Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1375: Wushan Mystery

Genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Chinese Vertex), the fastest update! No ads! After Bert said, he led Su Yu into a huge spaceship.

Su Yu saw that the spacecraft was huge, and the weapons equipped on it were extremely advanced. I don't know if this is a space-level spacecraft.

"See? This is indeed a space-level spaceship, the top spaceship in the universe. But before you were in the galaxy, you may only know that the highest level of spaceships is space-level, but you do n’t know that even space-level spaceships It is also divided into several levels. The level of the spaceship we are riding in is actually A6, even in the spaceship, it is relatively top-level, and its attack power is comparable to the sixth-order king of the kingdom. "Bert introduced.

"It's so strong." Su Yu dare not give up.

"The power of technology is also huge. The strongest level of spacecraft can even fight the low-level immortal deities." Burt continued.

Then the spacecraft started.

"Expect a space jump in ten seconds, please prepare!"

"Ten, nine, eight ... three, two, one!"

The artificial intelligence in the spacecraft has finished the last number, and the spacecraft has arrived in an unknown star field.

Su Yu opened her eyes at this time, only to see that there was a huge continent in front of her.

"Welcome to Wuxingshan Academy. This continent is called Wushan Continent. It has a length and width of one light year. It was built by the Wuxingshan universe for tens of thousands of years, and this is also the entrance to Wushan's secret place." Bert introduced, " Alright, come down! "

"Well." Su Yu looked at such a large continent and was very moved.

"Wuxing Mountain Academy now has one billion students, including tens of thousands of monarch-level colleges, and even more than tens of millions of students in the level of creation and respect. Needless to say, the students in the chaotic environment below are 100 million. "Bert introduced it with some pride," Wushan's secret place is still one month away, and for the time being you will live in Wuxingshan Academy. "

"Okay." Su Yu naturally agreed, and he just happened to get to know Wuxing Mountain Academy during this time.

Burt took Su Yu to a residence. This is the Wuxing Mountain Academy specifically to receive guests from the outside. It seems that he has felt the arrival of Su Yu. All the rooms have released a strong breath. Many gods know him from him. The body swept, and even the weakest was the intensity of the ninth order of creation.

Su Yu knew that these people might not be malicious, so she didn't bother to bother.

"I'm gone, remember the enemies I said to you, don't set foot on it." Burt finally explained that those places he said were all forbidden areas of Wuxingshan Xuegong, and most people went in without permission and died. All die in vain.

"I know." Su Yu nodded, and unless he was stupid, he would spy on the secrets of Wuxing Mountain Academy.

Entering his room, Su Yu looked at it and it was pretty good.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

Su Yu frowned. He had just lived in and someone knocked on the door. It was really interesting.

"Come in!"

Su Yu said that at this time a man pushed in the door.

Looking closely at this man, the eighteen-meter-tall man, with a skin like stone, should also be a special race.

"Excuse me, are you?" Su Yu asked.

"My name is Templeton. I am a megalithic emperor. Can you come here and be qualified to enter Wushan's secret place?" The man asked, looking at Su Yu with some hope.

"Yes." Su Yu nodded. There was nothing to hide. "I was lucky to have been qualified for the Wushan Mystery for three years, and I was preparing to enter the Wushan Mystery."

"Three years, that's a lot." Templeton was a little envious. "In this way, you can pay a price. How about the transfer of Wushan Mystery Cultivation Qualification to me in these three years?"

"Can it be transferred?" Su Yu dumbfounded.

"Of course, as long as you are willing, the procedures do not need you to run, I have full authority to handle." Templeton directly.

"Sorry, the qualifications for Wushan's secret training for the past three years are very important to me, and I will not transfer them." Su Yu thought for a while and said truthfully. He must understand his own rules to achieve the emperor, and naturally cannot be transferred.

"One hundred pieces of immortal crystal." The man cried at this moment.

Su Yu shook her head.

"Two hundred immortal crystals."

"This is not an immortal thing."

"In addition to a third-class world heart, a first-order original artifact, this is my limit."

"Sorry, I want to enter the secret realm of Wushan and look for the opportunity to break through the realm of the king. It will never be transferred."

"Farewell." Templeton finally left with some ugliness.

Su Yu couldn't help crying, it was all about this.

It's just that this isn't over yet, there are three more people coming one after another, all of whom have watched his qualifications for Wushan secret training for the past three years.

"Sure enough, this practice qualification is very sought-after." Su Yu groaned, and the more sought-after, naturally the value of Wushan's secret realm can also be explained.

A month passed quickly and that day came again.

"Everyone, everyone is here, and today you can enter the Wushan mystery, but how long can each of you stay in the Wushan mystery, I have records here, and when the time comes, you will be automatically transmitted." Burt Dan Dandao said, "For the information about Wushan's secret realm, I believe you all know it, so I won't say much."

Burt took twenty people, including Su Yu, into the spacecraft.

Then, the spacecraft flew for more than ten minutes and came to a cliff-like void.

"That one……"

Su Yu looked into the cliff-like void, he could feel that it was filled with an extremely primitive atmosphere, but just touching this breath, his soul couldn't help but intoxicate.

"Su Yu!"

At this moment, a voice came, with a little anger.

Su Yu hesitated, and looking at the sound, it turned out to be His Excellency Sun Yue: "It turned out to be you, but you did not expect that you also got the qualification to enter Wushan's secret place."

After hearing this, Xi Yue's face was cold: "Well, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't need my master to help me. After asking for so many people, I got a qualification to enter Wushan's secret place, and it was only two years. You That qualification for training should have been mine. "

Su Yu scoffed at this: "I also redeemed it based on merit. It's really disdainful that you are not as good as someone else to say this."

Xi Yue was so angry that she couldn't speak. She was defeated repeatedly in Su Yu.

