Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1598: I lost

Leng Shuangning looked at Danny Deere and nodded slightly.

At this time, Sabina over there had already flown.

"Leng Shuangning, do you remember our promise of World War I?" Sabina said coldly, imposingly.

Many people around have also seen it, and they also know something about it.

Only after coming out of the mystery, Sabina condensed first-class rules to achieve the emperor, how can it be compared.

Leng Shuangning is almost inevitable and there is no other possibility.

"Of course I remember." Leng Shuangning watched Sabina slowly, "If I lose, immediately stop injecting capital into Yuanhuoyuan Weapon Company. If you lose, you exit Corley Pharmaceuticals and I will invest in it. "

She repeated it, how could she forget it.

"I can't lose, it can only be you."

Sabina said indifferently, very powerful: "From the mystery of the origin of the hour and space, I have gathered first-class rules to achieve the emperor, which is invincible in the same realm. Now it is almost incomparable, you can admit defeat and fulfill the agreement. "

She was talking aggressively, as if she had made a trial.

Many people also nodded secretly, and this can only be the case. Leng Shuangning cannot be Sabina's opponent. This is a fact.

It just isn't that simple.

Leng Shuangning sneered at this moment: "It's a big word, why can you beat me."

"I understand first-class rules!"

Sabina almost blurted out: "Because I am now the first-order cultivation of the realm of the kingdom, and you are just the pinnacle of creation. Whether it is cultivation or the level of understanding of the law, I am far better than you, and I am even more from Patriarchalism, master countless secrets, you may not even have a trace of victory. "

She said, this is something that everyone knows.

Sabina's advantage is really too great.

"These want me to admit defeat. I don't know what it means." Leng Shuangning shook his head, feeling a bit ridiculous. "Not much nonsense, let's fight directly. I will let you know what is outside the world and someone else, master one The law of waiting is not invincible. "

She is so confident.

Is the first-class rule amazing? The dark universe she realizes is far better than the first-class rule.

"Okay, then I'll let you recognize the gap between us." Sabina was angry and felt that the cold frost was completely fatal. Then let her see her strength and let her understand the difference between the two. difference.

In the void, the two stood opposite each other.

Many people watched the battle, including Danny Deere.


Sabina said, the figure flashed towards the cold frost.

Her figure fits into the space, showing a speed of terror, which is simply appalling.

Seeing her getting closer, the surrounding space was blocked at the same time, like a cage covering herself, Leng Shuangning was not surprised at all.

Space imprisonment, manipulation of space and other means, she has seen in college teacher Jiang Lan.

However, Mr. Jiang Lan ’s grasp of space and the rules of space are far more than those of Sabina. For example, in some small and small universes, Mr. Jiang Lan can instantly capture the power of the space laws, even the small universe. The will is helpless.

"Leng Shuangning is about to lose."

Danny Deere saw Sabina's rules of space, and I am afraid that this mighty power cannot be resisted even by the emperors of the fifth and sixth tiers of the kingdom.

And he didn't expect that Sabina had just condensed the law of space, and she had already used the law well.

This should be the foundation of the ancestral religion, and it would certainly not be possible for ordinary people.

But at this time the cold frost had frozen.

She didn't see any big movements, but just hit a ring finger gently.

But this voice came out, but it was like the first sound in the beginning of the universe, like the first cry of a baby, full of infinite vitality.

The space that was originally imprisoned by Sabina turned out to be like melting snow and ice, as if the fog had dissipated, and suddenly collapsed.

Sabina, who was originally immersed in space, was extremely horrible, but suddenly became slow.

It was like a giant ship sailing fast in the sea, but suddenly the seawater became mulberry fields. The giant ship was stranded and it was difficult to move.

"How is this going?"

Sabina felt that she had lost the sense of the surrounding space, and the surrounding space seemed to be betrayed.

Can't understand.

"what have you done?"

Sabina looked at Leng Shuangning, terrified in her heart.

"You control the space, and I let the space exist. I am the creator of the space." Leng Frost said lightly, she just manipulated some of the dark energy behind the surrounding space, and Sabina's law of space completely lost its effect. .

Sabina didn't know what it meant, but she felt a huge crisis.

The people around were also horrified, what happened.

"Master, what rules does Leng Shuang practice? How can I feel that she completely restrained Sabina." Anst asked, and she couldn't understand what happened.

But in front of me, Lengshuang Ning has absolutely taken the absolute advantage.

Such a reversal is simply incredible.

"I can't understand, just the moment the cold frost condenses, I suddenly felt like she had disappeared from the main universe. Even though she is standing there now, but I feel that she can disappear at any time. The universe, or any place in the universe at any time, this feeling is really terrible. "Danny Deer said slowly, but know that he is also an emperor.

Hearing this, Ansty was even more shocked.

In the void, the situation is changing.

Leng Shuangning shattered Sabina's attack with a ringing finger, but walked towards Sabina step by step.

As she fell step by step, the invisible space seemed to become tangible, like the water surface, and even ripples appeared.

This feeling does not seem to be that Sabina understands the laws of space, but rather that Leng Shuangning understands this law.

Approaching step by step, you can even hear the footsteps.

Sabina's heart trembled and her body trembled, but she immediately retreated thousands of miles, millions of miles.

She kept backing, but it was astounding that she stepped back anyway, but Leng Shuangning kept a distance of less than ten steps from her, and she couldn't get rid of it.

She's going crazy, what the **** is going on.

"Did you hide Xiuwei?"

She growled, she thought it must have been cold frost.

The real cold frost must be an immortal, and she is certainly not an immortal opponent.

