Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1587: Avatar

When many demon see this place, they are all timid.

Gigilia finally let go of this time, she looked around.

She wants to find the worm.

The Worm Monster is willing to keep secret for Hua Tianjun and deceive the Lord.

It can be seen that the relationship between the two is very good.

Now that Hua Tianjun was arrested because of her arrest, she will undoubtedly die. This worm devil must not stay.

She looked around, all the demon are dodging.

Now her cultivation is comparable to that of the Great Emperor, and she is already invincible. It is a well-deserved first devil.

Who would dare offend her?

She snorted, but her face was not very good-looking.

Because the worms are gone, I don't know when they will leave.

"Running fast, but he also deceived the Lord, and when the Lord disposed of Hua Tianjun, I accused the Lord and killed him by the Lord's hand." Ji Ji Liya thought to herself, she looked for the worm Demon is more difficult, but it is much easier for the Lord to find it. "For the time being, first find a place to stabilize and repair. The Lord suddenly upgrades my cultivation so much. In fact, there are endless problems. Huatian What Jun said had to be guarded against. "


True Demon Dimension, a dimensional world without any creatures.

This dimensional world has thousands of connection points with the main universe, constantly absorbing the energy of the main universe.

"Hua Tianjun, I already knew that you were yin and feng yang. I thought of waiting until the moment you achieved immortality, and I swallowed you again. I never thought you should never try to covet my heavenly demon origin. This is I'm dead. "

In front of Hua Tianjun, a man in a black robe said slowly.

This middle-aged man is the incarnation of the dimensional will of the true demon dimension, that is, the demon master.

"You don't feel good about me. I can't do anything with the origin of the Devil."

Hua Tianjun laughed.

The big deal is death. The only thing he regrets is that he didn't cut off the connection with the real demon dimension earlier.

He was too greedy.

Now he only hopes that the Dean can come to save him. If the Dean does not come, he will be dead.

At this time, the entire dimension world trembled.

Hua Tianjun froze with joy.

Did the dean come over?

Soon he knew he was thinking wrong.

Not the dean, but the two demon masters of the bone demon dimension and the spirit demon dimension.

They already knew that the will of the true demon had obtained the origin of the demon. Naturally, they were very unwilling and wanted to join hands to seize it.

"When I send them off, I'll come back to deal with you."

The will of the true demon dimension disappeared.

Somewhere in the void at this moment.

In the depth of infinite space, there is a person sitting cross-legged here, like an ancient god.

With him as the center, countless dimensions, countless time and space, and countless universes of energy swarmed in, forming a huge energy vortex.

He is Wang Xing.

It's almost 30,000 years since he started the retreat.

At this moment he opened his eyes slightly, his eyes radiated a divine light, and came to a certain dimension world through infinite time.

That is, the true demon dimension.

Under the shadow of his god, the true demon dimension is almost clear.

He then looked back.

Think for a moment.

As Hua Tianjun guessed, the force that remained in Hua Tianjun's body was excited, and he felt it for the first time.

It is just that he is now at a critical period of cultivation, and cannot stop at all.

But he is not helpless.

He intends to unite an avatar, and this takes three to five days.

Now that the true demon dimension is fighting against the will of the other two dimensions, time should be too late.

Determined, he immediately started to move.


In the outer starry sky in the place where Uranus is closed, due to the infinite energy gathering, a terrible energy vortex has formed.

It's like a black hole.

This also caused many curious universe adventurers, and some even suspected that there was a secret behind it.

But whoever approaches this black hole of energy, either the spacecraft is destroyed or its own energy is swallowed up completely.

Rao is so, there are still many good people.

"Sang Wu, we can use this latest warship purchased from the mech family to reach the vortex center of energy." A man said with confidence, "I'm sure that the vortex center is either a secret or just Hiding a very precious treasure. "

"Yes," said another man.

The two were talking, manipulating the battleship with dozens of people, and constantly approaching the center of the Energy Vortex.

But the closer they got, the more they felt the traction of horror.

If their warships were not specially made, they might be like other warships coming here.

"Hurry up, Shanwu."

"Yeah, we'll see something in the center of the vortex right away."

The two were still talking. Looking forward to it.

Shanwu suddenly felt a little strange: "Sang Wu, have you felt strange? It seems that the power of the energy vortex has weakened a lot these days, otherwise we can never come to the center of the vortex so soon."

As soon as he said, Sang Wu nodded.

But the two didn't know why, and it was a good thing for them.


"It's less than ten kilometers."

"Success, we are going to succeed."

The two were very excited, and the others on the fleet were also very excited.

"Rush forward, let's see the whole picture after this energy vortex!" Shanwu said, manipulating the warship directly rushed to the past, trying to reach the center of the vortex in one fell swoop.

But at this moment, the center of the vortex suddenly opened a mouth, like a lotus rising from the bottom of the water.

A man got out of it.

He is Wang Xing, but he is a clone of Wang Xing.

"what's the situation?"

As soon as Wang Xing came out, he looked dumbfounded at the battleship running towards him.

"Are you looking for death?"

You must know that after the vortex, the core of his retreat is not swallowed in. At most, the spacecraft is destroyed and the energy is drained.

If you go in ~ ~ but you will be swallowed into his melting pot of the world, then it will be absolutely dead.

"So, there seems to be someone out there?"

Shanwu saw Wang Xing at this time, and the faint figure shook his heart.

How can there be people in such a place.

According to his guess, Rao is the strongest in the realm of the emperor and king, and will be shredded by the power of this vortex.

"Hell, what's going on? Isn't there a secret behind it, and there is no treasure?" Sang Wu slowly said, unwilling to accept the result.

But at this time, Wang Xing was moving.

He grabbed it gently, and took the warship in his hand: "This is not where you should come. This time, punish me a little, next time you will not be so lucky."

Then, he tore the time and space and dropped the battleship into it.

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