Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1289: Reincarnation

Wang Xing's attack bombarded it, and the dimensional barrier shuddered and shattered a little.

The emperor Yunhai was shocked. The power of this attack absolutely reached the peak of the ninth stage of the kingdom. It is no wonder that the emperor can be easily killed by Wang Xing.

But for the Lord of Dimensions, consolidating Dimensional barriers is not difficult.

It can be seen with the naked eye that after the broken dimension barriers, a new dimension barrier has condensed again.

When Wang Xing's attack was completely dispersed, the dimensional barriers had gathered back and forth dozens of times, and the emperor Yunhai was unscathed.

"The power of the dimensional world is really horrible. Such dimensional barriers cannot be broken by ordinary emperors." Wang Xing muttered. His attack was still not strong enough. If he could penetrate the dimensionality at once, then any dimensional barrier would be a joke . But as far as he is concerned, now this is almost at its limit, and as for the means of burning cells, it may have been possible before, but now he has not been able to exert it completely.

After the stars return to the world, his body and soul have formed the basic model of the universe.

Burning cells, a collapse, the balance of the entire body will be broken, and the mode of burning cells is to drink thirst to quench thirst, and endless troubles.

But I still have to try again.

At this time, Wang Xing appeared an ancient door, and a dozen dimensions of power poured into his body.

His soul ball in the sea also spun up quickly.

At this time, he communicated the mysterious principle of the universe's origins, condensed all the power and one punch, and bombarded the past towards this dimensional world.

The void was shattered, and many material worlds were instantly reduced to fly ash, and the turbulent flow of space formed a long dragon, roaring and roaring.

The Emperor Yunhai was shocked. This kind of power is definitely more than the power of the 9th peak of the realm of the kingdom.

It is comparable to half-step immortality.

At this time in front of him, the layers of the dimension wall condensed out, one hundred layers, one thousand layers, and up to ten thousand layers, forming a crystal wall.


Huge fists banged on it, and the layers of the dimension wall shattered, forming a pattern like a turtle shell.

However, in the end, when the power of the fist was exhausted, the wall composed of this crystal wall system was not broken.

"Can't break."

Wang Xing's eyes flickered and he was unwilling.

On the other hand, the Emperor Yunhai over there was frightened, and a full 10,000-layer wall of the dimension was suddenly penetrated by Wang Xing through 9,000 layers.

You must know that this 10,000-layer is his limit. If the 10,000-layer crystal wall system is breached, Wang Xing's attack is enough to threaten the interior of the dimensional world.

Fortunately, the Emperor Yunhai secretly rejoiced.

Pretending to be very calm, Yunhai Emperor did not dare to let Wang Xing see his reality.

He snorted coldly: "I rely on the power of the dimensional world, you can't hurt me at all, you have not yet countered the power of a dimensional world, even if it is a broken dimensional world. But I admit that I can't help you . "

Once Wang Xing left this dimensional world, the Emperor Yunhai could not mobilize the power of the dimensional world. Naturally, he could not help Wang Xing.

The current situation is that Wang Xing has taken the initiative, but the Emperor Yunhai has a dimensional world to rely on, which is exactly like putting on a turtle shell, so that Wang Xing can take him for granted.

Wang Xing knew that Yunhai Emperor was telling the truth.

After a moment of contemplation, Wang Xing sneered, "I can't hurt you now, but if I keep attacking like this, if it is 1,000 years, 10,000 years, or even 100,000 years, your entire world ’s power will meet It is consumed in large quantities and can not be replenished at all. At that time, this dimension world will be more difficult to recover, and you will never want to become immortal. "

Yunhai Emperor suddenly trembled.

He didn't know if Wang Xing was true or false, but if Wang Xing had been attacking here, let alone 100,000 years, 10,000 years, he couldn't stand it.

He also wants to restore the dimensional world, still thinking about becoming immortal, he and Wang Xing can't afford it.

Unconsciously, Yunhai Emperor's face changed.

He was pinched by Wang Xing.

"What on earth do you want to spend with me for so many years, I don't believe you can afford to consume energy." Yunhai Emperor gritted his teeth, which is already a bit of a soft word, "This is not good for both of us . "

Yes, Wang Xing cannot consume such consumption.

This is a threat from Wang Xing.

At this time, seeing that the time was ripe, Wang Xing slowly said, "You are right, I really can't afford it. In this case, I won't talk nonsense with you any more, and hand over the crazy king, even if this thing is understood. If I do, I will consume it with you, whether it is 10,000 years or 100,000 years. "

Crazy King!

Hearing this name, Yunhai Emperor suddenly understood Wang Xing's intention, but he didn't realize that his look had changed.

"Sure enough, the mad king is still alive." Wang Xing sneered in his heart and continued, "Do you pay or not?"

"Crazy King has fallen, where do I go to pay." Emperor Yunhai is still pretending to be confused.

"Well, you still want to lie to me. It seems that you chose to spend it with me like this ~ ~ Wang Xing said, making the appearance of continuing to attack.

"Okay, you won. But the mad king is really dead, and that's the root of the group." Said the emperor Yunhai, flying out from the depth of the world, and Wang Xing was there. The breath of Mad King was felt above.

Seeing the origin of this group, Wang Xing knew that the Emperor Yunhai had not lied.

After being refined by a dimension world for so long, being able to stay behind is also the strength of the mad king. In the case of others, there is nothing left.

"give me."

"You must swear by the law of the origin of the universe and leave immediately when you get something."

Yunhai Emperor was not stupid, he said.

"it is good!"

Wang Xing responded and swore directly.

For 10,000 years, he can be promoted to true immortality, completely killing the emperor Yunhai, and there is no need to consume it here.


Earth, Tianxian Mountain.

Wang Xing came to the phantom emperor's courtyard: "The mad king has fallen. This is his origin. It contains his imprint, which contains some of his memories and understanding of the laws of the sky. It is impossible to resurrect the mad king. , I intend to use the secret method of the Immortal Academy to let the mad king directly reborn and reborn. But after the reincarnation, the mad king will start again from the beginning, not remember you, remember anything from the previous life, but his understanding of the laws of the sky will remain Come down. "

The phantom prince looked at the original source of the mad king in front of him, and the familiar breath made him tremble.

She could feel that this was the soul of the mad king.

"Sorry, I can only do this." Wang Xing apologized. "Also, I will let the crazy king be reincarnated to the earth, and after 16 years I will arrange for him to be recruited into the immortal college."

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