"It's so ridiculous. It seems that you are so frightened that you think I am immortal." Leng Shuang laughed. "What was your self-confidence before, and you vowed to beat me, but also to me Concede. I haven't really shot yet, but a ring of fingers plus a few short steps makes you so embarrassed. "

She said lightly, but looked down on Sabina.


Sabina was so angry that she rushed directly to Leng Shuangning.

The big deal is death, and she can understand first-class rules, and naturally she is not an ordinary person.

Looking down at Leng Shuangning makes her unacceptable.

Leng Shuangning saw here and did not dodge, letting Sabina punch her in the chest.

With this punch, it is natural to destroy the sky and sky, enough to destroy the stars.

But Sabina didn't feel it hitting the real thing, just like hitting a ball of cotton, and then she found that the cold frost in front of her had long disappeared.

Suddenly, she knew that things were bad.

But at this time, Leng Shuangning suddenly appeared behind her, and letting her out with a light pat allowed her to fly hundreds of millions of miles away.

Fortunately, although Leng Shuangning's realm is good at this moment, his ability is mysterious, but the real power is not so great, plus Sabina's defense of treasures, so there is no harm.

It was just this blow that made Sabina completely clear.

She wasn't Leng Shuangning's opponent at all, she couldn't even meet Leng Shuangning.

"I lost!"

She looked at Leng Shuangning and calmed down.

This is not the time to be impulsive, and then continue to fight with Leng Shuangning, the only one who is ashamed is her.

Unless she can see through the means used by Leng Shuangning, she will already be defeated.

Leng Shuang contemplates, after all, this is just a test, she has no reason to kill Sabina, and the two have always been innocent, at best, it is business friction.

"I will fulfill my promise."

Sabina thought about it, and she did not dare to regret it after witnessing so many people.

Leng Frost nodded and said nothing.

Many people around me didn't respond at this moment. What happened?

How could Leng Shuangning defeat Sabina who condensed a first-class rule.

"It's scary."

Danny Deere looked at Leng Shuangning and gave an evaluation that everyone agreed with.

Yes, it's scary.

That incredible ability is really terrifying.

When Leng Shuang contemplates for a moment, and feels that his purpose has been achieved, and there is no need to let himself deal with it, it is time to go back.

Also, I am going back to the college.

"President Danny Deer, I will leave before I have any more."

She said, a few steps away just disappeared.

Many people just woke up at this time.

After the cold frost was gone, Sabina also quickly left, and the news of her defeat was spreading rapidly.


"Shimei, did you have a fight with the cold frost of the Xianhe Group?" A man said indifferently. This man is called Abe, and is also a peerless genius of ancestral religion.

After knowing that Sabina understood the first-class rules, Rao was an emperor who dare not despise the sister.

He is only a second-class rule of cohesion, and the future potential is not as good as this sister.

"Shimei won the battle, and Leng Shuangning withdrew its capital from Yuanhuoyuanli Weapon Company. This Yuanhuoyuanli Weapon Company will eventually fall into Shimei's hands." Abe was still talking, and he felt that this sister was very right Talent in business investors is also terrible.

He said these things, some of which pleased Sabina.

But the more he became, the more ugly Sabina's face became. Finally, I couldn't bear it: "No, brother, I lost, I lost to that cold frost."

She said, her face was somber.

She will lose, and she still can't accept it.

"What, you practice first-class law and space law. How could that cold frost condensate win you? Does she practice more than you?" Abel couldn't help but asked, "Master, you are joking with me Isn't it impossible for you to lose. "

He still smiled on his face, and really thought it was Shimei playing with himself.

Sabina couldn't help crying: "Brother, how can I lie to you, now it's time for the news to spread to the surrounding stars. I came back this time to ask Master, I really do n’t know why I lost What are the rules of cultivation. If I do n’t figure it out, I do n’t feel like I ’m an opponent of cold frost. ”

He was talking, but Abel was inquiring about the war.

Under this investigation, he was also inexplicable.

His sister, who had just realized the first-class rules, was really defeated, and he was defeated completely, and there was no fighting back.

And the cold frost that defeated his own sister and sister, was actually not as good as his own sister.

This is simply a matter of glory.

The video of this battle was also found by him. He looked at it carefully and felt like a joke.

"Sister, do you have any agreement with Leng Shuangning and deliberately lost to him?" Abel asked, thinking for a moment.

He felt that it was impossible.

"Unless I'm crazy, I will deliberately lose to Leng Shuangning." Sabina snorted, slightly unhappy.

Abel, just stop talking.

At this time, there was a sudden wave of fluctuation in space.


Sabina said, and Abel turned back to see a middle-aged man, and immediately shouted Master.

This middle-aged man is called Gerda, one of the guardians of the ancestral branch outside the Shenhe River, and is also a powerful immortal.


Gerda nodded: "Sabina, give me a copy of the image of the battle with Leng Shuangning."

He knew that Sabina had special video equipment, which was several times clearer than the onlooker's perspective.


Sabina didn't dare to hesitate ~ ~ and immediately passed a copy to Gerda.

Next, none of them spoke.

Gerda looked carefully, and gradually a little shocked on her face: "How is it possible, how is this possible? What did she realize in the mystery of the origin of space and time, and she could reach this level?"

He murmured, Rao was shocking in his realm.

"This is not the law of space at all, but it is influencing space." He freezes at the moment when Leng Frost condenses his fingers. Although it is only an image, he sees a lot of things. "Space at this moment is like It was completely useless, and the law of space was lost at this moment. "

His eyes shone with astonishing light.

"It's just terrible. She seems to really understand the secrets of space." Gerda was a little embarrassed. He has only now realized a second-class rule derived from a space law, and then there is no way to go further. But the appearance of Leng Shuangning made him see a glimmer of hope, "Maybe from her, I can make my own progress. This woman called Leng Shuangning must not be missed."

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