Super Dimensional Express Train, Take You All Over The Sky

Chapter 50 Saitama Vs Boros, Boros' Stormy Attack

The information of Poros was listed, and the entire viewing carriage was silent.

What does the title Cosmic Overlord mean, even a child knows.

Such an existence invades Blue Star, can those S-class heroes really resist it?

Box 1082.

"The overlord of the universe, is it really a terrible name?"

Namikaze Minato sighed.

After boarding the super-dimensional train, Namikaze Minato, who lived in the ninja world, knew what was going on outside the ninja world.

However, these people who are not even the overlords of the ninja world can now watch the battle of the overlords of the universe through the super-dimensional train.

This experience, to be honest, is quite amazing.

"So, who is this cosmic overlord's opponent? The woman who was covered in green light just now? Or the first S-class who didn't appear before?"

Uzumaki Naruto on the side asked anxiously.

For this question, everyone present shook their heads. They couldn't think of anyone who could fight this cosmic overlord.

But soon, the answer was revealed.

"Come on"

In the picture, Boros, who was sitting quietly on the throne, had his eyes slightly condensed, and the next second, a loud bang came, and the main entrance of the hall shattered, causing a burst of smoke.

When the smoke cleared, a bald man in a yellow uniform with a white cape behind his back appeared in everyone's sight.

It is the only B-level hero in the previous S-level hero meeting, Saitama.

"Are you the boss of the intruder?"

Saitama looked at Boros on the throne and asked.

All the way here, Saitama did not encounter any obstacles, even the superpower who could control gravity was instantly killed by Saitama.

Facing Saitama's question, Boros rose from the throne.


A compliment made Saitama a little confused, but Boros just spoke to himself:

"Before the battle, please report your name. I am the leader of the Dark Matter Pirates of the Universe, the overlord of the entire universe, Boros."

Hearing Boros reporting his family, Saitama also revealed his identity.

"I'm an amateur... ah, no, a professional hero, Saitama"

As if they are funny characters, Saitama and Boros stand together, completely two styles, it is really hard to believe that Saitama can fight Boros.

"Although I don't know why you, the overlord of the whole universe, came to earth, but you dare to destroy all city A"

It is still the style of the miscellaneous fish. Even if he is scolding the other party, Saitama does not show the attitude that a strong person should have.

In response to Saitama's rebuke, Boros began to tell the reason why he invaded Blue Star.

"I used to wreak havoc in the universe, but I was too strong, and in the end, no one could be my opponent"

"I've tasted the pain of boredom. At this moment, a certain fortune-teller said to me that on this distant planet, there is someone with the same strength as you, who can fight with you."

"It was already twenty years ago. Although it took a lot of the world to come here, my subordinates also felt that the language was completely nonsense."

"But now I'm sure"

Saying that, Boros showed a hideous smile, as if he was glad that he never gave up.

"Come on, give my life some excitement! That's what I'm here for"

boom! ! ! !

As soon as the voice fell, before the passengers watching the video reacted, a roar sounded, and Boros in the picture had been punched away by Saitama and smashed onto the pillar in the room.

Seeing this, everyone's faces are full of question marks, as if they don't understand why this is happening?

If he can be named Cosmic Overlord, and it is still in the video of the super-dimensional train, then the name of Boros will not be a false name.

So what's the situation now? Saitama, who looks like a trash fish, is the opponent of Boros and the savior of Blue Star in this classic battle?

But the savior or something, shouldn't it be the kind of tall and majestic, standing in the crowd can be noticed at a glance, full of charm?

The passengers secretly complained about the style of the one-punch world savior. On the other hand, the video did not stop.

Saitama, who punched Boros with one punch, still had the same expression as before.

"Are you stupid? Life is too boring and you want to be excited, so you go to attack other planets. You don't even think about games."

Hearing Saitama's words, Boros, who was knocked into the air, pulled his body out of the pillar, and then a flash of light flashed, and the armor on Boros shattered.

"My energy is too strong. This armor exists to seal it. Now, it has been shattered."

Hearing Boros' words, the passengers on the hyper-dimensional train were stunned.

The powerful energy broke through the seal, causing Boros's body to change drastically, and the thunder and lightning caused by the powerful energy kept wandering around him.

"Take the call!"

Like a teleportation, Boros rushed in front of Saitama, and the blasted iron fist brought gusts of wind pressure.

Countless cracks appeared on the ground affected by this gust of wind pressure.

Saitama, who faced the punch, only raised his arm to block Boros' fist.

Poros widened his eyes and took a deep breath.


The incomparably violent offensive, like a stormy sea, continued to attack Saitama.

Facing such an attack, Saitama did not panic in the slightest. He completely blocked Boros's attack without even changing his expression. Saitama even interrupted one of Poros's arms.

The battle between the two intensified, and soon, the two broke the top of the spaceship and came under the sky.

"Beautiful movements, you are the first person who can be on an equal footing with me, Boros"

On Boros' face, excitement, excitement, and various emotions were mixed together, which made people sigh, worthy of being able to endure the existence of space travel for 20 years for the sake of fighting.

With a heavy punch hitting Saitama's side face, Boros finally stopped his movements.

"Looks like it's a winner."

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