Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1554: No why, just feel you damn

The other party was so accurate at once, it must be the exact news.

The key is who leaked their location information.

Liu Fan's eyes have seen the four, but Bart must have been impossible in the first place. If Bart wanted to reveal his position, he would have leaked long ago, and he would not wait until now.

Then there are only three people in this universe arena, and who this person will be, or all three of them have a share.

He looked at the three with a killing in his eyes: "Who among you has leaked my place?"

When the three heard this, they all trembled.

"Moxido, isn't it you, Fange has treated you like that, and you also recommend working with Fange." Bart angered.

"It's not me," Mossido said in a hurry, in fact he hadn't figured it out yet.

"Is it you? I know you have always been prejudiced against Fan." Bart looked at Bing Lan, and the woman looked down on Liu Fan a little before.

"I did not reveal the whereabouts of Brahma." Bing Lan gritted his teeth.

"It has nothing to do with me," said Bennison, who saw Bart wanted to ask him, and said immediately.

Liu Fan was silent, and he swept over the three again.

Suddenly, a sword flashed.

Only to see Bennison's body cut off, his body disappeared a little bit.

"For ... why?" Bennison looked at Liu Fan in disbelief. He never thought that Liu Fan would hit him, and it was so sudden, didn't he find out who had leaked it?

"No why, it just feels like you **** it." Liu Fan said indifferently.

"Feeling?" At this moment, Mossido looked at Liu Fan full of fear. Without evidence, he could kill people at will by relying on his feelings. In front of such people, there was no sense of security at all, and such Man is completely the devil.

"I thought you could kill you with the help of the Demon Blood Mountain Universe. I didn't expect that when the people of the Demon Blood Mountain Universe were 200,000 kilometers away, I was discovered by you. "Bennison's final voice was getting weaker and weaker. This is probably the last confession before his death. When hearing this, several people were silent, and they didn't know what to say.

"It turned out to be him." Bart watched Bennison's body completely disappear, leaving only a trace of the source, and it was inexplicable. What happened in an instant made him a little bit ignorant of Liu Fan. Guess by common sense.

"What should we do now, let's run away quickly?" Bart said, summoning the Nether Wing Xiao Chong.

"Well, hope is too late." Liu Fan also felt the urgency of time.

"Xiao Chong, quickly open a space channel." Bart urged, and Xiao Chong's resentment seemed to be saying what do you think of me, please give a minimum of respect, we worms also have dignity.

Soon, a passage opened.

The two rushed towards the passage immediately, but Mosido and Bing Lan thought for a while, but did not keep up.

They walked away, and if they followed Liu Fan at this moment, they were really looking for death, and if they left, the Blood Mountain Universe would probably not hold them accountable.

"Go, go!"

Bart said he rushed to the aisle with Liu Fan.

But at this moment, a spear flew from a distance, and it blasted on the space channel.

A loud noise came, and the space channel was broken, and Xiao Chong was also entangled in the space.

"No, I can't get out."

Bart exclaimed, summoning Xiao Chong immediately, but found that Xiao Chong, who was caught in the chaos of space, was too weak to connect with him.

At this time, Liu Fan had a sword in his hand.

He looked up and looked around. There were a total of twenty-four emperors above the sixth level, and the head of them was a great emperor.

Although in this dimensional world, the cultivation of the great emperor will be suppressed very much, but it is not something he can compete with.

"You are Brahma? You are proud to let the Commander of the Dragon and Magic issue a second hunting order to kill you," said the emperor, indifferently, "but I thought you had the ability to do so. .Okay, go and arrest him, first revoke his cultivation, and then hang it at the entrance of the dimensional world, let everyone who comes in have a look. This is the end of offending our Demon Blood Mountain Universe. "

"What are you doing, Fan is now a disciple of our Ziyue Academy. Yes, that's it, I have accepted him as a disciple for my teacher." Bart hurried at this time, hoping that the identity of Ziyue Academy, Makes the other person daunted.

Obviously, the other party didn't care.

"Ziyue Xuegong, hum!" The great emperor sneered, "don't say that this Brahma could not be a disciple of Ziyue Xuegong, even if it is true, then if he offends my demon blood mountain universe, Ziyue Xue Xue will not care about his life or death. And you, in collusion with this Brahma, I will hang you with Brahma in a moment. "

"You ..." Bart was short of breath.

"Bart, don't say it." Liu Fan's long sword ran across and said secretly, "Listen, I have a space out of the academy to move fairy charms. This is made by our college teacher Jiang Lan When the space is blocked, you can break open the space and take us to a place hundreds of millions of miles away. You will find a way to approach me and I will take you away. "

When Bart heard the voice, he didn't realize it.

He didn't understand any Fuyu at all, but knowing that Liu Fan had a way to escape, he couldn't help rejoicing.

"Okay," Bart responded.

"Hand." The great man waved his hand, and a dozen people rushed up.

"Kill!" Liu Fan whispered, waving a sword to an emperor in the seventh rank of the kingdom.

"It's ridiculous to rely on your strength and want to fight with me!" The emperor sneered, grabbing one hand towards Liu Fan, and suddenly the world's shadow erupted behind him, and Liu Fan's Attack in front of this world, broken down by inch.


Liu Fan was repelled, but flew straight towards Bart, and at the same time took out the shifting rune, tearing it apart.

Bart froze and flew to Liu Fan immediately.

"This is ... stop them." The Great Emperor saw something, and his face was a little horrified. "The thing in his hand can distort space. He wants to leave."

Hearing this ~ ~ The nearest emperor who lied on immediately banged Liu Fan.


Liu Fan's sword was also cut to the man, but even if the man took the Liu Fan's sword, he also blasted the punch on Liu Fan's body.


Liu Fan spit out blood. He did not expect that the emperor was so crazy, but after receiving the sword, he had completely shifted his position.

"Liu Fan!"

Bart exclaimed, but rushed to Liu Fan again, and at this time an attack bombarded, already planning to take Liu Fan's life.

But this fist fell, but it was just blocked by a figure.

It was Bart.

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