Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1629: Arrogant

Just now, Yin Yize understood everything.

The thing that flew into his body turned out to be the origin of a scattered mass of the universe, and it was also one of the three clusters of universe that fell into Wuxingshan Star Observation observed by Wang Xing.

He looked at the tallest palace in the capital, and his face was gloomy.

However, he knew that now was not the time to return to revenge, he had to find a place to fuse this universe's original laws.

The figure flashed, and he had disappeared.

No one knows how he left, he has completely integrated into this universe.

In an instant, it was ten years later.

In this decade, many big things have happened in the universe.

For example, some gods have discovered that they can spur the power of the kingdom of God, but the law of the origin of the universe will no longer force them to be drawn to the river of gods.

For example, the energy of the universe outside Shenhe is much richer than before, and in some places it has even turned several times.

For example, the gods in Shenhe can even leave Shenhe without restriction.

For example, some people find that their cultivation speed has become several times faster, and the limitations that they should have seem to have disappeared.

For example, some practitioners who had no hope of breaking through to the emperor, or even the immortal realm, have made strange breakthroughs.


Too many visions show that this universe is really different.

In Tianxian Mountain, Wang Xing looked at the law of the origin of the universe after that endless space, and now finally stopped falling off.

But he knew it was only temporary.

He continued to look in the direction of the Shenhe River, which was like a long river, but spread out all around.

Shenhe is about to cease to exist.

It is also because the energy in the Shenhe has spread outside the Shenhe, which has led to an increase in the energy concentration outside the Shenhe.

"Did anyone break into Jinxian Realm recently?"

Wang Xing inquired: "The control of the universe by the law of the origin of the universe weakens, and breakthroughs will become easy. I was worried that Liu Fan, Qin Yan, Su Yu and others who have realized the first-class rules will not be able to break through to the Jinxian realm. Now This worry seems a bit redundant. "

In the future, those who practice first-class rules will also be able to easily break through.

But the law is no longer something that ultimately determines everything.

"No one has broken through yet."

Qingdi said helplessly, but he thought of another thing: "Although no one broke through to the Jinxian realm, two more people who understood the first-class rules appeared in our college, one was Yitian, and he merged After the Five Elements Rule, now the Five Elements rotate, endlessly, and very powerful. One is Yao Jie, his law of oneness has been successful, and the seven sacred laws have been preliminarily merged to form a supreme rule, which he called The law of immortals. "

Hearing this, Wang Xing nodded, somewhat relieved.

Yao Jie and Yi Tian are two of his more optimistic students. They took a different approach. Now that they have achieved results, they can be considered affirmative to them.

"Yi Tian will not say anything. You should tell him that now that the five elements are comprehended, why not further understand yin and yang, and finally see the avenue of chaos. As for Yao Jie, tell him to count him as a self-knowledge, merging seven sacred laws, and not calling it It is the law of immortals. "Wang Xing said very indifferently, he never had low requirements for the students.

After hearing this, the emperor did not know what to say.

"Dean, aren't you just pointing them, why not tell them yourself?"

The emperor was helpless and sighed.

In addition to the current dean, the dean has become more and more inscrutable even if he is a pointing person.

"In their realm, it ’s useless to say too much. Even if it ’s just a few words, they will understand it at a hearing. They should n’t say that, if you say too much, they won't ignore you. Point them and say a few words On the contrary, they will think about whether it is feasible or not, right? If you say it carefully, they think it is not the case, but let them look down. "Wang Xing slowly said.

The Qing Emperor stunned, and the dean really became more and more dark.

Silver Wing Universe.

Yin Yize's disappearance has been ignored, he is dead, and there is nothing strange about his body missing.

But at this time, Yin Yize opened his eyes in an unknown space.

He merged the laws of the universe, and he broke through.

"Immortal, I am immortal."

He couldn't believe it: "In ten years, it took only ten years, and I turned from an ordinary king of chaos without any obstacles to immortality."

He was so excited that the time had finally come for revenge.

He is now immortal, who is his opponent in the Silver Wing universe, and he not only has revenge, but also has greater ambitions.

As the figure flashed, he broke through the space and descended directly to the capital of the Silverwing Universe.

His momentum radiated, covering the whole country.

In that capital, all the Kings of Chaos and His Holiness shivered.

"What kind of existence is that we have come to our Silver Wing Universe."

A man looked at the void, and there was a vague figure there, he could not see at all: "Everyone pay homage, don't offend this adult."

Even the Silver Wing King stepped down from the position of the lord and took the lead to kneel to the ground.

"Immortality must be an immortal deity. I have felt the power of the emperor. It is definitely not so strong."

The man said, becoming more affirmative: "I don't know why this immortal came to our Silver Wing Universe. Don't anger him."

Hearing everyone said that he was afraid to pant.

At this time, the figure in the void landed and fell into the palace.

Every footstep came, everyone trembled, wondering what the immortal was about to do.

"Don't you know me anymore?"

At this time, a familiar voice came, so that everyone was stunned.

