Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1526: Qin Yu enters the realm

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Ximen Yibei next to him, Dugu innocuous and late injury also laughed at this time.

It ’s not that they came to the Immortal Academy, and they think that their world is all there, and the Lord God is the strongest being.

But when they came to the Immortal Academy, they learned that there is also a God King on top of the Lord God, as well as the Supreme God, and even the Cosmic God. And their world was created by this college based on a book, and they never existed.

"Can you tell me, what is this place?" Fazu calmed down at this time, mainly because Jiang Lan's strength shocked him.

"Xian College, a practice college that connects Wanjie, and now, we are already teachers of this college. You are the same now, the dean has brought you in, and he is also recruiting you as a college teacher." He said lightly, "Want to see a higher-level world, do you want to know that the Lord God does not know the secret, do you want to be above the Lord God, and become a teacher of the Immortal College? These are not the problems."

"If so, I am willing." Jun Qianyi said the first, "Although I don't know if what you said is true or false, this thing is definitely not bad for our ancient people. Everything you do in our world, I see it all. "

"Yes, for the human race." Fengyun Wuji is also a little dignified, which is also his pursuit.

"That being the case, I am also willing to be a teacher at Xianxian College." Fazu followed and said that he had made a choice, in fact, it was also for the human race.

All that remained was the blood ancestor and Lucifer.

Lucifer pondered for a moment and hesitated, "If I don't want to, can I return to my world?"

"You can go back, the memory will be erased." Jiang Lan snorted, he has such strength.

"Lucifer, I know you want to prove to the Lord God that you are not their plaything, but I think the best way to prove it is to give you the right to have an equal dialogue with the Lord God. You have also seen that in order to obtain this right, you must have Beyond the strength of the Lord God, but your strength is still far behind, and only our college can help you. "Wang Xing said lightly, it seemed that it would take Lucifer.

"How do you know ... I promise." Lucifer was shocked. He didn't know how Wang Xing saw the secret deep inside him, but at this moment, he believed Wang Xing's words.

After hesitating for the last blood ancestor, he finally chose to agree.

At this point, the college has four more teachers in Jinxian Realm, so with the situation of Wuji, Ximen Yibei, Dugu Injury, Late Injury, and Wugu, Briz, Chang'e, etc., the teachers of Jinxian Realm have surpassed Ten people.

But Wang Xing knew that this was not enough.

He will continue to expand the teaching staff, and the next goal is to recruit teachers from the stars to the world.

At this moment, the stars changed the world. The three brothers Qin Yu passed through the calamity together. Today is the day when their three brothers soared. Over 90% of the immortal emperors in the whole **** world came to see them off.

"Qin Yuxian Emperor is about to ascend. It is really gratifying."

"It's only been a few years, and it's going to be ascended to the **** world. It is estimated that no one will break this record in the future."

"Is that the Qin family over there? It's terrible. A dog in it is almost immortal."

A group of people were talking, and the three of Qin Yu clearly felt a traction.

That was the divine realm pulling them.

"Dear friends, good-bye to our divine realm." Qin Yu said, waving to the crowd, but suddenly his face became a bit grim, "Although I left, my Qin family is still in the fairy and demon world. I know who would dare to think of our Qin family. Even if I cross the two heavens, I will kill him. "

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help shivering.

In fact, without Qin Yu saying, according to the current strength of the Qin family, who dares to provoke the Qin family, do not want to live?


Divine Realm, Yu Chi's Ascension Pool.

The three brothers Qin Yu came here naturally, and the three brothers didn't know that it had already been secretly ruled by the Divine Alliance.

At present, it is the captain of the Divine Realm who led Qin Yu in the original book, Huang Xu. The arrangement of this person to watch the Feisheng Pond is naturally also Wang Xing's credit.

As for Huang Xu, he is now also a member of Divine Alliance. Although he is only an eighth-level member, he is now proud of him.

"Three more people soared."

