Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 306: Underground boxing ring

Although both Adam and Lingdie are mutants, they don't have obvious characteristics of mutation. With current technology, as long as they don't actively use their abilities, it is impossible for ordinary people to discover that they are mutants.

The two chatted while walking on the road, but Adam, who had lost all his power, became a little free and easy.

"May I tell you a joke?" Adam looked at the Lingdie walking side by side with him, and a smile flashed in his eyes. "A joke about mutants."

"A mutant joke?" Lingdie blinked, very interested. "I have never heard a joke about mutants, just say it."

"Once upon a time, a very arrogant person took a boat. Ask the boatman: Have you ever been to college? The boatman was shocked and said that he hadn't. The man said: You have lived for nothing for half your life. Asked: Have you ever been to the United States? Said: No. This guy said: You have lived for half your life for nothing. The boatman asked: Can you swim? This guy said: No. The boatman sneered and said: Mom Refaq! You have lived your life, the boatman. Kick him off the boat with his feet." Adam paused, then said, "A very interesting joke."

"The joke is quite interesting..." Lingdie reached out and grabbed the soft flesh of Adam's waist, and said with a smile: "You tell me what does this have to do with mutants?"

"Hey, the boatman is a mutant." Adam smiled and said, "I mean mutants have a very strong temper. If they are ordinary people, they will definitely not kick customers into the water. Are you right?"

Lingdie rolled his eyes and ignored Adam. The two walked side by side on the street like this.

When the two of them were walking on the street, although no one specifically came to make trouble, but with the enchanting appearance of Lingdie, two evenly slender legs, even if they were wearing a windbreaker, they walked. The rate of turning heads on the street can almost reach more than 90%!

The man could not wait to pounce directly on Lingdie's gaze, the woman's eyes were full of envy, admiration, jealousy, jealousy, and hatred, and Lingdie seemed to have been used to it for a long time, and there was no reaction to these gazes.

Feeling the frequent glances from around him, Adam's heart couldn't help but muttered secretly: "If you let these people know that the beauty in their eyes is a mutant, and also a level 3 mutant who kills without blinking. , I don’t know how they feel in their hearts."

Seeing the evil smile at the corner of Adam's mouth, Lingdie couldn't help but ask, "The smile is so bad, what bad things are thinking in your heart?"

Adam squinted at Lingdie and said: "You can perceive the thoughts of others, come and feel it carefully!"

Lingdie directly rolled his eyes and said, "Do you think I'm so boring? If you want to say it, just say it and listen. If you don't want to say it, then treat it as if I didn't ask anything."

Lingdie is a good level 3 mutant, and it has the ability to mutate mentally. The main attack method is to condense and manifest various weapon attacks with mental power. At the same time, it also possesses similar mind-reading skills, even with its own The powerful mental power creates illusions to trap the enemy.

But Lingdie's ability is not a perception type after all, but a real combat ability, and her heart desires the feeling of direct combat, so she doesn't have the habit of looking at others' hearts casually like Professor Charles.

As far as Adam knows, even the famous Professor Charles, although his telepathy is likely to reach the level of a fourth-level mutant, and its main ability is to link other people’s brains, or look at other people’s thoughts, but even In this way, once he encounters a special mutant or someone with stronger mental power, he will also be backlashed.

In the dim night, Adam and Lingdie walked side by side, and I don’t know if Lingdie used any special methods. When the two of them walked on the street next, the ordinary people coming and going around looked like I didn't see two people in general.

Although Adam was a little curious in his heart, he didn't ask it directly. Instead, he turned the subject away and said, "Where are we going to go?"

Lingdie turned her head and glanced at Adam, only to see that the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, and then coldly said, "Do you want to find something exciting to do?"

"How exciting?" Adam blinked and said, "If it's just normal stimulation, then forget it."

Lingdie narrowed his eyes and looked at Adam's eyes and said: "If you want to stimulate it, you will be as exciting. You are sure not to try?"

In an instant, I only saw Adam's eyes light up, and then put on his clothes and nodded his head, "Since the beauties are kindly invited, if I don't agree, it's impossible to justify."

Seeing Adam’s feelings at this moment, Lingdie suddenly shrugged helplessly, and then said angrily: "What are you thinking about? I mean taking you to see the underground black fist. You think about it. What a mess!"

"Cut, it's not that you misled me!" Adam said with a grin: "I just cooperated with Adam already knew that Lingdie means something else, when he heard the underground black fist At that time, there was a flash of light in the depths of the eyes, and then the face did not show the slightest different color: "Moreover, I mean you can go wherever you want. It's your own heart to think about it. But it has nothing to do with me. "

Then Adam, under the leadership of Lingdie, immediately went straight to the underground boxing arena where mutants were used for black boxing. When the two figures arrived in the underground boxing ring, Qin Tian's first impression was noisy and chaotic!

There are really all kinds of people here, ordinary bastards, worth tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of rich men, and even among them are mutants like Adam and Lingdie, who don’t have obvious traits of mutants. Hidden in the dark.

At this moment, Lingdie looked back at Adam, and then immediately saw her with a cautious expression: "You must pay attention to safety here. You'd better follow behind me later, here is a mixed bag. Great wars may break out anytime and anywhere. If you don’t want to lose your life inexplicably, it’s best not to act rashly."

Seeing the cautious look of Lingdie Lianxing, Adam nodded immediately. The boss of this underground boxing arena can capture the mutant as a boxer, which shows its power.

Maybe the owner of this underground boxing gym is a mutant himself, even if she is not his subordinate, there must be a very powerful mutant.

Especially when I saw ordinary people holding AKs all around, Adam was just a first-degree mutant who had just awakened. It was quite difficult for him to get more pistol bullets, not to mention this AK rifle, so when Lingdie spoke just now As soon as it fell, Adam didn't have the slightest hesitation in his heart, and then he followed her closely.

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