Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 203: Time flow rate changed

Anyone who saw this scene up close was dumbfounded.

The dead body should still be there.

But Su Yu died, and her body turned into nothingness like a piece of paper burned to ashes.

Everything in front of me couldn't be explained at all, and the students at the college were shocked. They know that death will not really die in the world of experience, but they left in this way, and still face so many people, they can only say one thing, Su Yu, you are so big.

Isn't everyone rumored that Su Yu is a saint?

Now this weird scene seems to confirm that Su Wen is a saint, otherwise you find out and look at it alone.

Shocked by Zhu Fengyun, the first took the lead in kneeling and shouted, "Congratulations to the saints!"

The other people also followed their knees and shouted, and the voice went straight to the clouds, and even the birds in the sky were shocked by the earthquake, and they stumbled towards the fall.

Xianyin continued, until Su Yu's body completely disappeared, then it was considered to disappear.

This bizarre scene today has so many witnesses that it will definitely be written into history books in the future. After this final fermentation, Su Yu has become a saint in this world, a god-like existence.

Many students of Xianxian University have quietly left, although they can still come to this world in the future, but it is impossible to surpass Su Yu's influence.

Among the mountains.

Ren Yingying picked up the piano and slowly walked away.

She played the piano sound just now. She knew that Su Yu was leaving, and she could only bid farewell to Su Yu in this way.

At the foot of the mountain, Ren Yingying brought out a contract from the college.

Wang Xing can recruit twelve faculty members in the Swordsman World, and has recruited eleven.

The last one, Wang Xing was originally reserved for Mo Da, but Su Da could not find Mo Da until he died. When Xiao Ao's world situation changed dramatically, Mo Da never appeared again. He seemed to have evaporated.

Because Su Yu is about to die, other students may have to leave the world of Swordsman, so she gave this final contract to Ren Yingying for custody, and planned to find Mo Da later and let Mo Da sign no later.

But Su Yu underestimated Ren Yingying.

At this moment Ren Yingying took the contract, looked at the signature place, and wrote his name directly: "Su Yu, although you didn't tell me what it was, I guessed it. Blue Phoenix signed the contract Book, and then disappeared into our world, you just did too. I want to find you, be with you, and only sign a contract. "

The three words of Ren Yingying appeared on the contract, and the memory of Xian Academy was infused into Ren Yingying's mind.

She was originally a smart-minded generation, and instantly confirmed her conjecture.

At this time, in Xianxian Academy, Wang Xing saw Su Yu returning, but now Su Yu only has the fifth grade of Qi Qi. Since being poisoned, his cultivation has never improved.

"Dean, we have completed the Raiders' mission of Xianxian Academy." Su Yu's complexion looked a lot. As soon as he returned to Xianxian Academy, the poison on his body disappeared.

"I already know it." Wang Xing went to the system to check, both Raiders Task 1 and Raiders Task 2 had been completed, and the corresponding rewards had been distributed to his hands.

"Dean, because I did not find Mo Da, there is also a college recruitment contract not issued." Su Yu said again.

"This ..." What else did Wang Xing want to say? There was a systematic voice in his head. "Ren Yingying became a teacher of Xian Academy, did you call into Xian Academy?"

Wang Xing looked suspiciously at Su Yu: "Did you give the contract to Ren Yingying for safekeeping?"

Su Yu nodded: "Yes, I can't stay in the world of Swordsman. The other students may also return, so I can only give it to a trustworthy person."

Wang Xing smiled bitterly: "Besides being trustworthy, she signed the contract herself."

Su Yu suddenly froze, even worried about Ren Yingying.

Fortunately, Wang Xing didn't pay much attention to it. Even the teacher of Xiao Ao Jiang Hu World, even if he was too big, he didn't think much of it. Since the final recruitment is Ren Yingying, then Ren Yingying. Not to mention anything else, Ren Yingying's ability to handle things is still very good, enough to be qualified for many positions in Xian College.

At this time, Wang Xing's exclusive mission can be considered completed.

The twelve faculty members recruited by Swordsman World are: Tian Boguang, Yue Buqun, Feng Qingyang, Qu Yang, Liu Zhengfeng, Ping Yizhi, Ning Zhongze, Undefeated East, Ren Yingying, Blue Phoenix, Master Fang Zheng and Chongxu Road is long.

At this point, all the tasks about the world of Swordsman are complete.

Wang Xing is trying to summon these teachers to the college, and the system prompt sounds again: "The host completes all the tasks of the Swordsman Lake World, and the time flow rate of the Swordsman Lake World returns to normal. All students participating in the trial can choose whether to return immediately . "

Wang Xing suddenly burst into tears and laughed, why the task was completed, and even the time flow rate returned to normal.

If the time flow rate of the Swordsman Lakes and the real world is the same, what is the difference between practicing in the Swordsman Lakes and the real world.

Many students in the world of Swordsmanship also received a tone, but this tone was transmitted in the tone of Wang Xing.

Many students suddenly lost interest and returned.

Fortunately, after completing a world strategy task, the system will follow the next strategy world. If the next world is like the world of Swordsman, the time flow rate will definitely be several times that of the earth.

Wang Xing asked which world the next Raiders world was ~ ~ but was informed by the system one day before it was announced.

Wang Xing no longer tangled with this, he looked in front of him and found that many students had returned.

Among them is Leng Shuangning. She has been to the Swordsman Rivers and Lakes World for more than a month, and the time converted into the Swordsman Rivers and Lakes World is about half a year.

However, when Lengshuang condensed in, it was Zhenqi Level II, and now it is Zhenqi Level VI. The S-level talent once again showed its power.

"You are back, so you can take a good break, and many teachers are waiting to teach you." Wang Xingdao, "Well, if you are fine, go to the college. There are nearly a hundred people in our college now, many students I would love to hear your story. "

All students left in turn, Leng Shuangning and Su Yu also followed.

Wang Xing pondered for a moment, and planned to summon the teacher who was still in the world of Swordsman. Among them was the undefeated East who made him not want to see him again.

ps: for a recommendation ticket, for a monthly ticket! (To be continued.)

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