Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1518: Shocked Geniuses (5)

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But at this time, as the man finished speaking, a few voices rang again.

"Yes, we have been waiting for a long time."

"As students of the academy, we couldn't participate in the trials of the Baiyu Genius League, and now I think it's a pity."

"Hey, what a pity, isn't it possible to play against the geniuses of Baiyu now, really looking forward to it."

One voice after another sounded, and even more than a dozen figures appeared one after another.

These figures are all students of junior high school of Xianxian College, which meets the requirements for participating in the Baiyu Genius Trial.

"What are you doing? It's a prank." Huang Yaoshi pretended to be angry at this moment, but knew in his heart that this had been arranged for a long time, that is, to give these Baiyu geniuses a kick.

"We are going to challenge this so-called Baiyu genius." The headed man said, as soon as he flew, he landed on a battle platform.

"Yes, challenge, challenge!" Someone followed, and there were scattered noises on many other islands.

"Today they are here to visit the college, not to challenge you. I will truthfully tell the dean the current situation." Huang Yaoshi resentfully, then turned and beckoned to Baiyu Genius, "Let ’s go, Ignore these students. "

Ignore it?

Agatha's teeth were biting, her fists clenched, and everyone was challenged to come to the door. If we don't even care about this, if this is passed on, there will be nothing in the future.

"Haha, they don't dare." I didn't know who said aloud, and there was a big laugh all around.

"Forget it, forget it, these Baiyu geniuses look bright and beautiful, but they are actually very ordinary, especially the courage is very small." Some people seem very disappointed. "Let's not bully people, if people want a face, no It's better to lose than to lose, right? "

"Yes, yes, yes!" Someone echoed.

One hundred geniuses who didn't have any **** nature, at last some people couldn't help it.

"Who dare not compare, we can stand out among the countless strong men in the realm, that is the strongest in this realm. Isn't it better to compare, come, who advises who is the grandson." A talented man of one hundred domains, Just swiped and flew to the battle platform. "Carbon molybdenum Gesang, Ninth-order cultivation of the void, and Baiyu Genius ranked 5678, please advise."

"Gesang is doing a good job. Give these immortal college students a lesson and let them know that our Baiyu genius is not blown."

"Huh, these immortal college students are too arrogant."

"Gesang's body is extremely strong, and he has the racial talent of the carbon-molybdenum, and he will definitely win."

At this time, a man wearing a black glove flew out of the immortal college: "I will meet you, Liu Long, a second-year student at the junior middle school of immortal college, and a ninth-grade student at Dixian."

"Liu Long, give him a lesson."

"Liu Long will win."

"Well, I watched a good show."


A referee over there has appeared, not others, but Lu Xiaofeng.

Now Lu Xiaofeng also has the first-level practice of Yuanxian. As a referee in this test, he is fully qualified.

"come on!"

Liu Long said, with a fist, he made a thunderous sound.

Actually that wasn't thunder, but it was explosive.

When Gesang saw this, he could not help but snarled and rushed to Liu Long. He also used his fist. At this moment, he took Liu Yong's face directly with a punch, with a horrible momentum, completely swept away. Thousands of army, pounding Huanglong, seeing death as home.

Liu Long felt only a star smashing towards him, and at this time he also waved his fist, like a shell blasted out.


There was a loud noise, and the two retreated at the same time.

Liu Long felt sore fingers, as did Gesang.

"So strong!"

Gesang can get 5678th place in the Void Realm in the Baiyu Genius Trial, and at least he must have the strength to fight against the strong in Chaos.

However, Liu Long's strength alone was comparable to him, which shows that the strength of the two is almost the same.

"Dean." A man had appeared beside Huang Yaoshi, but this man had no idea and only Huang Yaoshi found it.

"Um." Wang Xing nodded. "The geniuses of the 100 domains really have two brushes one by one, and I checked their talents. Except for a few two or three people, most of the others are planets. And stellar talents, and the galaxy-level talent also has three people. But unfortunately, there is no astral-level talent. "

"Galactic talent?" Huang Yaoshi has been shocked, because the entire galaxy can not produce a few students of this talent within ten thousand years.

