Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1563: Devouring gourd, dragon machine

In Liu Fan's expectant eyes, the will slowly opened.

"Cultivation in the universe is inseparable from money at all times. Many precious treasures, materials, and secret methods of cultivation require money to buy, and this money is immortal. The owner has considered this one for a long time, so for his The heirs have left six accounts corresponding to the cultivation funds that the heirs can obtain in the realm of the king, lower god, middle god, upper god, perfect god, and great perfect god. "

"Oh, how much is that?" Liu Fan asked.

"You are now the realm of the emperor and the emperor, and you still have a lot of cultivation funds, a total of 10 million immortal coins." The will said with some pride.

"Ten ten million immortal coins?" Liu Fan couldn't help but smile, "I thought how many, this is my current account, you see for yourself."

Then, he showed himself in the Star Bank account.

Only to see that the number above has reached eight digits, and the first digit is seven, which means that this is a balance of more than 70 million immortal coins.

The will of the dimensional world has not spoken for a long time, I do not know if it was frightened by Liu Fan's account balance.

In comparison, less than one-seventh of Liu Fan's account balance was left by his master's cultivation funds.

"There are still these." Liu Fan said, a wave of immortal crystals appeared in front of his hand, the number was tens of thousands, if converted into immortal coins, they are hundreds of millions.

The will of the dimensional world still did not speak, but Liu Fan could feel that the entire dimensional world seemed to be trembling, which was definitely a crit.

It finally seemed like a long time later, that dimension of the world will open again: "Heir, you really have some skin."

Liu Fan laughed and said nothing.

"Well, continue to talk about the other things left by the master." The dimension world will think about it, and some want to quickly turn the topic off. "In addition to the cultivation funds, the master left a weapon for his heirs. And a magic weapon, the name of the weapon is Long Xu Dao, which is made from the dragon bone of Tai Xu Tianlong, and the ranks have reached the level of the fourth-order original artifact, which is powerful. But because this weapon is extremely draining, Just in case the inheritor can't urge, the master has already put three seals in it. Now if you use it, it is probably equivalent to the second-order original artifact. With your cultivation and promotion, this seal will slowly be solved in the future. open."

Speaking, the will of that dimension world is quite proud.

You have more money than the master's training funds, but you always have the fourth-order original artifact.

After all, even in Shenhe, the fourth-order original artifacts are top-notch weapons, not at all like the first- and second-order original artifacts.

"Now it is only equivalent to the second-order original artifact. What use would I have to come to?" Just when Liu Fan opened his mouth, he made him dumbfounded. "Looking at the sword in my hand, the name is Gold Sword, it's already fast. It has reached the level of the third-order original artifact, and it also has a special ability to swallow the metal. I am quite comfortable with it now. Do you think that the Lord of the Dragon has thought too much, how can he know that I cannot Promote the Dragon Sword. To be honest, I have the secret method of the academy, it is not difficult to motivate. "

Liu Fan was quite a bit dissatisfied. You said that you would give me a weapon of such high order, and you had to seal it up to do something.

The will of the dimension world is really going to vomit blood, you inheritor bullies.

Others accept the inheritance. Which one is not grateful to Dade, you are good. Why did you pick and choose? It feels like we are giving you garbage.

"Forget it, I guess you can't unlock the seal. After returning to the academy, I still ask the academy teacher to help me to unseal the dragon sword." Liu Fan said very helplessly, this is almost to that dimension The sword of the world will come again, without such bullies, "Yes, don't you say there is a magic weapon, where is it, what magic weapon?"

The will of the dimensional world was stunned, almost gritting his teeth: "Well, this is the magic weapon, called the gourd gourd, which was accidentally acquired by the owner. The owner's life can rise so fast also thanks to The help of this gourd. Now I will briefly tell you the ability to swallow the gourd. First of all, the first is refining, even if it is some flowers, trees, earth, gravel, and so on, as long as it enters the gourd, it will eventually become The original energy, so as long as you have this bottle, even if you have somewhere to isolate the cosmic energy, as long as there is material there, you will not be unable to cultivate because of lack of energy. "

Hearing here, Liu Fan was already shocked.

This swallows gourd is really a treasure, so turning matter into energy is like a conversion instrument.

As far as he knows, even in the river of gods, those **** kings and even the supreme gods do not have this ability to resist the sky.

"The second ability is to devour. When the user urges his own divine power, an extremely scary black hole will be generated in this swallowing gourd, and the powerful suction generated by this black hole can swallow the enemy into it. Combined with the first ability to refine the gourd, the enemies that enter it will eventually become pure energy. However, it is extremely consuming to motivate this gourd, and its ability to swallow and the user ’s cultivation Realm also has a lot to do with it. "That dimension will continue.

Liu Fan nodded his head: "I have to say that this gourd is absolutely a treasure. What grade is it?"

But this time, the elemental will was hesitant: "I don't know what order, the master can't see it. But the master once said that this gourd is naturally formed, not made by anyone."

"Is it a magic weapon?"

Liu Fan thought about it, of course, this is the name of the academy, the dimension of the will is simply incomprehensible.

"I see. There are no restrictions on the use of this gourd. Does the Lord of the Dragon have no more seals?"

"That's not true."

"Fortunately, I'm going to trouble the college teachers again."

The dimension of the world is very speechless, can we not mention your college teacher.

"What else do you want to account for, let's finish it together?"

"it is good!"

The will of the dimensional world should be answered, and there seems to be some resentment. He feels that this guy Liu Fan is indecent. How can he talk to me so impatiently?

