
"Whoever dares to play with a mobile phone in class and is caught by me will have the same fate as Wang Kaixuan."

"First, the mobile phone will be confiscated."

"Second, ask the parents to come to school."

"As for Jiangnan, he is a special case. Don't think it's unfair. If you have the ability, you can get the same grades as him."


It seems that he also realized that he handled it unfairly, which caused many people in the class to be psychologically unbalanced.

Hu Yifei explained a few words.


"Now continue the evening self-study. The class monitor should manage the discipline. Jiangnan, come with me to the office."

"Go to the office? What for?"

Jiangnan looked puzzled, and his heart skipped a beat.

He didn't confiscate his mobile phone.

Obviously it wasn't because he played games.

I don't know what Hu Yifei is going to do.

But the head teacher called him by name, so he could only put his mobile phone in his pocket and get up and follow him obediently.

As he passed the podium and walked to the door, he felt the gazes of countless people.

Among them...

There is no lack of bitterness, envy and jealousy.


Jiangnan doesn't care about it at all.


There is no use being bitter, envious and jealous.

If you have the ability.

Have fun by yourselves!


"Jiangnan, you did well in the Chinese test this month. Although the papers haven't been graded yet, you should be the first."

"It's just so-so! I just did it casually."

"You can get the first place by doing it casually, so why did you only give me a passing score before?"

Jiangnan: "..."

This question is not easy to answer.

"Okay, I won't care about the past, as long as you do well in the exams in the future."

"I'll keep my word. As long as you do well in the exams, I won't care if you sleep in class. I won't even let you play games on your phone, just like tonight."

"But the premise is..."

"You can't go too far."

"You can play alone, but you can't ruin the class atmosphere and lead other students astray."

"After all..."

"You are talented, so you don't need to study much."

"But others can't.

"The college entrance examination is not far away, and they must work ten or a hundred times harder to get into a good university. ”

“For example, Wang Kaixuan…”


On the way to the office.

Hu Yifei once again gave Jiangnan a lecture.

It has to be said.

Although her nickname is not very nice, very square and violent, she is indeed a reasonable and good teacher.


Jiangnan curled his lips and was speechless for a while.



At first glance, it is true.

Not only is he allowed to sleep, but he can also play games in class.


What do you mean by adding a prerequisite?

A lot of truth.

It makes him sound like a sinner.


It still has some effect.

The fact that he cannot lead other students astray and that Fatty Wang is named dispelled the idea of ​​Jiangnan playing games in class.

After all…

Without Fatty Wang’s dog teammate.

What’s the point of him playing single-player alone?


“We need to upgrade Fatty Wang. ”

“His current level is too low. Even if he becomes a sports student, he is still a little short of getting into a good university.”

“Anyway, Bai Yingying has already stuck to him. I can’t tear her off even if I want to. I have to tutor her from time to time.”

“Why not…”

“Tutor both of them at the same time.”

“Raise Wang Pangzi’s level as soon as possible so that I can shut up the female devil and play games together.”


Jiang Nan thought secretly in his heart.

It’s the same if you drive one sheep.

It’s the same if you let two sheep go.

He has already planned to raise Wang Pangzi’s level in the shortest possible time.


How did he meet such a bad teammate like Wang Pangzi? He was really worried about him!

No words after that.

Not long after.

The two of them arrived at the office.


This office is not Hu Yifei’s exclusive small office, but the big office of the Chinese language group.


When Jiangnan walked in.

He found that many teachers were gathered inside at this moment.

At the same time.

As he entered the room.

All the teachers in the office looked at him in unison, their eyes were very fiery.

As if...

they were looking at the precious national treasure giant panda.

Almost subconsciously.

Jiangnan's legs tightened and his hair stood up.

It was really...

The eyes of these dozen or so men were too aggressive. Even if he had a good mentality, he couldn't stand it for a while.

"Jiangnan, don't be restrained. This is Mr. Wu Jiehao, the head of the school's Chinese group, and the others present are also senior Chinese teachers in the school."Hu Yifei briefly introduced Jiangnan.

"Hello, teachers!"

Jiangnan said hello in a proper manner.

As soon as he finished speaking.

"Ha, hello, classmate Jiangnan!"

"You are indeed a genius in our Chinese language class. Not only is he handsome, he is also strong and has a good character."

"Well, not bad!"

"Teacher Hu has really taught a good student!"

"With classmate Jiangnan here, the Chinese language class of our No. 3 Middle School will surely rise and create greater glory."

"That's for sure..."


To be honest.

Jiangnan just said hello.

But in response to him...

was the enthusiastic praise, praise, and thumbs up from more than a dozen Chinese teachers.

Group leader Wu Jiehao was not to be outdone, and quickly waved to Jiangnan, and even personally moved a stool for him, "Come on, classmate Jiangnan, let's sit down and chat..."

Jiangnan: "???"


This enthusiasm is too much!

I can't resist it!


He didn't sit down either.

After all...

None of these teachers sat down, and neither did Hu Yifei, so how could he sit down?

Jiangnan just walked in front of Wu Jiehao and glanced at the desk, on which were the Chinese answer sheets for this month's exam.

The most conspicuous one among them.

Was it his own?

And the next second.

Wu Jiehao picked up his answer sheet and said with a smile on his face: "Student Jiangnan, you did well in the Chinese exam."

"Now all the teachers in the Chinese group have unanimously decided to give you 150 points, which is a full score."

"This is the first time in the teaching history of No. 3 Middle School."

"In other words, you broke the record that no one has ever scored a full score in the Chinese exam in our No. 3 Middle School. Congratulations!"


"Pa pa pa!"

As soon as Wu Jiehao finished speaking, a uniform and loud applause rang out in the office.

It can be seen.

They were all very excited, even excited.

Although Jiangnan was not a student taught by them, they were also witnesses, right?

At the same time.

Hu Yifei's face was also full of smiles, and the pride and joy in her eyes could not be concealed.


Jiangnan was calm.

After all...

He expected to get full marks in Chinese.

There was nothing strange about it.

In this regard.

Wu Jiehao and others looked at Jiangnan with a higher opinion.

"Not bad, not bad. At such a young age, he can be honored but not arrogant. This kind of mentality is rare."

Once again...

Everyone gave Jiangnan a thumbs up.

Their eyes were even more fiery.

They all wanted to take Jiangnan for themselves.

They shouted in their hearts: "Such a good student, how could he be assigned to Class 4? Hu Yifei got it for free?"

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