Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1618: Small universe

Rudolph froze, turning furious.

"Dare you look down on me!"

He yelled, banging at Wang Xing with a punch, like a small world smashing at Wang Xing.

But under Wang Xing's grasp, the small world instantly collapsed.

Rudolph was dumbfounded and looked at the scene in disbelief: "My fist of the little world was easily cracked by him, even Master Cahill could not do it."

He was terrified and knew that Wang Xing's strength was far beyond him, so he turned around and tried to escape, avoiding Wang Xing's attack.

But Wang Xing's palm doesn't know what happened, no matter how he flees, he immediately follows him, and then turns into a slap from the sky, and throws the seven-and-eight-eighth shot he took in front of everyone. .

Several people looked at this scene in horror and couldn't believe it.

It took a long time for Rudolph to wake up, and he looked at Wang Xing already full of awe.

"Rudolph, why didn't you just hide?" Alberta asked.

This was incomprehensible to her, and in her eyes Rudolph slapped Wang Xing as if she did not hide.

Although the other two did not speak, they were equally curious.

"I hid."

Rudolph smiled bitterly: "I found out immediately that it wasn't my opponent and started to run away. Didn't you see it?"

Hearing that, including Cahill, was terrifying.

So what's going on, they knew Rudolph as if he weren't moving.

Wang Xing did not explain, slowly said, "Let's go now?"

Cahill froze and nodded.

Rudolph thought about it at this time, and came to Wang Xing: "Sir, it's really disrespectful to offend my language. Please forgive me."

What he said was true and did not seem to be false.

It was mainly because of the strength of Wang Xing that he was slapped without knowing what was going on, and he was completely convinced.

"It won't be a slap next time."

Wang Xing said indifferently, forgiving Rudolph: "Let's go, let's go."

Cahill stopped saying anything, and several people set off immediately.

In fact, Wang Xing can bring Teacher Zhongshan who is a sixth-grade master of Jinxian together, but he is enough to cope with the innate godhead, and he does not want to expose the strength of the college too much, so he does not bring anyone.

A month later, an unknown barren star field.


Cahill said, after looking at the endless space.

There, layers of cracks had appeared in a small universe, and they seemed to collapse at any time.

"Let's go."

Cahill said again that he saw hundreds of people who had been waiting here.

Wang Xing nodded and said nothing.

"People at Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank," said a man, revealing a bad look.

Wang Xing also noticed this man at this time. This man even had the cultivation of the Great Satisfaction, and was not much weaker than Cahill.

He looked at Cahill, seemingly hostile.

"There are three major banks in the universe, Star Bank, Galaxy Bank, and Xingyu Bank. Apart from that, there are 130 regional banks, which are considered medium-sized banks. Our Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank is in this 100 Seventy-two regional banks are ranked 72nd, and this man is called Quinton, who is the head of the 71st Wanwan Commercial Bank, and we are considered deadly. "Cahill simply said .

Wanyu Commercial Bank!

Wang Xing has naturally heard of this bank. The business scope of this regional bank has many overlaps with Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank. With the rapid growth of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, it began to infringe on the business domain of Wan Yu Commercial Bank continuously, making the two banks invincible.

"President Wang, you need to pay attention to this guy later."

Cahill reminded, and then whispered: "At least we can't get the innate godhead, nor can he get it."

Wang Xing was shocked, but Cahill was so vicious.

If you think about it, he will understand.

The innate godhead is extremely precious. The two banks have acquired the words of the innate godhead. They must also use this as a gimmick to expand their business.

"I know."

Wang Xing nodded. The Xian Academy is also one of the shareholders of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank and has the obligation to safeguard the interests of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank.

So, I can only sorry for this Quinton.

"What about those people?"

Wang Xing looked at the other side at this time, and a group of people was obviously far from their image.

These people looked at them as if they had seen one by one, and they could not wait to come up and take a bite.

"They are aliens."

There was a slight sense of killing on Cahill's face: "There are three major races of the alien race: the Horn, the Crystal, and the Titan. There are other minor races, but they are also led by these three races. Wuxing Mountain Starfield has encountered the Horn The invasion of President Wang is certainly no stranger to the Horns. Among the several Horns headed by that, there are two great perfection gods. "

He said, looking at the great perfection of the two horns.

Wang Xing nodded secretly. He was very familiar with the Horns and even understood the culture of the Horns.

It is mainly due to the fact that he regained the Brits of the Horns and learned from him about them.

Among the horns, their scales are available in black, red, silver, gold, and purple. Silver and above are all higher horns, and they have a superior position among the horns. Take a closer look at the two great perfection horns that Cahill said. The color of the scales on his body is the rare dark golden scale.

"Look at those three people."

Cahill continued: "They are a crystal family. This crystal family is a very strange race. Our bodies are made up of cells, but the body of the crystal family is made up of small crystals. .The energy stored in these crystals is even their own world. In the same realm, the energy contained in one of their great gods is more than one hundred times that of ours, which can be compared with the starry beasts of our universe.

Cahill was jealous of the Clan.

In the same situation, one can urge 100 times more energy than the other, and the combat is almost crushing.

Like him, at the moment, he has no confidence in winning the three horns, and can only escape immediately.

Wang Xing nodded secretly. Although he had heard of the Jing family and understood the situation of the Jing family, this was really the first time he saw the Jing family.

He thinks that the crystal family's body is very similar to the exercises he practices. His cells are actually like small crystals on the crystal family, but the number of cells is much more than the crystals that make up the crystal family's body. He simply estimated that if the energy of the crystal family in the same realm can be a hundred times that of their universe life, then he may be a hundred times that of the crystal family, which is ten thousand times their universe creature.

