Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1622: distribution

Super fairy college 1622 author ruler long inch short full word count 4538 words

Thirty congenital gods means that thirty people can step up into the sky and become immortal. Everyone knows what immortality means. First of all, that's a long life. Even if it is the lower level god, as long as it is not killed, it can enjoy a life span of more than one hundred epochs. When converted into years, it is as much as 4.7 billion years. Countless people want to be immortal, which is one of the main reasons. Secondly, that is powerful force. Become immortal, you can have your own kingdom of God, which is the source of strength. The kingdom of God is immortal, and the power will be endless. Now with this kind of person that can make one step into the sky and become an immortal innate godhead, you can imagine how many people will be tempted. "The earth federation has insufficient knowledge, but it is impossible for them to give all thirty innate gods." Wang Xing slowly said, he still hopes that the earth's human beings can break through to the immortal realm with their own strength, instead of relying on foreign objects. So for thirty congenital gods, he would give half of the Earth Federation at most. Leng Shuangning also nodded, thinking that Wang Xing was very reasonable. "Human beings can become immortal with their own power. It only takes time. If our college helps the Earth Federation, it will be enough for several people to become immortal." Leng Shuangning slowly said, "Ten, I think ten. The congenital godhead is enough. After all, some powerful giant-sized universe nations do not have ten immortal gods sitting on the town. "Ten, which is not much different from Wang Xing's plan. "Then ten." Wang Xing said, and set the number of innate gods to the Earth Federation: "What are the remaining twenty, what advice do you have?" He looked at Leng Shuangning and wanted to refer to Leng Shuangning Idea. "Leave ten to the college and exchange them for students. After all, not every student can practice in Jinxian Realm, even those talented students are the same, this is their final retreat." Leng Shuangning said slowly. "" The remaining ten are six from our Xianhe Group. These innate gods have a great effect whether they are used for auction, as a bargaining chip, or as a reward to motivate internal employees. " Wang Xing bowed his head and thought that Leng Shuangning was very reasonable. "The remaining four are left to us." Leng Shuangning hesitated a moment, still said, "My grandfather started the cultivation before the era of the great human cultivation began, but I later gave him He has few cultivation resources, but he really has no cultivation talent, and he is not very enthusiastic about cultivation, so now he is still in the realm of Tianxian, and his life span is hundreds of thousands of years. I am afraid that he will not be able to break through until the life limit is reached. Xuanxian realm. "Wang Xing also knows about the cold father. He knows that Leng Shuangning is right. When the life limit is reached, it is very unlikely that Master Leng breaks through to the realm of Xuanxian. Even if it was fortunate that Father Leng broke through, what about the Yuanxian and Shengxian behind Xuanxian? "I see, you can give your grandfather a godhead." Wang Xing wouldn't say anything. Cold frost had selfishness, why wouldn't he? "But even a higher **** has a long life limit, and I feel like waiting After the collapse of the law of the origin of the universe, the limit of life will also be shortened. The oldest immortality can live at least 10 billion epochs, but it may not be so long afterwards. "Leng Shuangning heard this and was shocked:" Why is this? Wang Xing was silent, and said slowly after a while: "The universe is like a pond. We are the fish in the pond. The law of the universe is like a system that mediates this pond and keeps it clean. The law of the universe collapses. If this system of the pond is destroyed, the pond is bound to be polluted. Do you think the fish in the pond will not be affected. Everything we have now is based on the law of the origin of the universe today, and what may change in the future, Nothing strange. "Leng Shuang nodded secretly, and roughly understood what was going on. "The remaining three innate godheads, you are going to give to your father and my parents." Wang Xing thought about it, he had seen the thought of Leng Shuangning. Leng Shuangning wanted to make the few people he cared about the most immortal. However, Wang Xing shook his head: "Unless it is time to use innate gods, I don't recommend letting your loved ones use innate gods immediately. Your grandpa can only be an exception." Already. Father Leng is not keen on cultivation, but his father and Wang Xing's parents are not. Now giving them the innate godhead will certainly make them step into the sky, but it will also make them lose their potential. They are not qualified to manipulate their parents' lives. For their parents, cultivation is one of the few pleasures in life. "I see." Leng Shuang nodded and nodded: "Then how to deal with the remaining three innate godheads?" "Put it with you, prepare it." Wang Xing said, and selected three superior ones. God-level innate godhead: "Well, when you must use the innate godhead someday, you take it out." Leng Shuangning understood Wang Xing's meaning. In the remaining innate deities, he took out six lower god-level, three middle god-level, and one higher god-level. "This is for the Earth Federation." Wang Xing said, set aside, and then picked out six more. Of these six, three were lower-level gods, two were middle-level gods, and one was higher-level gods, which were given to Xianhe Group. All the rest are left in the academy, including the congenital deity of perfect **** level. Almost all high-level innate deities were left behind. "Well, just assign it like this." Wang Xing said, and the assignment was over: "Who are the congenital goddess of the Earth Federation to be used by? Go back and I'll study it." Leng Shuangning has no opinion, and she won't Need to manage it. Fairy College, Dean's Office. Wang Xing looked at the glass bottles on the shelf, and this time I went back eight more. "Dean, are you looking for me?" Miao Zhenyu came to the office and looked at Wang Xing curiously. With Wang Xing's eyes, he also saw those glass bottles, but he didn't feel that his body was shaking. It has already been spread in the college. The glass jar of the dean's office is a prison where prisoners are held. The 136 immortal members of the former Xian Fair were held there. "Well, I went out this time and got some innate deities, and I plan to give the Earth Federation ten. You used to be the Prime Minister of the Earth Federation. Now you