Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1577: Immortal College, which Immortal College?

Immediately after, Qin Yan came to the second planet of life.

He found that the two life planets were not very far away, and even the other hundreds of life planets were not very far away.

It is very unscientific that so many life planets are in such a small galaxy.

These planets do not seem to have been born naturally, but rather have been artificially transformed.

How to say it, it's like humans have circled a field to raise livestock.

On a azure planet, 70% of the area is covered by green trees. The life on it has pointed ears and slender fingers. It is very beautiful and moving, like an elf.

"Amon and Arwin, you are the most powerful fighters of our tribe. The moment the world channel opens, you will pass through the gate of the world and reach the place of the evil monarch. This is the third in 100,000 years Thousands of battles against the monarch, I hope you can succeed. "Queen said loudly, and this is what their ethnic group has been doing for generations.

The monks mainly worship, and they know what it means.

It was the life of a tribe.

They want to resist, they are constantly training, they are becoming stronger and stronger, and they believe that one day they will surely kill the monarch.

"Yes, king."

Arya and Arwin carried long bows, shouted with their swords.

Qin Yan shook his head slightly. The most powerful warrior in this group was still too weak. He barely reached the realm of God and couldn't even cross the void.

Although he does not know the strength of the monarch, he can definitely build a teleportation array, and his strength is definitely not low.

They must have died.

Continue to look at some other planets, all of them are similar.

He gradually learned that these days should be the day when the monarch harvested, as if the livestock had been fattened and could be killed.

"In all likelihood, this monarch will destroy the tyrant."

Qin Yan guessed that he had an idea.

He quietly mingled into a group, through the world channel, and came to a planet.

As soon as he came out, Qin Yan felt that the surrounding space was full of blood and tyranny.

He looked at him and he was on a huge square, and many of the planet's beings were teleported here.

Right above the square, there was an evil man standing about three meters tall with horns and tanned like steel. At this moment, the man was grabbing an orc and happily enjoying himself.

"Sovereign, this is the Sand Maiden from Sanger. The Sand Maiden is not good in meat, but the blood is extremely sweet and it is your favorite drink."

A man confessed, very respectfully.

"Then pull their blood out of me, store it, and I will taste it slowly later."

The monarch slowly opened his mouth and licked his tongue unconsciously.

"The monarch spares his life!"

A group of women of the Snake Woman knelt down and begged for mercy, all shaking.

"Beg for mercy? You are nothing but livestock raised by the monarch, and this is your destiny."

The man said, commanding people to arrest this group of snake women, started bloodletting like killing chickens.


The man was a little excited: "Monarch, this is a female sperm from Luoxing. The female sperm is very delicious and the blood is fragrant. Not only that, their brains are like nectar. If they eat live, they have a special flavor . "

"Well, I know this is really delicious."

The monk nodded, and now he thought of the taste.

The female sperm race, in fact, is the race where Ammon and Arwin belong. At this moment, the female sperm warriors they led are all moving.

"Kill the evil monarch and take revenge on the dead!"

They shouted, a group of people grabbed the long bow, pulled it like a full moon, and countless arrows flew towards the monarch.

But the monarch was full of disdain, just a look, the countless arrows were turned into flying ash,

Imam and Arwin were both dumbfounded and looked at this scene in disbelief.

They thought they were already strong, but in the face of the evil monarch, they seemed vulnerable.


Yamon growled, withdrew his knife, and launched an attacking horn.

When the monarch saw it, it was nothing at all. The strength of this group of animals was too weak. Even if he stood and chopped them, there would be nothing. With this thinking, he did not even take the resistance of the female sperm race as a matter of fact, after all, whoever raised the livestock was not so obedient, and cattle and sheep sometimes attacked the owner with horns.

He just lightly, the power of the field was released, and all the female sperms were caught in a quagmire, and could no longer move.

Ammon and Arwin were filled with despair.

Everything is over.

The monarch licked his tongue, but was appetizing, and now he wanted to eat again.


At this time a sound sounded, although not loud, but it reached everyone's ears.

"Destroy the tyrant?"

The voice continued, very flat: "It seems that I am the person I am looking for, and I really feel the breath of the law of destruction in your body."

"Who, who?"

The Destroyer Dasheng shouted, his whole hair was exploded, and he felt a powerful life mixed into this group of offerings.

"Me, Qin Yan of Xianxian College."

Qin Yan walked out slowly, step by step just in front of Arya and Erwen: "feeding other creatures, you guys really deserve to die."

Many people saw Qin Yan at this time, all shocked.

The seemingly weak guy in front of him dared to say that the monarch deserves to die.

"Immortal College, which Immortal College?"

The Destroyer said, and then exclaimed, "You are from Xianxian, **** it! Who is Su Yu who you are, I wouldn't have escaped here if he had not hurt me seriously."

"Su Yu, my classmate."

Qin Yan heard here ~ ~ finally understood Su Yu's plan, this is not just a gift to himself, but also let him come to the end.

Two birds with one stone, no one is so calculated.

"Excuse me, let me go, but I didn't do anything. The Su Yu tube was too wide. I didn't just like to devour other creatures. He even chased me and killed me. And now, these The sacrifices were all kept in my own captive, and I did not hunt for other planets. "The Destroyer thought for a moment, but spoke.

The two are in the same realm, but he asks for mercy.

Mainly, the shadow that Su Yu gave him is still lingering. You must know that Su Yu was also in this state at first, but it almost made him die.

Countless people in the square were horrified.

In their eyes, the monarch was terrifying, but when he heard only one name, he was scared to beg for mercy.

What kind of existence that immortal college is, and who is Su Yu, so that the monarchs are extremely respectful, soft and beg for mercy.

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