"These three are not easy. It took so long to receive divine power in it."

"Will it be the three people we have to wait for?"

"It's not easy to say this. Watch it for a while and then say it."

Huang Xu secretly communicated with the team members. One of the women, Liu Fei, also appeared in the original book.

Sure enough, like in the original work, Hou Fei and Hei Yu completed the divine power first, and Qin Yu waited for a while before ending.

At this moment, Qin Yu was about to end his divine power, but at this time he secretly said: "Fei Fei, Xiao Hei, do you remember the original story we know? This divine realm is weak and strong, and the new ascended ascension has everything If you do n’t want to do it, you have to mine for millennia. We still have a lot of work to do. How can I mine? As soon as I come out of the Ascension Pool, I will release the spaceship brought from the college. None of the gods and men can fly, and we can easily get rid of them in a spaceship. "

Hou Fei and Xiao dark nodded, feeling very excited.

Shock, Qin Yu came out.

Everything was going according to plan, it was perfect, and the moment Qin Yu came out, Huang Xu also came up with a strange thing that was being compared.

"It's him, that's him." Huang Xu almost roared out. The person waiting above came to the **** world, and he finally came to the **** world.

But at this moment, only saw Qin Yu suddenly shouted: "Run!"

A spaceship appeared, and the three brothers got in at almost the same time, and then disappeared without a trace.

"Don't ... don't run, lie down, what's going on, we know it's here to greet you." Huang Xu was messing in the wind alone, and he hasn't figured out the situation now.

"Captain, people ran away. I don't know what flying instruments are, they are almost catching up to the speed of God." Liu Fei said, a little awkward.

"What's going on? Say good grand welcoming ceremony, say good to upgrade first-level membership level, this is a complete loss." Huang Xu cried with grief, "What are you still trying to do? Headquarters, it is said that Lord Qin Yu has come to Divine Realm. "

Among the cities of Yu Chi, the headquarters of Shenlian is here.

As the vice-president and also the current acting chairman, Zhou Buer is completely a real superior at the moment.

However, it is very clear on Tuesday that the acting chairman and vice chairman are also the end of his life, because Wang Xing has selected an object as the next president of the League of Gods. The object is called Qin Yu, and it is only one in There is no rising fairy in the fairy demon world.

If Zhou Buer is not jealous, but jealousy is of no use, he dare not.

Everything of the Divine Alliance is planned by Wang Xing, and he is just an executor. He can do the same if he changes someone else. Besides, the elder of Jiang Di, named God Lan, only listens to Wang Xing. Is the great killer of the God Union.

Later thinking about it, Zhou Buer was actually very satisfied.

What he was originally and what he is now, you have to know that even the captain Chi Cheng now speaks kindly with him. Moreover, he was originally just a god-man, and now he is about to break through to the lower realm of heaven and god.

After accepting all of this in his heart, Zhou Buer next wanted to wait for Qin Yu to rise and assist Qin Yu to take over the God Union and become his right arm.

But on this day, he did not come.

Just then, an urgent voice came, and it was a woman.

This is her secretary. In fact, few people know that this is also her lover.

"President, Qin Yu, that Qin Yu has soared." The woman seemed a little apprehensive. She felt that once Qin Yu soared, maybe he would lose power on Tuesday.

"What president, you must call my vice president or acting president." Zhou Buer corrected, but then thought of something, lost his voice, "Who has risen, Qin Yu, which Qin Yu?"

"It was the guy accused of being the next president of the League of Gods. He ascended to the realm of God. This is the news that just came from the Ascension Pool." The woman yelled, "Chairman, why not ..."

"Shut up for me, don't move your brain. This is a matter settled by the president, and no one dares to disobey." Zhou Buer hummed, did this silly woman think he had found someone to kill Qin Yu secretly, He can become a formal chairman, which is really stupid. This will only put him in. This woman has no idea how terrible the chairman is.

"I see. I'm just not worth it for you. You paid so much for the Union ..." The woman whispered, she was scared.