Too lazy to pay attention to Su Yu, Xi Yue clenched her fists, this hard-won opportunity, she must seize it, and must give her years of magic in Wushan's secret place to a closer level, transmuting into the law.

At this time, the voice of His Holiness Berner sounded again: "Okay, you can enter the secret mountain of Wushan."

As his words fell, those who couldn't wait rushed into the cliff-like void and disappeared.

Lord Xiyue looked back at Su Yu and flew in.

In the end, Su Yu flew towards Wushan's mystery.

Like the transformation of time and space, Su Yu seems to have come to another world. The energy here is too rich, and it is an extremely high-level energy, violent and powerful. These energies are actually preserved when the universe was first opened, retaining the original flavor of the universe, but just absorbing this energy seems to be a treat.

"Is this a mystery?"

Su Yu looked at this strange space-time, it was like a small world attached to the earth: "The universe was originally a point. After this point exploded, it formed the present universe, which is also the Big Bang theory. One point contained Energy spread out, forming the present universe, you can imagine what that point is. "

"This mystery is plain, that is, when the universe exploded, because time and space appeared at the same time, those energy that was not completely dispersed were drawn into space and derived. At that time, it was also the time when the laws of the universe were derived, these The derivative process of the law has also been kept in it, so it is now the cultivation holy land of today. "

Su Yu was pondering in her heart, and was also looking around.

The entire Wushan mystery is indeed a huge mountain. I don't know how many millions of miles it has stretched. Looking closely at the current mountain, countless plants have also been derived. However, these plants are not comparable to the outside world, because they have absorbed the original energy in Wushan's mystery, each of them is huge and extremely hard, and many plants must be the original artifact to be cut off.

"According to the introduction, there are seventeen places in Wushan Secret Enlightenment. These places are all derived from the rules, they are preserved, and they have the most original taste of the rules." Su Yu groaned in his heart, "and everyone Depending on the practice method and the law of transformation, you will definitely choose different points of enlightenment. For example, the Lord of the Sun and Moon is practicing the great years of magic and must run to the withered tree. As for me, it is best for me It must be Xingyan World. "

Speaking, Su Yu immediately walked towards a place.

Soon, he came to the top of Wushan's secret realm, and at this time, looking towards the Tianshan Mountains, it turned out to be a vast void, and in the void, clusters of gas gradually condensed into nebulae, and the nebulae further formed various Various stars and galaxies eventually formed a void.

Su Yu glanced at it like she saw the birth of countless planets, her body couldn't help but tremble.

"This ... how is this possible?"

Su Yu was shocked. He didn't expect that the enlightenment point of the law turned out to be this way. This is simply that someone intercepted an image when the universe was born and portrayed it in the void.

Grumbling for a moment, Su Yu now understands why the qualification to enter Wushan's mystery is so precious.

There is no easier way to comprehend the origin of the universe by directly observing the birth of the universe.


At this time, a voice came, only to see an old man sitting next to him, this old man looked over with eyes, like the sun, moon, stars, full of mystery.

"Yes." Su Yu nodded, he could feel that the old man was not simple, maybe even a half-step immortal.

"As a point of enlightenment in the world of Star Yan, a section of star-derived images was taken, and there are more than 300 types of rules, and it is said that there are even first-class rules. However, although there are many rules, it is also the most difficult to learn here. Many people stay here for hundreds of years, but sometimes they find nothing. "Said the old man.

"It's so difficult?" Su Yu mumbled.

"Yes." The old man affirmed, "It depends on personal understanding, and some people come to understand the second-class rules from it. Okay, sit down and get enlightened. I'll give you a suggestion, it's not easy Come in once, if you really realize what the rules are, do n’t panic and leave as long as the time has not come. Be sure to continue to enlighten and try to come to a higher level of laws. ”

"This, I know." Su Yu nodded.

"It ’s a rare opportunity to know why I said this to you. If you can comprehend a second-class rule, you can top your comprehension of ten third-class rules. After you become immortal, It will become more and more important. As for what rules you want to merge, I think it ’s the same to learn more about several third-class rules and merge them into a second-class rule. I tell you that you do n’t have to think about it. The old man said ~ ~ There was a kind of fanaticism in his eyes.

"Thank you for pointing me, I took it down." Su Yu expressed her gratitude to the old man again, then immediately sat down and began to realize.

"Interesting." The old man looked at Su Yu again at this time, murmured in his mouth, and then closed his eyes again.

Su Yu looked at the Xingyan world in front of her, and her mind slowly sink into it.

His star-changing method has long been running unconsciously, and it seems that he has transformed into the stars derived from the sky.

A month later, his body was filled with a bright starlight, and the old man next to him was startled.

"What happened, it took only one month for him to come up with a rule. This is the third-class rule, the starlight rule." The old man was shocked. "It's just the third-class rule, maybe it was already before he entered. It ’s almost time for enlightenment to come out. It ’s also good. With this rule at the bottom, he will have no problem after breaking through to the realm of emperor. ”

The old man then continued to enlighten.

But two months later, the old man opened his eyes again: "This is the law of sparks, and he realized the second law. But fortunately, it is only the third-class law."

Su Yu at this moment, naturally knows his own starry sky.

"The rules of starlight and the rules of spark are actually related to the stars. Unfortunately, they are only third-class rules, which is not enough." Su Yu groaned in his heart, "Even if I become an emperor, at least I should become a second-class rule Emperor. You can only continue to enlighten. Fortunately, only three months have passed, and the remaining time is still very long. "

Such an opportunity, the rules of every way are like putting in front of Su Yu, where can he dare to waste.

So, in a flash, six months passed.

On this day, the old man opened his eyes again and looked at Su Yu as if he had seen a ghost.

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