
"Since you must know."

"Then I'll tell you."

"That's right."

"You didn't get first place in any subject in this monthly exam."

"Li Ming got first place in foreign language."

"As for the first place in Chinese, mathematics and comprehensive science, they were all taken by Jiangnan from Class 304."


Xiao Dawang couldn't beat Qin Feng, so he had to confess.




As soon as this was said, the whole audience was shocked.

Every student in Class 301 widened their eyes and took a deep breath.


It's really earth-shattering news.


They didn't know him in the past.

But these two days.

They have heard of him.

It is said that he is a dark horse.

He did well in Chinese and mathematics, and even caused a big sensation. He is probably comparable to Qin Feng.


In their opinion,

It was just comparable to Qin Feng.


It was absolutely impossible.

After all...

In their hearts.

Qin Feng was invincible.

No one could break his myth.

But now, it was broken?

The first place in Chinese, mathematics and comprehensive science was snatched by Jiangnan alone?

This was simply incredible.

As the person involved, Qin Feng was the first to bear the brunt. He staggered and almost couldn't catch his breath.


It was Jiangnan?

The first place in three subjects was snatched by Jiangnan alone?

How could this happen?

Why did this happen?

If the first place in three subjects was snatched by three people respectively.

He could barely accept it.

Just like Li Ming won the first place in foreign languages.

He didn't say anything just now.

But why...

It was just one person?

And it happened to be Jiangnan who had a grudge against him?

"Qin Feng, don't get too excited. Although Jiangnan is very good, his total score is not as good as yours after all..."

Xiao Dawang was afraid that Qin Feng would be hit too hard, so he tried to comfort him, but...

Before he finished speaking.

He was interrupted by Qin Feng.

"Teacher, what are Jiangnan's scores in the three subjects?"


"Why, can't you tell me this?"

"It's not that I can't tell you, but..."

Xiao Dawang looked complicated and hesitated.

"Since you can tell me, teacher, please tell me. Don't worry, it's just a failure. I can bear it."

Qin Feng clenched his fist and encouraged himself.

"Then... well, he got full marks in all three subjects."

"Full...full marks?"

Hearing this, Qin Feng almost popped his eyes out, in disbelief, "Old... teacher, you said Jiangnan got... 150 in Chinese, 150 in math, and 300 in comprehensive science?"

"That's right."

"What's his total score?"

"600 in total, ranking second in the school, he's two points less than you, so... you're really amazing."

Qin Feng: "???"

Stood there, with countless question marks on his head.

He suddenly felt...

I don't seem to be able to count?

Chinese 150, math 150, comprehensive science 300, the total score is exactly 600 points.

It's true that he got two points less than him.


Why does he always feel something is wrong?

It seems...

There are four subjects in this monthly exam...right?

In addition to Chinese, math and comprehensive science, there is also a foreign language?


Qin Feng stared at Xiao Dawang on the podium, "What about foreign language? Jiangnan Foreign Language... How much did he get in foreign language?"

"He got 0 points in foreign language."

"0... 0 points?"

Qin Feng was confused.

How could Jiangnan Foreign Language get 0 points?

A person who can get full marks in Chinese, mathematics, and comprehensive science can't possibly get 0 points in foreign language, no matter how bad he is, right?

"Yes, it's 0 points."

"Did he miss the exam, or did he leave it blank?"

"He didn't miss the exam, nor did he leave it blank. He finished the whole paper, but he got it wrong, so he got 0 points."

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. As long as he did it, even if he wrote it randomly, he couldn't get 0 points. He would always get a few correct answers for the multiple-choice questions, and he would always get a few points for the composition..."

Don't say Qin Feng doesn't believe what Xiao Dawang said.

Everyone present counts.

No one believes it.

A foreign language paper with 150 points.

If you don't know how to answer multiple-choice questions, just choose B or C. If you don't know how to write an essay, just use all the words you know. If that doesn't work, just copy a few sentences from the previous reading comprehension.

It's impossible to get a high score.

But 20 or 30 points is still possible, right?

But the problem is...

"Jiangnan Foreign Language School really got 0 points. He got all the multiple-choice questions wrong, and none of the words in the fill-in-the-blank questions were correct. As for the essay, he wrote it in ancient Greek, and the foreign language teacher couldn't understand it."

Qin Feng: "???"

Students present:"???"

Everyone was stunned.

Qin Feng's face turned pale, and he couldn't stand up at all. He fell down with a "thump".


Just a little bit.

He was about to die of vomiting blood.

He was not stupid.

Of course, he couldn't believe that Jiangnan was really bad at foreign language. Even if he finished a paper, he would still get 0 points.

On the contrary.

He could be 100% sure that Jiangnan did it on purpose and deliberately avoided all the correct answers.

This so-called monthly exam was just a child's play for Jiangnan, which was extremely simple.

If he wanted to.

He could get full marks in foreign language.

Get the four major grand slams?

A total score of 750?

Thinking of this.

Qin Feng was about to cry.

He looked down on Jiangnan before.

But now he realized.

It was Jiangnan who looked down on him.

When he asked Jiangnan to check the answers to the science test in the cafeteria yesterday, Jiangnan said it was unnecessary and that he had done it all right.

At that time...

He laughed at Jiangnan for being too arrogant.

But now he realized that it was clearly his own ignorance.


Jiangnan deliberately scored 0 points in the last foreign language just to humiliate himself?

The total score was 600.

Just 2 points less than himself.

Just to tell himself that he was stupid?

At this moment.

Qin Feng wanted to die.

And Li Ming had the same state of mind as him.

If we talk about who knows Jiangnan's true level of foreign language the best, it is definitely Li Ming.

After all...

He copied all of Jiangnan's draft paper, and only got 140 points, ranking first in the whole school.

That is, he didn't copy the composition.

Because Jiangnan didn't write it, he was deducted 10 points.


This should be something to be happy about.


He proved to everyone that he was not only good at math, but also good at foreign languages.


At this moment, he was not happy at all.

Just because.

His score was too high.

If he only copied 110 or 120, he would be happy, but copying 140, he would be the first in the school.


Why be happy?

You know, even Qin Feng only scored 130.

And what ability did he have to score 140?

There must be something wrong when things are abnormal.

Once he is discovered, he will be finished.


There is no need to wait for once.


The next second, trouble came.

Seeing that everyone in the class, including Qin Feng, had lost confidence, Xiao Dawang could not help but change the subject quickly.

"Okay, don't be surprised that other classes got first place in three subjects, and don't think they are great."

"In fact..."

"Our class is not bad at all."

"I won't talk about Qin Feng."

"Let's talk about Li Ming. Although he didn't perform well in mathematics, he made rapid progress in foreign languages ​​and won first place."

"Next, let him come to the stage to share his experience in learning foreign languages. Everyone applaud."


God knows.

Xiao Dawang didn't suspect Li Ming of cheating.

He just didn't want everyone to be too disappointed.

He didn't want everyone, including Qin Feng, to be immersed in the shadow of failure and unable to recover.


He chose Li Ming to come to the stage to share.

The purpose...

is to set an example and boost everyone's morale.


Hearing his words.

Li Ming was so scared that his whole body trembled, his eyes turned white, and he fainted before he even stood up.

Qin Feng: “???”

Xiao Dawang: “???”

Many classmates: “???”


The whole audience was shocked.

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