Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1520: Shocked Geniuses (7)

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These seven children have killed God. If it wasn't for Huang Yaoshi himself, they would all think it was a joke.

At this time, one of the seven children in his tree, that is, the big baby, said, "Huang Lao Xie, what do you bring so much with you?"

Huang Laoxie?

Hearing this name, a group of Baiyu geniuses were startled.

Along the way, they all heard everyone calling Huang Yaoshi the teacher, and this was the first time that Huang Laoxie had called him that.

Dare to call it like this, it's not easy to think about it.

"Not surprisingly, each of them is the realm of the emperor. Because they are the seven brothers, they can even bring together the strength of the first-order peak of the immortal state. My strength is not enough in front of them. Don't call them Huang Teacher, even if I call Huang Zhaipi, I should also respond. "Huang Yaoshi whispered, then smiled," Mr. Dawu, why are you on the tree and not going to college? "

"Don't dare to enter." Dawa ’s head shook like a rattle at this time. "The dean now sends a demon head called Chang'e to control us. That devil head is really better than the snake spirit. We She has been repaired three times in the past few days, and now her **** still hurts. "

"Chang'e?" Huang Yaoshi couldn't help but tremble when he heard the name. This doesn't seem to be part of the planned drama.

"Ms. Huang, is this Chang'e great?" Agatha could not help but asked in a low voice.

"Jin Xianxiu is equivalent to the immortal deities you said. You say it's not terrible." Huang Yaoshi whispered, "She is now a high school teacher, mainly on behalf of the high school graduation class. You will visit the high school and say Maybe you can see her. "

At this time, a flick came.

"Seven little guys, came back to do their homework." The voice didn't know where it came from, making everyone feel the cold of the soul, and their bodies followed.

"I don't need it right away." Huang Yaoshi couldn't help crying and laughing. At this time, he only saw a beautiful fairy in the sky flying over, and when he saw this fairy, the geniuses of Baiyu were lost.

God of immortality!

It was so easy for them to see one.

"Here comes the devil!"

"The wind is shouting!"

Dawa shouted in his mouth, ran away with his legs pulled up, half of his figure fell into the space, and his six brothers did not hesitate to give up.

But at this time, Chang'e shot dozens of white ribbons at will, and plunged into the space to catch them, binding the gourds.

"Let me go, monster!"

"Let's not write homework, never write homework again."

"Going to school, it's impossible to go to school in this life, we have to be free."

However, no matter what the gourds say, Chang'e ignored them completely and lifted them together.

"Naughty!" Chang'e said, hitting each calabash baby's ass, and then looked at Huang Yaoshi. "The dean asked them to go to school, and it turned out that they had been in school for ten years. The teacher said that he could n’t teach them, and finally sent them back, and now it is in my hands. No matter what, the words must be fully recognized. "

"Yes, yes, recognizing characters is very important." Huang Yaoshi nodded in panic, even when he saw Chang'e was under great pressure, not only because of Chang's cultivation, but also because Chang'e was too beautiful.

"Huang Laoxie, I remember you." Liuwa roared at this time.

"It ’s no use remembering, so I wo n’t let you out." Chang'e said, and looked at the Baiyu geniuses again. "Is this the Baiyu genius who came to the college for assessment? If it is suitable, you can introduce One for me. I plan to take a student and train myself to see if I can inherit my law of the Yin. "

Hearing these words, the geniuses of Baiyu were extremely excited.

Adopted by a **** as a student and trained full-time, it is even more impossible for anyone to believe it outside.

But now, this opportunity is in front of them, and now they can't wait to say to Chang'e that they will choose me, choose me.

"If it is appropriate, you must notify Chang'e as soon as possible." Huang Yaoshi immediately said that he would naturally not think Chang'e was joking, but really thought Chang'e had the idea.

"Um." Chang'e nodded, but finally glanced at Agatha intentionally or unintentionally.

Watching Chang'e leave, a group of geniuses from Baiyu only reacted. Just now they even met a deity in an immortal state.

