Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1125: Hercules Beetle

Bei Chen Haori also changed her face and immediately stood up.

The fifth-order Zerg warrior, that is, the chaos king's combat power, although in fact slightly worse than the chaos king, it is not something that can be dealt with by ordinary guangzhou cultivators.

At least, 99.9% of the practitioners of the Cosmic Light Realm can't fight the fifth-order Zerg warriors, and at most they can save their lives.

"This is a strong beetle." Meng Qi groaned. "This Zerg warrior has strong physical defenses and great strength, but is low in intelligence, not fast, and it is not difficult to escape."

"It looks like we have been saved." Yi Tian looked at the blood in his chest, and he has not healed yet. The opponent's sword energy directly penetrated into his even, strangling his cells and turning his piece of flesh into Carrion.

"Well, wait for the opportunity to run away immediately." Meng Qi whispered, guarding secretly, at this time the people of the Beichen family had to deal with the sudden emergence of the fifth-order strong beetle, and had no time to take care of them.


The mighty beetle roared, and a huge wind blew from its mouth. Many of the children of the Beichen family who were in the first stage of the phoenix were unable to stand on their heels, and several unprotected ones were strangled by the wind. Into pieces of minced meat.


Beichen Haori was so angry that he slashed at the mighty beetle and screamed: "Children of the Beichen family, step back and form a circle of defense!"

In the face of the mighty beetle with the strength of chaos, Beichen Haori was not afraid, but other people couldn't.


Seeing Bei Chen Haori's sword qi, Dangerous Beetle Beast was so angry that he felt provoked.

I only saw it rushing towards Beichen Haori at this time, completely unafraid of the sword, like a bulldozer.


The sword Qi was chopped on the body of the strong beetle beast. The invincible sword Qi contained the meaning of Jin Zhiyi. At the moment, it only left a shallow trace on it.

But then, the strong beetle rushed into the children of the Beichen family.

Its tentacles were at the top, while many of its feet were scratched, which immediately tore the bodies of more than a dozen children of the Beichen family.

Bei Chen Hao hid early, but saw an dozen other family members die, and immediately became furious: "It's just a fifth-order lower Zerg, and its strength is comparable to the average first-order practitioner of chaos, plus The upper Zerg tribe wins by quantity. In the same realm, the Zerg's combat power is only one-tenth of those of us, so why do n’t we have so many of us? "

Said, Bei Chen Haori wanted to organize people and kill this mighty beetle.

But at this time, the mutation suddenly emerged, and only saw the vigorous beetle's hand suddenly spitting fire, and this flame was not ordinary fire. Although it could not be burned, it contained fire poison. As long as it was touched a little, it could make The practitioners of the Cosmic Light Realm are anxious.

"It hurts!"

"Fire poison, fire poison!"

"My eyes are invisible, fifth-order Zerg, we are not our opponents at all."

For a moment, the scene fell into extreme chaos.

Yi Tian and Meng Qi carefully avoided fire poisoning, and now knew that their opportunity was coming, and the two quickly fled in one direction.

"Can't let them go!" Even if Beichen Haori dealt with the strong beetle, he did not forget to pay attention to Yi Tian and Meng Qi, but just after his words fell, more than a dozen children of the Beichen family in the seventh and eighth stages of the Zhou Dynasty were chased Go up.

"Ground Blast Bugs, Huya Warriors, stop them!" Meng Qi shouted at this time, completely exhausting all his homes, and suddenly hundreds of Zerg warriors came out.

Boom boom!

The ground blast exploded, covering up the opponent's consciousness, and then the Tigerfang warrior began to intercept the opponent.


Six hundred thousand miles away.

"What's wrong, Yitian?" Meng Qi wondered.

"Can't run away like this, or wait for the people of the Beichen family to solve the trouble of the strong beetle and beast, and they will definitely find it again." Yi Tian groaned. "Let's go back and try to catch a person who orders from the Beichen family and find out what is the problem."

"This is too dangerous, and all the worms I have cultivated are dead. If we are surrounded by each other, we will definitely die." Meng Qi frowned, not very willing to take risks.

"What are they afraid of? It is estimated that the people of the Beichen family have been broken up, and it is not so easy to form a circle with us again." Yi Tian sneered, "And aren't you trying to cultivate network bugs, and how are the network bugs spread? I think the best way to go out is to let the network bug lurk on a child of the Beichen family so that the other party will not be prepared for it. "

"That makes sense, then go back now." Meng Qi thought about it, and the two quickly turned back.


"Very well, there are three children who were scattered by the Beichen family in front. The highest one is only the third order of the Zhouguang Realm." Yi Tian's consciousness has locked the three, and he was overjoyed, apparently at this time the other party had not found they.

"I went to catch them and used the occultist's secret technique to hypnotize them directly, so that it would not alarm others." Meng Qi decided to do it himself at this time.

"Okay." Yi Tian knew that the Zerg mother emperor's soul was extremely powerful, and it was too easy to hypnotize a few opponents lower than her own level ~ ~ ten minutes later.

"Successful." Meng Qi came over with a smile, and he was followed by the three people just now. Now the children of the three Beichen families are like puppets.

"Have you asked?" Yi Tian said immediately.

"Well, it's the qi worm, the descendant of the seventh celestial worm in the universe." Meng Qi's face was dignified. "They can search for us all the time, and there is such a worm. In fact, if I can evolve to an emperor worm The emperor is also capable of cultivating qi **** bugs. "

"Stop talking about this, let's talk about how to deal with this qi **** bug?" Yi Tian urged.

"It is enough to hide your breath directly, but it is difficult to completely hide the breath. If it is too close to the Qishen insect, it may still be detected by it, but I think it should be as long as it is not within a thousand miles of the Qishen insect."

"it is good!"

Yi Tian and Meng Qi immediately began to hide their breath. Although this will consume some of the cultivation, they must do so.

"The next step is to cultivate cyber bugs." Meng Qi looked at the space ring in the hands of three people. There were a lot of treasures in it, including the cosmic crystal with millions of pieces. "The cyber bug is just a low-order zerg. So much energy is enough to cultivate hundreds of thousands of network bugs. But this is not suitable, let's find a safe place first. "

The two quickly left and fled for millions of miles.

However, Yitian Lu found a phenomenon that was because of the previous battle that affected the energy fluctuations in this world. The Zerg in this world began to become active, and even many dormant Zerg fighters awoke.

PS: Thank you, Yao Da, Kou Rou, and others for their newly-married red envelopes, and thank you all for the reward!

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