Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1570: return

Super Immortal Academy 1570

Liu Fan froze for a while, then remembered that until now he had never said his origin to Long Ji. The book network is updated the fastest, "academy." Liu Fan said, with some reverence in his eyes: "I have never told you that, in fact, I am a student of Immortal College. This time I went out to practice the law of engulfment. Condensed out. Now that my purpose has been achieved, it is time to go back. "" Master, do you have the legacy left by the old master, and you still need to study in this college? "Longji seemed a little puzzled, he always felt that he was old The master is already the most powerful being. As long as Liu Fan follows in the footsteps of the old master, his future achievements are definitely not low. What fairy college, how can it be compared with the old master. "You do n’t understand. The Immortal Academy is not as simple as you think. The highest achievement of the Lord of True Dragons is just the realm of the Lord God. But in the Immortal Academy, even the teachers of the Realm of the King of God have. Even the Supreme God and the Cosmic God It's no surprise that I came to the college someday. "Liu Fan said faintly." I can thank the college for being able to achieve my current achievements. Without me, there would be no me. "" Xian Academy is so powerful? " Believe it. "You will understand it later." Liu Fan thought for a while, "The Brahma Realm is a force I cultivated outside the academy, and it means a lot to me. I can't afford to lose it here. I think about it, and you will stay here in the future. "Yes, master." Longji answered, he was just a puppet, naturally he would not disobey the master's order. "I'm relieved." Liu Fan nodded. ... a starship was slowly moving. Liu Fan was in this spaceship. He looked at the blue planet with some dignity. He is back. "Go ahead and enter the Earth Federation's capital, Star Earth, and warships should stop to check." Someone shouted from the guard fleet outside the Earth Federation. "I'm Liu Fan." He said, the hidden "Xian" character of the totem of Xianxian on the spacecraft glowed a dazzling light, so that everyone was ashamed. "Liu Fan?" One of the men in the guard fleet stunned, then excited, "President, are you back, I am Zhang Delin, a member of the Brahma League, now performing patrol duties here." "Yes , I'm back. "Liu Fan said lightly, a Vatican Union President's token appeared in the void, shining brightly, this is his status symbol. "Release, let's go." Zhang Delin no longer doubted at this time, immediately shouted. Liu Fan didn't say anything and continued to steer the spacecraft into the earth. Zhang Delin among the battleships was extremely excited. After more than 10,000 years, their chairman finally returned. "Captain, what's so much here?" A soldier of the fleet wondered, pointing at something suspended in front of Zhang Delin. "What is this? I haven't had it just yet." Zhang Delin found that it was a ten-centimeter-tall jade bottle, and took it out of the bottle stopper curiously. At this time, a very strong energy breath spread out, and he was scared. He immediately closed the stopper. "Treasure, treasure." Several soldiers already exclaimed. At this time, Zhang Delin understood what he was doing, and shouted in the direction of Liu Fan's departure: "Thank you, president, thank you." After hearing this, a group of soldiers were envious. ... Earth, Shanhai. Liu Fan did not return to the college, but returned home the first time. "After more than ten thousand years, I didn't expect that the earth has not changed much, and my house is still the same." Liu Fan muttered and opened the door of the house. "Mom wasn't even there and didn't know where to go." Pensive Suddenly, Liu Fan entered the kitchen. He started cooking. No matter how many years have passed, the mother is still a kind of spiritual sustenance, and it is not shameful to cook a meal for the mother. Busy in the kitchen, he didn't use any magic power, just like an ordinary person. His heart was peaceful, and after all these years, he finally made himself less impulsive. Suddenly, the door opened. A middle-aged woman walked into the courtyard, and it can be seen that the years did not leave much traces on the face of the middle-aged woman. She froze, looked at the open kitchen, and walked quickly. Liu Fan in the kitchen noticed someone coming, and smiled back: "Mom, you are back." Liu Hongmei suddenly got wet eyes, hugged Liu Fan when she went up, and then patted Liu Fan hardly. A few times: "How many years has this been, your little **** still knows to come back, are you going to be angry with mom?" The mother and son then sat down and had lunch together. Liu Fan avoided the heavy and talked about his own experience in the universe. There are some interesting places that made Liu Hongmei laugh. "Mom, I have been to a planet where gold and diamonds are everywhere. People use these two things to build houses. There is another planet that is particularly funny. People there will be thundered if they lie. Therefore, people there dare not swear easily. "" There is such a planet, and it really laughs at me ~ ~ Of course, there is nothing strange in the universe. The universe we know is just the tip of the iceberg. "... A week later, Liu Fan went to the college. In the college, Zhang Delin was bragging with several people: "See if there is, this is what our president gave me." "Your president is really back?" "It's been more than 10,000 years. Your president was originally In order to condense the law of engulfment, I don't know if it succeeded. "" Where is it so easy? In an era, a few stars can condense first-class rules, and finally, by virtue of first-class rules, they become immortal It ’s more likely that there is n’t even one. ”“ The first-class rule is too difficult to have a few Su Yu. ”... At this time, a man came over. "You are ..." Someone exclaimed, "Liu Fan, you are a senior student of Liu Fan." "Really back?" Many people came around, and they looked at Liu Fan, all of them curious. Endlessly. At this time, Zhang Delin rushed over and said, "President, it's me, Xiao Zhang! When you returned to the earth, I said hello to you." "You?" Liu Fan was wearing a black suit, After looking at Zhang Delin for a long time, I thought of it: "Aren't you guarding the fleet, why are you back?" Zhang Delin immediately replied, "Chairman, I'm not lazy, it was my patrol mission yesterday. It's over. "Liu Fan nodded and said nothing more. Zhang Delin watched Liu Fan leave, and he twisted a little: "The president, can I ask you a question?" "What question?" Liu Fan looked at Zhang Delin curiously, chuckling. "You, did you break through the realm of the Holy Fairy?" Zhang Delin trembled, then added in a hurry; "I bet with them, I bet you must have broken, of course, if you are not convenient to answer, you can not answer." Many people also raised their ears, and they all answered Liu Fan.

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