Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1112: Strong Confederation of the Earth Federation

He is a fierce wolf, a veritable orc, just like the greedy bear.

The vicious wolf looked at Jupiter, the shattered giant Tan, and when he saw it, he saw that Innet had been dislodged.

"Earth Confederation, a good Earth Confederation, actually slaughtered the Orion slavery. Although this Orion slavery is just a medium-sized slavery under our company, we still have tens of thousands of such slavery If you don't put our company in your eyes, the company knows that you are enemies and non-friends even if you are afraid of you again. "

The figure flashed, and the fierce wolf appeared opposite Su Yu.

"Are you a student of Xian College? And yes, the entire Earth Federation, apart from being able to train such excellent people, really don't know what forces have this strength. I have to admit that Xian College is very powerful and mysterious. If it is not necessary, our company is not willing to mess with Xian Academy. But Xian Academy has touched our interests, it can only be our enemy. "

The fierce wolf wore his head and uttered words.

Su Yu wiped the blood on her hand, which had been expected: "You are a fierce wolf, the master of this incident?"

Many people have also noticed this scene.

"It ’s great that you are here, Lord Wolf." A slave catcher was excited when he saw a savior. "Master Wolf, the Federation of the Earth fired on so many slave hunters at the same time. Damn you, you must be Let us decide! "

The vicious wolf nodded, and he knew what to do: "The Earth Federation first banned the slave trade of our companies, but now slaughters and arrests the slaves. The crime is guilty. In response to this series of things, the Earth Federation must give us an account . "

What does this mean? Let the Earth Federation beg for mercy, so that the God Bear Slave Trading Company can restore its reputation, and then extortion the Earth Federation.

It's just that Su Yu didn't eat him at all.

"Haha, it's so funny, you slaves who can't see the light, we ban it, we ban it, kill it and kill it, and you want us to give you an account. Instead, you have to give us an account. Because of you, we One hundred and thirty-two citizens of the Earth Federation have died tragically. If you can't give us an explanation, let alone a hunter hunting group, you will lose more slave hunting groups in the future. "

Be tough, who won't.

Su Yu looked at the blood wolf and was so aggressive that he did not know that he was the king of chaos.

"Isn't your immortal college just a respected creator, our God Bear Slave Trading Company is not afraid of you, I think you're looking for death."

"You're as if we were looking for death, but whoever died in the end is not certain."

"what did you say?"

"Since we dare to destroy the slave-trap group of your **** bear trading company, do you think we haven't considered your revenge?"

The blood wolf froze. He looked at Su Yu, who was full of confidence, and could not eat.

Is there really a stronger presence behind the Immortal Academy?

Xian Xue Academy is very mysterious. They have also investigated Xian Xue Academy, but until now they have no idea about the details of Xian Xue Academy.

But the blood wolf knows that anyone who opposes Xianxian College has no good fruit in the end.

Seeing a blood wolf like this, Su Yu knew she had frightened each other.

"We at Xian Academy are not as simple as you think. We do not provoked the enemy, but if someone has to offend us, we must be prepared to bear our anger. Go back and tell the person behind you, Xian Academy, he provoked No, he can't mess with the Earth Federation! "

Can't afford it?

Really can't afford it?

The blood wolf looked at Su Yu, anyway, no matter what caused the trouble, it would be better to get this guy back first, and he would definitely be able to torture more things.

"You seem to know a lot of things, come with me!"

"Want to catch our college students? Seek death!"

But at this time, a cold hum came and made the blood wolf feel shocked.

Followed by an invisible sword gas exploded from the blood wolf's arm, the blood wolf of the sixth-order chaos was completely unprepared, and the entire arm was turned into a ball of blood.

"Who, who?"

The blood wolf immediately frightened his courage. He didn't even see the figure, so he needed one of his arms. What would happen if this person shot with all his strength.


Cold drinks came, and the space was shaking.

The blood wolf scared back hundreds of thousands of miles, and where he dared to continue, tearing the space was fleeing.


In the void, somewhere.

"Gone?" Wang Xing asked lightly.

"Well, I'm gone, I think he was sent to explore the wind." Lu Dongbin thought for a while. "When the blood wolf tore the space, there was obviously a breath on the other side of the space, and it was estimated that it was at least a half-step creation. "

"Don't worry about them, the God Bear Slave Trading Company is not allowed to eat our details and dare not take action against us. However, because of this incident, they have already been completely hostile to us. As long as they find a suitable opportunity, they will definitely give us a fatal blow. Wang Xing analyzed, this is what he saw with the big push, "The next thing is to spread this thing ~ ~ the farther the better."

"Why is this?" Lu Dongbin wondered.

"We took the initiative to spread, the Shenxiong Slave Trading Company only felt that we were fearless and fearless, and there was no fear of them at all. Of course, the Shenxiong Slave Trading Company did not know how many people had offended. We spread these and let more people know This incident can attract the attention of the enemies of the Slave Bear Slave Trading Company, and make the Slave Bear Slave Trading Company more cautious. "

Wang Xing saw a lot of future trends with his big deduction.

This is the most beneficial to Xianxian College, at least it can guarantee the safety of the Earth Federation for a hundred years.

"Understand, or the dean is clever."

"Then go for it!" ...


That day, the matter spread.

The Earth Federation is spreading this matter in all directions. As long as you are in the territory of the Earth Federation, you will not know this thing.

The dead citizens of the Earth Federation were transported back, and the people spontaneously performed a mourning ceremony.

As for the body of Inuit, the leader of the Orion slavery, it was spurned by thousands of people.

The next day, Federal Chancellor Long Wen issued a declaration on the matter: "Any slave trading company that dares to arrest the citizens of the Earth Federation as slaves, whether within the federal territory or outside the federal territory, They are all enemies of the Earth Confederation. The Earth Confederation is confident in defending the rights and interests of every citizen in the entire galaxy and ensuring the safety of every citizen. "

With that said, the entire Federation was boiling, and many felt a great deal of pride.

The Earth Federation is so tough.

However, at this time, Wang Xing is receiving the mission reward.

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