retire, but you know the situation of the Earth Federation best. You think How should I assign these innate gods. By the way, in the ten innate gods, there are six lower **** levels, three middle **** levels, and one upper **** level. "Wang Xing said flatly, and he planned to put this Miao Zhenyu took care of the matter and asked him to do the same. Innate Godhead? After hearing this, Miao Zhenyu couldn't help but be shocked. He'd heard of it, but more thought it was a legend. Because there are too few innate auras, it is difficult to have one in an era. It is not difficult to understand that the congenital godhead is the thing left after the destruction of the birth universe, and the birth universe that was born with the universe is rare. "How, is it difficult to assign?" Wang Xing looked at Miao Zhenyu and thought he was in trouble: "In fact, you could have got one, after all, you are one of the most influential prime ministers in the history of the Earth Federation. There is also a student who is an immortal college. He must rely on his own strength to break through to the golden immortal realm, so this innate godhead will be superfluous for you. "After hearing this, Miao Zhenyu secretly moved. But just as Wang Xing said, this innate godhead was useless to him, and the college had previously rewarded him for his contribution to the Earth Federation. If you want the innate godhead, it will appear insatiable. "In fact, it is not difficult to assign." Miao Zhenyu slowly said: "Since the innate godhead is for the Earth Federation, the first choice should be those who are loyal to the Earth Federation and have the greatest contribution and influence. Among these people, in My previous Prime Minister, Long Wen, had the greatest fame and influence. Even after he retired, he still made an indelible contribution to the Earth Federation. And he is a person, no family, no loved ones, even if he became Immortality, there will be no time for selfishness. Therefore, I think this innate godhead of the higher **** level can give him. "Hearing this, Wang Xing nodded secretly. He is also very impressed with Long Wen. This is the first truly Prime Minister of the Earth Federation, and has led the Earth ’s humanity to complete the transition from the multi-country coexistence to the Federal Space State. Long Wen did a lot of things when he was in office. Miao Zhenyu was able to rise to power in the first place, thanks to his main push. "No problem." Wang Xing nodded, and the Earth Federation owed Long Wen an explanation. This was the best explanation, and it was also his recognition and trust. Seeing Wang Xing agree with the matter, Miao Zhenyu Chang breathed a sigh of relief. He organized the language and continued: "There are still some others, but I don't think that people who are limited to serve in the Earth Federation, and those who promote the development of the Earth Federation in other ways can also give innate deities. Of course this number is impossible. Many, no more than three, one or two is almost enough. "" Well, this can promote the development of various industries. "Wang Xing understands Miao Zhenyu's thoughts:" So let's go back and make a list for me If I think it is okay, I will leave it to you to do it. "Miao Zhenyu was a little excited, and letting him do it was also a kind of recognition to him. Miao Zhenyu's list has not been sent yet, but Cahill has the answer, saying that it agreed with Wang Xing's request. The one-billion-dollar non-interest-bearing loan to the Xianhe Group was granted for a period of one billion years to reward the immortal college for its great contribution to the Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank. Cahill couldn't understand it at all. He really didn't know what he thought about it, and even agreed to such an unreasonable request from Xianxian College. However, Wang Xing had already expected it, and was not surprised at all. He directly sent Cahill to Leng Shuangning and asked them to connect with the following things. Ten days later, Miao Zhenyu enumerated the list and gave it to Wang Xing. Wang Xing took a brief look, and felt that there were no major problems, so he gave ten innate gods to Miao Zhenyu and let him arrange the matter. Earth Federation, Federal University. Long Wen is teaching here as part of his job after retiring from the Federal Chancellor. What he teaches is a history course, which is a course that is still being offered in all schools, and the teachers who can really tell history must be those who have come all the way since the founding of the Federation. "Classmates, today's class is over. After you go back, check the history of the Tang Dynasty by yourself. I will conduct a spot check next class." He said, and began to pack up his own textbooks. "Goodbye the teacher!" Said a group of students, who respected Long Wen. The students also began to sort out the teaching materials, and at this time a secretary-like man came over ~ ~ he was called You Libo, and he followed Long Wen from Long Wen's post as Federal Chancellor, and then Long Wen stepped down and he also Followed down, now is strictly Long Wen's assistant. "Father, Satan and other school construction projects on twelve planets were forced to stop." You Libo whispered. "Why?" Long Wen frowned. "Go and say." "Yes." You Libo responded. The two went out and came under a big tree. No one was around. You Libo slowly said at this time: "Satan and all twelve planets live on the Bucky Demon. Their patriarch, Clariant, declared to the people that we are building a school on their planet, which is an invasion of their culture. . It was also his image that those Bucky demon began to impact our engineering team, the school construction project had to be stopped, just in case, the workers also pulled back. "Hearing this, Long Wen frowned: "Cultural invasion? This Clarinar knows a lot. But the education policy against the twelve planets such as Satan must be carried out and must not stop. The Earth Federation has promised them, Will not infringe their sovereignty, but the Bucky Demon have no legal discipline, and the terrible crime rate is caused by their savage culture. I am an individual now, I want to start a school, they ca n’t control it, and He did not violate the Earth Federation and their agreement. "You Libo heard this, frowning slightly:" But the master, Bucky Demon is not weak, Clarinar is a second-order king of the realm Emperor, unless we can suppress him, even if it is forcibly started, it will be stopped by him. Otherwise, we ask the students of Xianxian College or Qingshen Army to help? "" I can't ask others for help. "Long Wen shook his head, and then sighed, "Strength, the key is still not enough." "Dragon, long time no see." At this time, a voice came.

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