"Finally, the last thing my lord left to you is a puppet made by the mech clan." When it comes to this, the will of the dimension world is a little dignified. Manufacturing crickets are famous. Many of the crickets they make are no different from real life, and they are extremely powerful, but these crickets are not so obtained. They involve some of the taboos of the mechanical family. You can check them on the Star Network. It can be found. The owner is also because of the great consummation **** who once saved a mechanical tribe. The other party gave the owner a puppet in order to thank the host. However, the owner has not used this puppet for a long time, so no one knows it many."


"Yes, the key is still a battle cricket." Said the will of the dimensional world, a man with a height of three meters, feet, and gold armor had appeared, but at this moment the man closed his eyes as if sleeping It ’s the same, and if it was n’t for the will of the dimensional world just to say that it was a puppet, Liu Fan thought it was really a life.

"It's so real. What level of combat power can this battle puppet show?" Liu Fan asked.

"In daily conditions, he can pour energy and make energy reserves like a practitioner. At this time, he can exert the power of the next god, that is, when the energy budget is balanced. But once he enters the combat state, he can play the best. The strength of perfection is only that the higher the level, the greater the energy consumption, and the energy he reserves is enough for him to fight for one minute in the perfection level, but fortunately, there is another set of energy supply mechanism , That is to use the immortal crystal for energy. If there is an infinite supply of immortal crystal, he can even maintain the full power of God's realm. "

Hearing here, Liu Fan was excited.

What does it mean to keep it all? Doesn't this mean that as long as there are enough immortal grades, he will have a thug who can fulfill the realm of God.

"If you use immortal crystals, how many immortal crystals does he need to consume for one minute?" Liu Fan asked, knowing that this was the most critical.

"One minute, ten thousand immortal crystals." The will of the dimension world gave a number, and Liu Fan was not good at hearing this number, it was too much. The preciousness of immortal crystals is not easy to obtain even in the Shenhe River.

Although this is a bit pitted, he also has to say that this magpie is really outrageous.

Fortunately, he should not use this puppet continuously. It may take a few minutes for this puppet to exert his full power, and in this case, he can afford it.

Most unfortunately, after returning to the academy, he redeemed some immortal crystals with the task points and reserved more.

"Nothing else?"


Liu Fan nodded when he heard this, but in fact he was content.

"What about you, after your mission is complete, it will dissipate, right?"

"Dissipate, why dissipate?" The dimension world stunned, "I will be free, you know not. In this dimension world, I will be the master. When I cultivate an era, I will condense my own body , And finally becoming your cultivator amounts to an immortal existence. "

"Okay, I'm too simple. But now you may want to stay with me for a while. I will refine this weapon, magic weapon, and puppet." Liu Fan thought about it.

"It's okay, now I have time." The will of that dimension world said casually.

Liu Fan nodded and immediately began to get busy.

First he activated the puppet, only to see the man who seemed to be asleep, and slowly stood up.

He looked at Liu Fan and compared it with the information in his head. He immediately knelt down on one knee and said, "At the dragon machine, I would like to swear to the Lord."

Liu Fan nodded: "Very well, is your name from the Lord of the True Dragon?"

Longji nodded his head, watching his expression and dynamics really the same as a real person.

"I know, then you will call it Dragon Machine." Liu Fan originally wanted to change the name of the other party, but thought of the meaning of the name of the real dragon master, he gave up. A weapon and a magic weapon, do yourself a favor and get acquainted with some of the current universe as soon as possible. "

"Yes, master," Longji answered.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye it was a hundred years.

Liu Fan did not waste much time refining Longxu, but it took more than ninety years to refine the gourd.

But even so, he simply imprinted his consciousness in it and could barely urge the gourd to eat, without fully controlling the gourd.

According to the dimensional world will, Rao is the Lord of the True Dragon who did not fully refine this gourd.

This shows that this gourd is powerful.

"Master, do we want to leave now?" Longji asked, "I just landed on the interstellar network and found that the host is not in a good situation now. The master offended the Blood Mountain Universe and the Sky Burial Universe, these two universes. The nations are all giant nation-level universe nations, especially the Magic Blood Mountain universe nation. They have set up layers of containment in the dimension world to capture their masters. There are others, and they feel that their masters will definitely get With a strong heritage, there are not a few who want to kill and overrun the goods. "

"I expected it long ago, and the Lord of the True Dragons left you to me. I must have guessed that this would happen. Originally, I was going to ask the college for help, but now that I have you, I want to believe that you are successful. It is not difficult for God ’s strength to sweep the entire Blood Mountain Universe ~ ~ Liu Fan said slowly, "This time, we will not only leave, but also give a lesson to the Blood Mountain Universe and let him Know that we are not provoking. "

"Master, I can exert my full power of God, but now I have n’t absorbed enough energy, so I can stick to two or three breaths at most, and even if it is full of energy, that is one minute. After this time, I will return to the natural state, and my strength will drop to the ordinary lower **** realm. "Longji said.

"I know, but isn't your other set of functional mechanisms able to use immortal crystals to supply energy. Here is 30,000 immortal crystals, I will recharge for three minutes first." Liu Fan said, almost all of his own family come out.

"I didn't expect the owner to have immortal crystals. It was so good. There would be no problem, and three minutes is enough for us to do a lot of things." Longji seemed a bit surprised. Like the will of the dimension world, he did not expect Liu Fan. There will be so many immortal crystals.

"All right, get ready, let's go out and kill some." Liu Fan said, slowly stood up, "and there are some things that I must verify, otherwise I feel uneasy."

Some of these things naturally refer to Bart.

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