Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1549: Supply station

Without waiting for what Liu Fan was talking about, he had already started to learn.

In fact, this secret method is not difficult to learn, plus Bart's talent is still very high, otherwise it is impossible to become a true disciple of Ziyue Xuegong. He practiced this way for almost a day, and he had already completely started. I only saw him performing this colorful jewel technique. In his sight, many objects began to show five colors: black, white, yellow, green, and blue. Black was the lowest value, and blue was the highest value. It was clear.

He experimented, and after a while, he found three very good treasures.

However, this treasure hunting secret method also consumes more spirits, and he can't perform it all the time. Soon, he feels a little tired, but Rao still makes him excited.

"Enough to play?" Liu Fan said helplessly.

"Fan, this colorful Jianbao technique is really amazing. I really obeyed Su Yu who created this secret method. He must be an immortal god."

"Wrong, when he created this secret method, he was just the state of the Creator, and I just said that he and I are classmates. Do you think there can be such a big difference between his cultivation and his cultivation."

"Uh?" Bart was silent, "Can the Creator create such a secret method?"

"Our college pays more attention to the cultivation of creativity. What is strange about the creation of such secret methods in the creation of the realm, I have created the seventh-order mystery in the flying realm."

"I'm going, are you all so powerful." Bart was a little shocked, "Thanks anyway, thank you, I think this must be one of your college's most powerful treasure hunting secrets, you can teach me, That's trust in me. Without your permission, I would never teach it to others. "

"Wrong again, this is just a secret treasure hunting method that is very basic in our academy. Not to mention anything else, then Su Yu has upgraded this colorful Jian Baoshu, the current version 2.0 is called Colorful Cai Baoshu, the kind of Jianbao It ’s really top-level, it can detect a wider range and find more treasures. However, the most powerful treasure hunting secret method actually includes Teacher Jiang Lan ’s micro-space object detection technique. This treasure hunting secret method can penetrate matter Space, according to the material structure, to judge the value of treasures, is simply inadvertent. "Liu Fan said lightly.

"Your academy is also superb. As far as I know, this colorful Jianbao technique is considered to be top-notch in our Ziyue Academy."

"That's because your school is too ordinary." Liu Fan said casually.

"Dare to say that our Ziyue Palace is general, you are the first. You know what others call us, but it is a sacred place, countless people begging to go in." Bart sighed, and he was proud of Ziyue Xue Gong seems to be worthless.

"Let's go, I don't know who this heritage is. If we want to get a heritage, we can't be too far behind." Liu Fan said, pointing, "Going in this direction, I just felt from here There was a wave of energy. "

"What are you waiting for, go now." Bart urged.

The two flew all the way and couldn't help but stop after hundreds of millions of miles because they saw a palace covering a million miles.

The two people looked at this towering palace, and the first thought was that this is the place of inheritance.

And many people are rushing into the palace around.

"Land of inheritance, land of inheritance." Bart was very excited. "Walk around, let's fight for the inheritance inside."

"Let's go," said Liu Fan. He looked at this towering palace, and at the top of the palace turned out to be a dragon shape. Of course, this is not the kind of dragon on the earth.

As soon as the two entered the palace, a voice came to mind.

"Welcome to the trial world of my lord. This is the first supply station for the trial. Please allow me to call it like this. Here, my lord has prepared a small gift for you all along the way. It is a reward to you. After all, it's not easy to get here. "The faint voice said mechanically," But the gift is limited, not everyone has a share. If you want a gift, go in and get it! Of course I didn't get it. Don't be discouraged either, because better gifts are still behind. "

The voice fell, and Liu Fan and Bart looked at each other with excitement.

"Go, go in and grab the treasure."

"The energy fluctuations I just felt must be that the door here has been opened, and then we came here. It should be the earlier one." Liu Fan analyzed and felt that it was not too late now. Never return empty-handed.


The two rushed in, and then saw a huge treasure palace. Many treasures were neatly placed there like diamonds placed on the counter.

"Wait, what are you waiting for, grab it!" Bart smashed the protective restraint outside toward a cabinet that had not been opened by others, and grabbed a very good piece of armor with a quick grab. "It turned out to be Fifth-tier Force Armor, you can also exchange immortal stones when you get outside. "

Liu Fan didn't hesitate. He grabbed an iron chain as soon as he grabbed his hand: "The first-order original artifact is not bad."

"I'm going, why did you get the original artifact first." Bart was hurt, but it was faster.

"Get away, this is mine, so many treasures, go and grab others."

"First-order original artifact, this knife is a first-order original artifact."

"Magic weapon, there is a magic weapon of the fifth-order Force."

Many people are stunned, and once more precious treasures appear, if they are found, they will surely lead to a fight.

There are fewer and fewer treasures inside the palace, but more and more people.

"What treasure is this black liquid?" Liu Fan was standing at the top of the palace, looking at a fist-sized liquid ball. "No matter what, take it first."

"A Creator also wants to grab me, and go away!" A man had locked the treasure long ago, watching Liu Fan come over to fight for it, and beheaded him.

"Look for death." Liu Fan shouted angrily, waving a sword.

The man had Liu Fan first step ~ ~ At this moment, he has caught the treasure, and he feels the joy of the treasure's attributes.

But when Liu Fan's sword came over, he was furious.

Then without waiting for him to react, his arm was cut off by Liu Fan.

"How is that possible?" The man couldn't believe it. He was cut off by a creator and looked at Liu Fan carefully. He suddenly lost color. "Brahma, you are the Brahma chased by the demon blood universe."

Thinking of Liu Fan killing the Emperor of the Three Realms in the four kingdoms of the Demon Blood Universe with one enemy and six, where is Liu Fan's opponent.


Liu Fan ignored the man and snatched the treasure: "This thing turned out to be a second-order original defense magic weapon, which is equivalent to the acquired treasure. How is it possible? It is really a big money. It is estimated that this is the most precious treasure in the entire palace. . "

Genius remember the address of this site in one second :. Mobile reading URL: m.

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