Super Cookery System

Chapter 81: Shocked everyone

With a burst of water vapor, a new bowl of Longxu Noodles in clear soup appeared! Yang Song grabbed a handful of green bamboo onions and sprinkled them evenly on the noodle soup!

"Grandpa Meng! Eat it! While it's hot, the longxu noodles in clear soup must be as early as possible!" Yang Song placed a bowl of dragonxu noodles that looked like handicrafts in front of Grandpa Meng.

Grandpa Meng has no way to eat for a while now, and he is stunned. The 13 buckles is already the top level of the national kitchen. The 14 buckles are completely legendary cooking!

Grandpa Sun looked at Grandpa Meng who was already stunned, and urged: "Lao Meng, what are you stunned! Eat quickly! The dragon's beard batter is fast. It would be inappropriate if you don't finish it earlier!"

"Oh oh oh! I know!" Grandpa Meng came back to his senses and picked up his chopsticks, "Old grandson, don't you know? The noodles you ate were 14 buckles!"

"Oh oh oh! I get it!"

Grandpa Sun didn't react at first, and was still eating happily. Suddenly, Grandpa Sun shivered and his chopsticks almost fell off.

"What? What are you talking about? Fourteen buckles? Is there really anyone in the world who can make fourteen buckle dragon-beard noodles?"

"Yes! I saw this kid made it with my own eyes!" Grandpa Meng smiled bitterly, and the two of them said that making twelve buttons is enough. What happened? They pulled out 14 deductions directly!

Grandpa Sun hurriedly picked up a chopsticks dragon beard noodles and observed it carefully. If you said that dragon beard noodles are like handicrafts before, now the dragon beard noodles with soup are like stars in the Milky Way.

This thickness is really much thinner than the ones I have eaten before!

"If you don't believe it, go and see! Xiao Yang is going to continue!" Grandpa Meng pointed to Yang Song in the kitchen, who had just poured mountain spring water into the pot.

Upon hearing this, Grandpa Sun quickly stood up and ran towards the kitchen, without disturbing Yang Song, but standing quietly at the door watching.

You know, the performance of Dragon Beard Noodles was originally an exceptionally gorgeous performance, let alone fourteen buttons. Grandpa Sun cannot miss such a performance!

No one interrupted Yang Song, he directly pulled 14 buttons in one breath, and more than 16,000 dragon-beard noodles appeared in front of Grandpa Sun. Yang Song quickly cut the excess dough with a kitchen knife, and then threw it in the pot.

At this time, Grandpa Sun came back to his senses, where is the cooking? This is simply a gorgeous performance!

It's no wonder that Xiao Yang is unwilling to open a restaurant to be a chef. Where can I not make money with such a craft?

Seeing that Grandpa Sun had returned, Grandpa Meng swallowed the face of the dragon's whiskers in his mouth and asked with a smile, "How is it, I saw it, my grandson-in-law will have good skills in the future?"

"What's your future grandson-in-law, you're groaning up even before the horoscope is written!" Grandpa grandpa gave a blank look at Grandpa Meng, and while eating noodles, he wondered, why didn't he have a granddaughter? There are no single girls in the surrounding relatives, otherwise this kid can still be taken away by Lao Meng?

Grandpa Meng said with a smirk: "You care about me, besides, if you have the ability, find a granddaughter over! If you don't, you can only watch me become the grandfather of this kid!"

Of course, when these words were said, the two elderly people both said quietly. Meng Shihan is now addicted to watching it. He has watched it three times, but still hasn’t watched enough. Yang Song is like a dancer, swinging his hands a few times. Next, the dragon beard face appeared in front of him.

The third bowl of Longxu Noodles in clear soup will be ready soon. I have to say that the speed is really fast. Three bowls of Longxu Noodles are ready in ten minutes! Yang Song carefully handed the dragon's beard noodles to Meng Shihan, and said: "Be careful, the noodles are hot, don't get hot!"

"Okay, I get it!" Meng Shihan is not polite to Yang Song now, and he directly put the dragon's beard face in his hand and carefully watched.

When Grandpa Meng saw that Yang Song was so harmonious with his granddaughter, he said, "Have you seen it? The horoscope will soon be a little bit!"

"Smelly virtue! Hurry up and eat noodles!" Grandpa Sun looked down on Grandpa Meng's face and ignored him!

Meng Shihan cautiously walked over with the face of the dragon's beard, and when he saw the two old men whispering, he curiously asked: "What's the matter? What secrets are you two old men talking about?"

"Oh! Your grandpa said..." Old Sun spoke quickly and almost said it, scared Meng Lao coughing again and again.

Grandpa Meng blinked at Grandpa Sun, "You old man, eat noodles! It's so messy!"

Grandpa Sun also reacted suddenly, as if it was true that what the two of them said was not easy to tell Meng Shihan now, so he had to lower his head and pretend to eat noodles!

"You two old fairies!" Meng Shihan didn't bother very much. After a blank glance at them, he bowed his head and started eating noodles!

With this dragon beard face down, Meng Shihan seemed to have personally experienced four words for the first time, which is called the mouth melt! Obviously, I felt the texture when I sandwiched the noodles, but after the entrance, the delicate taste quickly opened in the mouth, and it really melted in the mouth!

After eating several mouthfuls in one breath, I also drank a mouthful of noodle soup. The warm mountain spring water has a certain sweetness, and this is the taste, which adds a lot of flavor to the dragon xue noodles!

"Yang Song, is this good money search?" Meng Shihan was curious about Yang Song's price for the first time.

Yang Song tilted his head for a moment and said, "One hundred and eighty-eight bowls!"

"What?" Grandpa Sun threw his chopsticks! A look of resentment!

This one shocked Yang Song, what's wrong? Grandpa Sun is angry that I sell too expensive?

Grandpa Sun hurriedly waved his head and said dissatisfied: "No, one hundred and eighty-eight is too cheap, at least three hundred and eighty-eight!"

That's what it meant! Yang Song breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Don't worry! This price is enough, it won't be too cheap!"

"Well, Xiao Yang has his own arrangements, so don't worry about it! Hurry up and eat the noodles!" Grandpa Meng took a sip of the noodle soup and shouted at Grandpa Sun.

"The noodles are long gone!"

After all, there is only a lot of noodles. Grandpa Sun eats it first, so it is normal after eating. There is no noodle soup left, there is no green onion, the noodle bowl is clean, and it feels like there is no need to clean it!

"Everyone, wait a minute! A bowl of noodles is definitely not enough. After you have waited for so long, I will be making something to eat right away!"

Yang Song hurriedly yelled at everyone with a look of sorry, just at this time there was a crackling noise in the kitchen.

Charcoal is ready!

When I came to the kitchen, Yang Song quietly got two catties of beef from the system, and there were chicken wings and gluten in the refrigerator, so I just made all of them. There are no leeks yet, so I don't plan to make them.

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