And still a beautiful god, watching her could not help but worship.

"Let's go." Huang Yaoshi said slowly, he himself just came over from the shock, "You don't need to be surprised, the third-year teacher in high school is actually an immortal god."

The geniuses of Baiyu could not help but tremble in their hearts.

What does this mean? It's just telling them that there is more than one **** in Xianxian Academy.

Next, a group of people finally officially entered the gate of high school.

There are obviously fewer people here, but the architecture or anything is more atmospheric and mysterious than the elementary and junior high schools.

"Well, there is a teacher teaching." Huang Yaoshi pointed to the front. "It turned out to be an ancient wizard, you believe and have heard that Wushan Jinggu in the Shenhe River once sent a person to Wuxingshan Starfield. And this teacher is Wugu. But now, the ancient Wushu teacher is already a teacher of our academy, and he has been separated from Wushan Jinggu. "

Hundreds of geniuses also know this, but they really don't understand what the immortal academy can do to make an immortal god, but now he is willing to condescend to teach some kings, lords and emperors.

"Well, that ’s all for this lesson of the law of light." Wu Gu's course is just over, and as his voice falls, students go out of the classroom one by one, and look at the cultivation and harmony of these students. The domain geniuses are a little scared.

"Ms. Huang, these are the geniuses of Baiyu." Wu Gu came over and said after looking around.

"Yes, I'll show them around the college." Huang Yaoshi responded.

"Well, then you are busy." Wu Gu said, about to leave, but suddenly stopped again, "You are the geniuses of Bai Yu, certainly there is no lack of power to recruit you, to cultivate you. However, if you can Joining Xianxue College and becoming a student of Xianxue College is definitely the most correct choice for you, and your future will be infinitely bright in the future. "

Hearing this, all the geniuses of Baiyu were stunned.

You must know that Wugu came from Shenhe. To say this from the perspective of his gods, that is to have absolute confidence in Xianxian Academy.

"Xian Academy is not as simple as you think." Wu Gu showed a somewhat dignified look and turned to leave. At this moment, there were two or three people who were skeptical of Xian Academy. At this moment, they also made up their minds to become Xian. College students.

Huang Yaoshi stopped talking and kept going.

"That's the dean's office, but the dean should be away now." Huang Yaoshi said, and a group of geniuses of Bai Yu were looking curiously towards that office at the moment, I really hope to see the dean of Xianxian College .

At this time, a small snake crawled over and said, "Huang Yaoshi, why did you come to the high school and bring so many people? Is it for me as a snack? Have a heart, a heart."

The geniuses of Baiyu were full of anger, and they were not desserts.

However, they did not dare to attack, and at this time, they heard the voice of Huang Yaoshi: "Never act lightly. This guy is a pet of the dean, and has the first-order strength of immortality, which is equivalent to the next god."


The geniuses of Baiyu are trembling at the moment. They looked at this little snake unbelievably. This turned out to be a snake of the next god.

What a joke, but it looks absolutely true that Huang Yaoshi looks so serious.

Huang Yaoshi coughed, but explained: "Master Dragon, these are the geniuses of Bai Yu, who came to be evaluated as college students."

"Oh, it wasn't for me as a snack, it was really boring." Said the dragon, and he was about to leave.

But at this time, a skeleton ran over quickly.

This is naturally a bitch. He knelt down in front of Agatha with a swipe: "This beautiful young lady, can you marry me?"

A skeleton, can you still speak?

Everyone was taken aback, and Agatha took a step back and took a step back.

"Mister Xunzi, if you want to do this again, I falsely told the Dean." Huang Yaoshi frowned, this skeleton did not know how scary he was.

"Ah, no, I just have this bone. The Dean has long wanted to stew me in soup." The sister-in-law said, and stood up anxiously. "I'm not going to go.

"Dead skeleton, dead metamorphosis," said the dragon, and disappeared with it.