"Yes." Wang Xing nodded. He had already checked when he went to the Donghua Hotel.

"Which three are the talented students of the galaxy?" Huang Yaoshi couldn't help wondering. He knew that people with this talent, as long as they worked hard and did not choose the wrong direction, it would not be a problem to practice in the realm of Holy Fairy in the future. However, if there is another good teacher to teach, Jinxian is not a problem at all, and if there is Xianxian training in person, Jinxian is even just the starting point. In the future, the bottom line must be Da Luo Jinxian Realm.

"Agatha, Closier, Reddy." Wang Xing said three names.

"These three people must find the college." Huang Yaoshi thought for a while, he was too eager to recruit highly talented students.

"I'm here to tell you, except for Agatha, two other people should not recruit." Wang Xing said lightly, shocking Huang Yaoshi, and suddenly gave up two galaxy-level talents, To be so strong, it seemed that he was a little puzzled by Huang Yao, and he had to add, "There is a problem with character, but morality is not good."

"Well, I know." Huang Yaoshi said helplessly. "Fortunately, there is one left, and that Agatha can recruit."

"Agatha, this is a very interesting woman." What did Xing think of, "You may not know, her ideal is to liberate the slaves of the entire universe. Haha, in the future, maybe one of our colleges will appear Great cosmic revolutionary. "

"What?" Huang Yaoshi looked at Wang Xing in shock and dreamed of liberating the slaves of the entire universe. This dream was too rampant.

"Yeah, it is really great, but it is also true. I went to check her information on purpose today. Actually, she was born of a slave, but few people knew it." Wang Xing said, pointing On the battle platform, "Look, Gesang uses the special talents of their race. The carbon-molybdenum family is a kind of semi-carbon-based life. They can transform their bodies into metallic properties at a critical time, thereby forming an absolute defense. . "

As Wang Xing said, Gesang's body on the stage looked like a chameleon and turned into a metallic color.

At this time his genes seemed to have changed, and his physical strength and strength were increasing madly, which was enough for him to use some kind of powerful attack.


He yelled, one palm down from the sky, as if to tear the universe apart.


Liu Long also felt the situation was critical at this time. The river rose in his mouth, and thunder arcs flowed through his body. Lightning and thunder were flashing in the space. He seemed to be an incarnation of a thunderbolt giant. At this time he smashed out with the same palm, and a huge thunderbolt broke through, just like the palm thunder that Xianjia said.


The two bumped into a solid block, Liu Long only felt that his body was going to be torn open, and when he brushed it, he flew out and sprayed blood.

On the other hand, Liu Long, but the whole person is crazed, his whole body is shaking.

He transformed his body into a completely metallic nature, but to know that the metal is conductive, the huge palms and the like bombarded him, and he seemed to be a CLP. After shaking it, That fainted.


Countless people are dumbfounded, this is fine.

At this time, Liu Long stood up steadily and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth: "It is worthy of the top 10,000 geniuses of Baiyu Genius, and you almost won."

Everyone was speechless, at least eighty forty.

"Liu Longsheng!" Lu Xiaofeng said lightly at this time, waving Gesang to the audience, and at this time Gesang was still snoring.

Brother, you never forget to sleep.

"Damn, it's almost a little bit, Gesang lost. You find that there isn't. The students of Xianxian now despise us even more." Agatha frowned.

"I'm here for a fun, first-year student at Xianxian College, and Fangbei, eighth-level student from Wonderland, please ask for advice." At this time, a young man looked at the stage. In fact, this young man was really young. Born to practice at birth, at the age of six, he was specially recruited into Xianxian Academy. At the age of eighteen, he broke into the realm of fairyland. He is the youngest fairy in the history of Xianxian Academy. He is still eighteen years old, and his talent is exactly the galaxy level.

