, so stick to your principles, and don't want to use this power."

"This is a mistake, Charles."

Magneto paused when he said that, and stopped talking, he turned and looked out the window.

The moonlight, like water, shone on his shoulders, like a layer of silver mercury, blending with his pale, snowy white hair.

The two former friends have fought for nearly half a century, and now they are both old, and they don't have much time for each.

Charles ignored Magneto’s accusation against him, he knew it was caused by the difference in the two people’s ideas.

Regarding the disagreement of this concept, the two argued and fought each other for nearly half a century, and there was no result. Naturally today, it is not all in a few words.

And Charles thinks that even if he changed the minds of those congressmen in accordance with Magneto's approach, it would only be temporary.

Even if Member A does not mention it today, Member B will also raise it tomorrow.

As long as humans’ misunderstanding of mutants remains unresolved, this kind of thinking will never be banned.

Therefore, it doesn't make much sense to him to do so.

"You came to me this time just to find me to talk to the past?"

Hearing Charles' questioning, Eric, with his hands on his back, shook his head slightly.

After that, he turned around and looked at Charles again, with deep and unfathomable gazes in his eyes.

"Charles, I'm here this time for mutants. Your approach has proven wrong."

Magneto King Eric smiled mysteriously at Charles.

Charles looked at the mysterious smile on the face of Magneto King Eric, and his heart became more and more uneasy.

At this time, there was another slight movement in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

I saw a person in a wheelchair like him appeared in front of him.


Charles exclaimed.

He didn't expect that his students would join the Magneto.

Adam hiding somewhere, the corners of his mouth curled up, as if the opportunity he had been waiting for was about to come.

But in the plot, he didn't face this guy named Jason and took control of Professor Charles, causing Professor Guzi to almost destroy the entire human race?

Adam remembers that in the original plot, William Stryker let this guy named Jason control Professor Charles. He wanted to use Professor Charles’s ability to connect the minds of mutants around the world through the brainwave amplifier to destroy the entire mutant. The purpose of the ethnic group.

Magneto will also use the plan, wanting to change this plan a bit before launching it, and that is to change the target from a mutant to a human.

Of course, Ya wanted to change this plan again.

When things happened, Adam directly suppressed everything with his unspeakable power, and then connected the minds of all creatures in the world through Professor Charles, and planted the idea of ​​believing in the goddess of death for them through spiritual gems.

When Charles used the brainwave enhancer in school before, Adam couldn't hold back on several occasions and almost used the soul gem.

But after Adam’s analysis, Professor Charles, who was conscious, was consciously controlling his abilities, limiting himself every time he used the brainwave amplifier.

It is impossible for such Professor Charles to connect to all the biological consciousness of the entire world. Only the controlled Charles will be powerful enough to control the entire earth.

The Master of Illusion Jason has also studied in this mutant school, so he is very familiar with Jason's abilities.

Thinking that Jason's ability to create mental illusions and control other people's thinking was abused by Magneto, Professor Charles closed his eyes in pain.

But then, he seemed to think of something again, and his body trembled suddenly.

"Magneto, it was you?! You did what Paul did before?"

Facing Charles's questioning, Magneto King Eric grinned, then nodded and admitted: "Yes. It's me."

"Magnetic King!"

Hearing the answer from Magneto King Eric, Charles was extremely angry, and the surrounding objects began to tremble under his thoughts.

But at this moment, the eyes of Jason opposite him lit up, and then various illusions appeared in Professor Charles's mind.

Under the guidance of Jason's vision, his thoughts began to go to the side of killing and However, the breath of killing and tyranny just arose, and then stopped abruptly.

Professor Charles broke free from the illusion created by Jason. Jason's face was slightly pale. It was obvious that he had lost the mental confrontation just now.

Although both of them are masters in mental power, it is obvious that Professor Charles is better in this field.

Professor Charles did not take advantage of the situation to attack. He sat in silence. After coming for a long time, he said: "Eric, do you want mutants to rule the world?"

"Yes. Mutation is a sign of evolution. Humans have already been eliminated. Charles, as long as the two of us work together, I believe it will not be difficult to achieve this."

"Doesn't your ideal also hope that mutants can live in a world full of hope and love? Come on, Charles, as long as the two of us work together, this ideal will soon be realized!"

"No, Eric, your idea is too extreme. This is not the world I want to pursue."

"Charles! Those pig-like humans have ruined your most beloved thing, are you still not taking revenge?"

Magneto stared into Professor Charles's eyes, angered.

"No, it's not them that ruined my most beloved thing, it's your Magneto!"

Professor Charles glared at Magneto King Eric.

"Okay! Charles, since you are still so obsessed, don't blame me."

After speaking, Magneto winked at the shadow behind Professor Charles.

Suddenly a figure rushed out, hitting Professor Charles's neck with a blow.

Professor Charles was caught off guard and fainted as soon as his eyes went dark.

"Bring him on and let's go."

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