As his body cells continue to evolve, this number will continue to expand.

"The crystal clan's fighting power is amazing, and its defense is terrible. If President Wang fights these crystal clan, first of all, he must make a quick decision, because the energy stored in their body is several times ours. Secondly, the most effective way to destroy a crystal family is to destroy their crystal brain, which is like the godhead of our universe life, and is the core of the crystal family's life. "

Cahill continued.

Wang Xing has known about this for a long time, but just nodded indiscriminately: "A man over there must be a giant deity."

He said, pointing to one of the burly, three-meter-high alien men.

The man wore two golden earrings and a mace with the thickness of his thigh in his hand.

"Dean Wang, don't point out that this may be considered provocative by the other party."

Cahill was shocked. Although they did not deal with the aliens, either you died or I died, but it was not the time to fight.

This time their purpose is innate astrology.

Sure enough, the man of the giant deities had already looked over, with an astonishing killing on his body.

Wang Xing smiled, but said, "It's all right, he won't do it now."

After he finished speaking, the man of the giant deities didn't overdo it, just glanced at him scornfully, and seemed to be saying that you were waiting, then let you look good.


Cahill took a sigh of cold air: "Of the three major aliens, the weakest is the Horns, but the Horns have the largest number. The second is the Crystals. The entire Crystals are born to fight, and the most terrifying. In fact, this is the giant deities. The people of the giant deities are the least, but each of their bodies is tall and tall. They are truly comparable to our cosmic starry beast. You now look at him only three meters high, He may have more than thirty thousand feet. "

Upon hearing this, Wang Xing was secretly shocked.

Thirty thousand feet is ten thousand meters, and it has exceeded the first peak on the earth.

It's horrifying. Such a race is no wonder so strong.

"It doesn't count. The Titans have a terrifying ability, which makes everyone in our universe jealous. That is, he can attack by ignoring the rules. So to defeat him, he must attack with pure energy. But the same realm Who can compare their energy intensity, so this also leads to sometimes dealing with a giant protoss in the same realm, we may need dozens of people to besiege to have a chance to succeed. "

Cahill said, there was a little envy in the heart.

Such a race is really too bad, who would not provoke them if they were not enemies.

Fortunately, the number of Titans is the smallest. If the number of Titans is as large as that of the Horns, their universe is likely to fall.


Wang Xing laughed. He looked at the giant Protoss man who wanted to get back to the college and do some research.

Or, Qi Yuan simply dissected to see what the body structure was.

"Some of the other aliens are of other races, and it's not worth the fear." Cahill continued. "When robbing innate gods, as long as you avoid these three aliens, it should not be difficult to **** a few innate gods. "

That's what he intended.

Even if Wang Xing is really the Lord God, he thinks that Wang Xing is unable to carry even that guy of the Giant Protoss.

At this time, it is still low-key to avoid strong aliens. In this way, according to Wang Xing's practice, it is still easy to capture some innate deities.

"There are still some people over there, so I won't introduce them."

Cahill pointed out that these people are all forces in their universe.

Wang Xing nodded, looking at the nascent universe that was about to collapse.

When the main universe was born, the nascent universe that emerged was regarded as the innate universe, which contained the extremely detailed origins of the universe. After all, the nascent universe was also created by the law of the universe's origin, and the universe created by practitioners cannot naturally be compared.

Some newborn universes will give birth to life.

These lives are cultivated in it, and they can be cultivated to immortality.

It is said that in the high-level newborn universe, life in the universe can be cultivated to the realm of the universe god.

Wang Xing carefully looked at the nascent universe in front of him.

He could feel that this small universe was collapsing, the energy inside was released, and it merged into the main universe, and it was fast.

Divine consciousness continued to reach the origin of this small universe.

Wang Xing saw the original law of this small universe, which is gradually cracking, and may break completely at any time.

"Somewhat wrong."

Wang Xing frowned: "The original law of this small universe collapsed too quickly. According to the conditions of this universe, in fact, this small universe can continue to exist for at least ten epochs."

He was lost in thought, and soon he thought of a reason.

This is fundamentally the collapse of the universe's original laws of the main universe, leading to the annihilation of these affiliated newborn universes in advance. The law of the origin of the universe of the main universe should be to extract the energy of these nascent universes to delay their collapse, but now it seems to be useless.

Because this is simply a waste of money and cannot be stopped at all.

After understanding these secrets, Wang Xing didn't tell anyone, because even if it was said, no one could stop it.

Time passed in this way, six years passed in a flash.

"Why isn't this small universe collapsing? It's really anxious." Alberta frowned, a little impatient, "In these six years, twenty-one people have come again ~ ~ Keep waiting, there must be more and more people who know. "

She said, complaining.

The small universe has not collapsed, but more and more people know it, and it will be more difficult to **** innate gods.

Cahill didn't know what to say, and now he can only wait.

At this time, Wang Xing opened his eyes slowly: "The original law of this small universe has reached its limit and will collapse at any time, probably in these days."

Hearing these words, Cahill was choking.

Just these days?

Gavin looked at Wang Xing with curiosity and thought about asking: "I see that you have closed your eyes all the time. Are you incorporating the consciousness into this small universe and feeling the decline of this small universe. So, You can be so sure now because you know the laws of the origin of this small universe. "

Wang Xing looked at Gavin with surprise, but he could see what he was doing.

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