"Don't say, I can do the same for others. I can only do it for others. I am just an implementer, and long ago, the president set the development plan for the 10,000 years of the Union. Zhou Fuji said lightly, "The president once told me how capable and capable of doing things, I am conservative and barely okay. I want to develop the Union of God into the first power of the divine realm, but it is still far behind. Well, since the chairman chose that Qin Yu, naturally the chairman has reason, I just need to assist Qin Yu with all my heart. "

"I see." The woman dared not say anything, "but ... but now Qin Yu is gone ..."

"What, gone?" Zhou Fue heard this, and completely choked. When he asked about the previous cause and effect, the whole person was aggressive. This is how it happened. What did you just fly to the realm of God.

"That's what I'm trying to do, find it, look for it quickly." Zhou Buer almost shouted, "Oh my God, how does this explain to the president, does the president think I am Qin Yu? What have you done, I am wrong. "

The woman saw here, it was clear.

Zhou Buer was completely afraid of the mysterious chairman, and it was impossible to expect such a man to seek the position of chairman.


Besides Qin Yu's side.

Flying all the way, I don't know how far the flight.

Then they were tragedy. They were intercepted by a divine fire eagle, and the spacecraft was caught in a hole. They had to abandon the spacecraft and run away.

Eventually they came to a village and were saved by the people in the village, and they survived.

"Long fellow, where is this?" Hou Fei asked, looking at the village, it was really broken, and many houses seemed to be empty, and no one seemed to live.

"Fujue Village," said an old man slowly.

"Where?" Including Qin Yu, the three brothers were dumbfounded, because in the original work, after the mining was over, the village they were assigned to was Fujue Village. Well this time, they have escaped the mining, but they haven't escaped the village yet.

"Fujue Village, what's the problem?" The old man frowned. "Say back, what's going on with the three of you, so that you don't want to wander around in the wild, do you want to die? This monster in the divine realm can They are all terrible. Generally, superior gods and men should be careful in the wild. "

"Accident, this is just an accident, we are just lost." Qin Yu embarrassed.

At this time, a surprise voice came: "Qin Yu ... is you?"

After hearing this, Qin Yu looked at it immediately, then was stunned, turned out to be his friend Jin Xingyuan Xing Yuan who was in the fairy and demon world.

Qin Yu can understand at this moment, they are definitely here.

However, this plot is also included in the original work. How did it come to me at first? It seems that Xing Yuan fell in love with a girl, but because he couldn't afford a house, Qin Yu finally took out two million **** stones to help Xing Yuan buy a house. Married my wife.

Is it also now?

Thinking of this, Qin Yu asked with some suspicion: "Brother Xing Yuan, don't talk first, listen to me. Do you like a woman right now, but your parents want you to buy a house, can't you afford it?"

Xing Yuan froze and looked at Qin Yu with a little surprise: "How do you know? But I can't afford it anymore. I can still afford the commercial house, but Zi Yun's parents asked me to buy a small villa ~ ~ Not to mention the luxury villas that cost millions of gods in the past, even today's small villas, I can't afford it. "

Qin Yu couldn't laugh or cry, that was really the case.

At this moment, a man came over with two men in black.

Seeing this man, everyone, including Xing Yuan, was stunned.

"Xing Yuan, I advise you to give up Zi Yun best. He and I are young and charming. Only I can give him happiness." The man said resentfully, if it was not in the village, it is estimated that he wanted to kill Xing Yuan .

"This should be your love rival. It really is exactly the same as the original." Qin Yu was full of emotion.

"Why, not convinced? Look at your poor sourness, a small villa in Wei Chi City can't afford it, what else do you like about Ziyun." The man hummed coldly.

"Who said that our brother Xing Yuan couldn't afford it." Qin Yu spoke at this time. Since God sent him over and asked him to help Xing Yuan again, how can he look at it, isn't it just a house? In the original, he can afford it, and now he can afford it.

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