Super Copy World

Chapter 227: Plan


Don't get me wrong. This is not Fan Zeng vomiting blood and died.

This is Tong Yuan can't help but spit out the water that he just drank after hearing the conversation between Wang Yu and Xiang Yu.

"Hahaha ... disgusted!" Tong Yuan laughed but saw everyone in the room staring at him in surprise. Tong Yuan stopped laughing immediately.

"Big brother! What is the senior Tong laughing?" Xiang Yu whispered in confusion.

"I don't know! It is estimated that the old age laughter nerves are not very sensitive. So some behavior is abnormal." Wang Yu said jokingly.

Tong Tongyuan listened to what Wang Yu said and unconsciously pumped.

"Look! The lips of Senior Tong's mouth began to pump unconsciously again. It is estimated that the facial nerves are aging and the expression is uncontrollable." Wang Yu saw Tong Yuan's mouth pumped, and then continued babbling.

"Eh! Please do n’t set fire to me! I confess my defeat! I confess my defeat!"

I have been upgrading for more than three years. But Wang Yu also took them to upgrade. Although upgrading with Wang Yu was slow, it was very pleasant.

Wang Yu often releases a beast, and the monsters draw together. Then he made a collective invisibility. Then everyone can start to brag and fart.

So a lot of cold jokes, a little bit of color. What they say is not unnecessary.

So Tong Yuan knew how powerful Wang Yu was. In Wang Yu's own words, that is to run the train with his mouth full.

Both he and Wang Yan have a consensus, that is, when Wang Yu's mouth is on his body, he quickly confessed.

"Well! Let's continue the discussion!" Wang Yu said.

"Mr. Fan! What do you think I want to see Qin Wang Zhengzheng do? How likely is it?" Wang Yu ignored the four of Xiang Yu and asked Fan Zeng without hesitation.

"What do I have to do with you, why should I come up with an idea for you?" Fan Zengxi tempered. Regardless of whether Wang Yusheng was not angry, he directly asked Wang Yu.

"Hahaha ... Since Mr. Fan is unwilling to help me with an idea, Yu is not forced." Wang Yu was not embarrassed by Fan Zeng's questioning.

Wang Yu was ready to be rejected before asking Fan Zeng. And Wang Yu had an early draft, and he asked Fan Zeng just to know if the wise man had other plans.

"So what advice do seniors have?" Wang Yu asked Tong Yuan again.

"Let Wang Laopifu give you a referral? Isn't it enough? General Wang! You haven't been able to see King Qin?" Tong Yuan stunned Wang.

"This is a way. So what advice did Senior Wang have?" Wang Yu asked Wang Yan again.

"Don't the protagonist already have an idea? Why ask Wang Ye again?" Wang Ye stood up and said without changing his face.

"Three people must have our teacher. Maybe your plan will be better." Wang Yu said positively.

"That's the case! Wang Xun offered some ugliness. I think it's not good to see Qin King through me, it's better for me to take my protagonist to see Meng Tian. The Meng clan is Qin King's deadly loyal, and it's best to be recommended by Meng Tian. Wang Yan recommended Meng Tian.

Wang 翦 has another reason not to say. That is, Wang Xi has now mastered the master. Now Wang Xi is one of the most feared of Qin Wang. If he went to recommend him, he might not even meet with Qin Wang.

"This plan can be considered!" Wang Yu faced his thinking.

昱 Wang Yu is considering the feasibility of the strategy Wang said. You should know that Meng Tian is deadly loyal to King Qin. Although Wang Zheng was recommended to Meng Tian, ​​will Meng Tian not see him directly?

According to Meng Tian's personality, maybe he can really do this kind of thing. Since ancient times, the emperor did not like the people below to pull out. If a suspicious and serious person like Xunzheng had contacted Wang Tian in private, maybe Xunzheng would also have a jealous attitude towards Meng Tian.

"Hahaha ... slipping into the world! If you go to Meng Tian, ​​you will be rejected. Meng Tian is a wise man, so he won't do the gang affiliation." Fan Zeng heard Wang Xi's Immediately after the strategy, he laughed and said.

"That's it! What's your opinion of Mr. Fan?" Wang Yu heard Fan Zeng saying so and immediately asked again.

"I won't tell you!" Fan Zeng said proudly like a little old man.

昱 Wang Yu looked at Fan Zeng's proud look and couldn't help thinking that there was a nursery rhyme in the previous life called I was a little green dragon. There is a saying "I won't tell you, I won't tell you."

昱 Wang Yu thought that if the old man knew if he would sing this song, "I won't tell you, I won't tell you."

Wang Yu thought of a sudden shiver. Wang Yu said this picture is too beautiful.

If it's a girl who comes to sing like this, there is still some interest. The old man or whatever.

"What do Brothers Zhao have in mind?" Wang Yu decided to ignore Fan Zeng and continue to ask Zhao Yun.

"Protagonist! I don't think we need anyone to recommend it. With our strength, it is better to go straight. Pokémon Rakia who rides on the protagonist directly descends into the palace." Zhao Yun's strategy was simple and quick.

Riding on Rochia, he went directly to the palace to find Rongzheng. This is the most time-saving strategy.

Wang Yu began to ask how Xiang Yu's strength was. I have this idea in my heart.

Wang Yu first asked Xiang Yu's strength first, and then asked Wang Xi and Qin Guo's general strength.

Qin Guo counselors will not say. At this time, there were no peerless conspirators in the Qin Dynasty who played for the Qin Dynasty.

At this time, I heard Wang Xi said that there are only two men in Meng Tian Meng Yi. Wang Yu knew how many of them were riding Roachia to the Qin Palace.

Wang Yu, who drew bows and arrows, was most afraid. All arrows fired by Wang Yu will be bounced off by Lorcia's shield ~ ~ Wu Wu, a grade-two general, and his own total of 4 people. Lokia also has two levels of strength.

This lineup is everywhere in the world.

肉 A meat shield (Locchia) plus 3 outputs (Tong Yuan, Wang Yan, Xiang Yu) plus an auxiliary (Wang Yu healing, group healing, anti-magic).

This formed the best team of 2020. (Are you still a mage?)

Of course this is just a metaphor. In fact, Wang Yu's output is also very impressive.

"Well! The strategy proposed by Brother Zhao has won my heart. This strategy is also the strategy I am considering. Since we have absolute strength, why should we make it so troublesome. Let's go straight to Huanglong. It's set. Go early tomorrow Qin Palace. "Wang Yu stood up and said.

"Where are you confident? Can you go straight to Qin Palace?" Fan Zeng couldn't help but say at this time.

Isn't he worried about Wang Yu and others. He was worried that Xiang Yu would follow along.

"Father! Xia Chong can't talk about ice. Don't ask if you don't know. Don't talk about the protagonist. Even I and a few others also feel that I can come and go in Qin Kingdom freely." Xiang Yu said.

"Yuer! Is it because I didn't give you an idea. You thought about this solution." Fan Zeng said anxiously.

"Mr. Fan! You think too much. I have waited for 5 people except Brother Zhao. They have not yet become unparalleled. The others are all unparalleled, and they all can take the rank of Admiral among the armies."

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