"This skeleton ..." Agatha hesitated, and yelled, "I feel he is stronger than the Chang'e teacher just now."

"You can still sense this?" Huang Yaoshi looked at Agatha in surprise, girl, you are God's assist. "You're right, Teacher Xunzi practiced the law of the soul. God. "

"Perfect God?"

A group of Baiyu geniuses panicked again. Just now they even met a perfect god.

"Consummation, even asked me to marry him?" Agatha was still unable to respond.

"As long as he is a woman, he will propose. After all, he is a person who has died once. The brain circuit may be a bit abnormal." Huang Yaoshi said lightly, a group of Baiyu geniuses are aggressive, Teacher Huang, you are heart It's so big, even for a perfect God, dare to evaluate it like this. Naturally, these geniuses of Baiyu didn't know Xunzi's true strength now, in fact, he was not very strong.

Continue to walk forward.

The whole high school was also visited by two-thirds of them, and they also saw some college teachers, like the immortal deity of the Horn of Briz.

"Mr. Huang, where ... what is it?" A genius of Bai Yu suddenly pointed to a place where Huang Yaoshi had never taken them.

"Unless you are the students who became the college, you are not qualified to know that," said Huang Yaoshi, and this place is naturally the hall of the world.

"Some people ... someone came out from there." The Bai Yu genius exclaimed, and the other Bai Yu geniuses also widened their eyes. This place where they can't know, they are naturally very curious, and this People who came out of the place naturally made them curious.

A closer look at the total of four people turned out to be from the situation of the world after the ascension, the west of the north, the loneliness, and the late injury.

After entering the college, the four of them all automatically possessed their highest practice in the original work. At the moment, all of them are gods of immortality, and Fengyun Wuji is the main **** of the Trinity.

"It's really a coincidence." Huang Yaoshi didn't know what to say. He was just trying to deter these geniuses. It would be enough to show a few immortal teachers. But these four are more than enough. It's really big enough.

"Mr. Huang, where is the dean, and we want to see the dean?" Feng Yun said eagerly when he saw Huang Yaoshi.

"The dean is temporarily out of the college, what's the matter with you?" Huang Yaoshi wondered, it seems that something has happened in the world after the ascension.

"The Lord of Light and Dark wants to destroy the plane where I was born. The situation is more serious than before. I need the dean's help." Feng Yun thought for a moment, "Where is Jiang Lan and Teacher Jiang Lan? He was connected to him, but he was the King of God. As long as he was willing to help us once, our plane would be guaranteed. "

"Master God, God King ..."

What a group of genius geniuses heard, felt that the whole world view would collapse.

There is a teacher in the immortal realm?

"This is not the place to talk. I'll take you to the dean in a moment." At this time, Huang Yaoshi gave a jealous gesture towards the situation, and then said to the geniuses of Baiyu, "This is the end of today's visit. Now, there is the university department in front, but there is no place for you to go in. Well, I will send you out now. "

"University department?"

The geniuses of Baiyu looked into the distance, the place covered by the thick mist ~ ~ The third-year students in the high school are all in the realm of the king, then the students in the university department are not all immortal.

"They ... Did I leak the secrets of the college? It doesn't matter. I can use the power of the gods to erase their memories." Feng Yun whispered.

"Even if this is the case, the college intends to recruit some college students from them. Erasing the memory will hurt their souls and the practice of the students in the image. Anyway, when they come in, they have already signed a confidentiality agreement. They leaked the secrets of the college, and the dean would know it first. "Huang Yaoshi said lightly.

"Non-disclosure agreement?" A group of Baiyu geniuses stunned, when did they sign this.

"Your temporary pass to enter the college is actually a confidential contract, otherwise you will not be able to enter this dimension." Huang Yaoshi said lightly, "It is not too late, I will send them away first, and then take you to the dean. "

"Okay." Feng Yun nodded fearlessly. ,

A group of geniuses of Bai Yu, at this moment also feel like dreaming.

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