"A little boy?" The geniuses of Baiyu showed a look of contempt. They saw the hope of victory, and several geniuses in the sky had already jumped and tried.

"Bernie, you are ranked 389th in the flying realm, and you have the ninth-level practice of flying realm. This battle will definitely win." Closier directly named, he is the strongest among these people. , Originally everyone took him as the core.

"Okay." That Bernie was a boy with golden eyes and golden eyes. He had a single horn, and he didn't know he thought he was a horn. In fact, he came from an orc. Facing his mouth, Bernie flew to the battle platform.

"Hum, Orc Bernie, the ninth-order repair of Feitianjing, Baiyu Genius ranked 389. I have decided that I will kneel you for mercy, otherwise I will not be

Orcs. Bernie said, confident in his mouth.

"Is this a declaration of battle? Okay, I should." Fang Bei said with a big grin, "But if you ask me to kneel and ask for forgiveness, I'm more polite, I just beat you out of shit, but I can't ... … You pull it clean. "

Below, a kind of genius and students of Xianxian are aggressive.

Bring such a vulgar one.

"Asshole, you're looking for death!" Bernie seemed to be provoked, and pulled out a sword and slashed towards Fangbei.

"Good come, let you see my skills." Fang Bei said, but a purple-gold flying sword came out of his body, and then he retreated a thousand meters away, the flying sword in his hand '嗖The next thing is to fly out, like a missile bombarded towards Bernie, and opened the navigation, eight times mirror-like, straight to the main points of Bernie's body.

Bernie froze and immediately began to fend off the flying sword.

However, Fangbei was not panic-stricken at all, manipulating Feijian's constant offensive, and did not give Bernie a chance to counterattack.

Everyone saw here, and it was obvious that Fangbei had an absolute advantage. He could only suppress Bernie with a flying sword and could not fight back.

"Boom ~"

Bernie exhausted all his powers and finally hit Fang Bei's flying sword.

At this time, he finally caught a chance, and furiously cut to Fangbei with a move to solve Fangbei.

"You look down on Sword Fairy."

Fang Bei said a word at this time. He had a sword trick in his hand, and the flying sword that was blown out suddenly disappeared.

When it reappeared, a sword swept across Bernie's neck, leaving a clear blood mark on it.

Bernie's sword stopped, but Fangbei was less than an inch away.

"I lost……"

Bernie murmured, and he felt the blood on his neck, if it had been directed at his head, it would be enough to chop off his head.

So before he killed Fang Bei, he was already dead.

"Admit it, your sword is still very good, and work hard, I'm optimistic about you." Fang Bei said old-fashioned, installed one.

Bernie clenched his fists, and this defeat made him feel a huge blow.

He is one order higher than Fang Bei's Xiu Wei. His current practice is to kill unknown enemies in the Void, but in the face of Fang Bei, he did not even have a chance to fight back, so he was defeated and evacuated.

The self-confidence of the past is now gone.

"This college is poisonous." I don't know who said it, the other Baiyu geniuses nodded one after another ~ ~ I felt the same.

"It's almost there. There is only one Feiting Realm and one Void Realm, and Zhou Guangjing is just a test." Huang Yaoshi sounded. "They have to visit the academy. They don't have that much time to compete with you one by one. "

"Zhou Guangjing?" After hearing this, everyone unconsciously looked at Closier.

If there is only one, it is naturally to play the strongest, and this person is naturally Closil.

"I come."

Closier looked at Bernie's loss so simply, in fact, there were 10,000 unwillingness in his heart, but now it is to catch the ducks on the shelf, even if he does not play. However, he also has a mind in mind. Although there are some risks in playing at this time, if he can win, he wants to become a student of Xianxian University, which is basically stable. In fact, it is still worth fighting.

"Let's do it." At this time, a voice sounded, and it turned out that a student of Xianxian Academy, who was only in the first stage of Tianxianjing, was caught in the air.

The first stage of Tianxianjing battles the peak of the ninth stage of Tianxianjing.

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