The King of the Silver Wings and others raised their heads hard, only to see a familiar man sitting in the position of the lord.

That is the Silver Wing Ze, the third prince of the Silver Wing universe.

"It's you!"

The King of the Wings of Wings said angrily, "You dare to pretend to be immortal, let us bow down to you."

He said that he would stand up and grab Yin Yize.

The other people were just as angry. They didn't know Yin Yize, but they felt that Yin Yize had been playing.


Yin Yize smiled: "I don't have to pretend, because I am immortal, and when I come back, I want to get back everything I lost."

He said that one hand pressed down and only heard a click, that the third-tier Silver Wing King of the creation state broke his legs, and kneeled uncontrollably again.

Everyone saw here, they were all horrified.

"Father Emperor, do you think I'm still the prince who you just want to kill and kill?"

Yin Yize smiled indifferently: "Did you see it, now that I turn my hands, I can lose all your strength and can only kneel in front of me."

When King Silverwing heard this, his face was sweating coldly.

He didn't know what was going on, but Yin Yize in front of him felt terrible.

That kind of strength is simply inestimable, as the sea is boundless.

"Do you ... really become immortal?"

He asked tremblingly, unbelievably.

Others are the same, wondering if this is true.


Yin Yize said indifferently, "You didn't think of it. At the beginning, you sent someone to kill me, but in the end, it gave me a huge opportunity, and it took only ten years to break through to the immortal realm."

Hearing Yin Yize's affirmative answer, King Yin Yi thought a lot.

There are still things in the universe that can make one step into the sky and become immortal, like the innate godhead.

He felt that Yin Yize should have gotten such an adventure.

"Huanger, it is really great for you to become immortal. We in Silverwing Universe have not been able to go further. It is precisely because there is no strong person in the immortal realm to sit in town, but now that you have such an adventure, you can completely assist the father to complete Fantiantianye. "King Silverwing turned.

"Shocking Albert?"

When he heard this, Yin Yize laughed: "I'm going to accomplish something amazing, but what's the matter with you. From the day you killed me ten years ago, you're dead, and this cheap People, do n’t you just give up the silver wing Qianlong as the next lord because she has an emperor in the seventh rank of the kingdom behind her? ”

Then, he caught a woman in front of the stage.

This woman is called Shanhe Qingsui, the mother of the Silver Wing universe, and the young lady of the Shanhe family.

"You little bunny, what do you want to do?"

Shanhe Qingsui was so angry that he scolded.

"I have thought of many ways to retaliate against you. The simplest is definitely to kill you, but I think this is too cheap for you." Yin Yize said lightly, "I know there are more than a thousand away from us Where there is a large galaxy, there is a very famous universe nation called the Earth Federation. There is an animal called a dog in this universe nation, and our universe nation does not have such animals. But from today, we have the universe nation. "

Everyone couldn't help shaking his body.

What is Yin Yize doing?

The King of Blades had roared, "Sin barrier, what do you want to do? I'm your father."

"Do nothing, just turn you all into dogs."

He said, a little towards King Silverwing.

An energy shrouded the Silver Wing King, only to see that the body of the Silver Wing King was constantly changing, and it turned into a **** dog in a blink of an eye.

Followed by is Shanhe Qingsui.

She also did not have any resistance, and eventually turned into a hairy dog.

Yin Yize completed these laughs and laughed: "Very good, we will also have dogs in the Silver Wing Cosmic Country, and those of you who wanted to kill me will also be dogs for me."

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of dogs were added to the entire nation of the Silver Wing universe.

Those who did not turn into dogs were also scared to speak, and Yin Yize's brutality made them terrified.

Yin Yize's revenge was over and he was in a good mood.

No one dared to resist him next, he directly ascended the throne and became the new owner of the Silver Wing Universe.

"Under my leadership, the Silver Wing Cosmic State will soon become the most powerful cosmic state in the universe." He said faintly, while the following subjects were all trembling, "Now give me orders, Let the leaders of the surrounding large space nations come and meet. "

He wants to start the expansion of the Silver Wing Universe, first annexing all the surrounding large Universes.

Among those large universe nations, there is no immortality, who can resist his footsteps.

So, thirty years have passed.

The Silver Wing Cosmic State has developed into another huge cosmic state in Wuxingshan Starfield, and can be promoted to a super giant cosmic state within one step.

"Lord of the Lord, in front of the Shenhe River galaxy."

A man pointed at the star map and said with some concern: "Before the invasion of the Horns, there was a saying called" north of the Shenhe River and respect for the immortals ", which means that the Shenhe River faces north to the Milky Way. They are all within the sphere of influence of Xian Academy. At the beginning, the Horns were unable to advance here, and their helmets and armor were killed by Xian Academy. If we continue to advance and incorporate these large galaxies into the territory of the Silver Wing Universe, we will definitely provoke Shang Xian Academy . "

Yin Yize frowned when he heard this.

But instead, he sneered: "The previous invasion of the Horns, that is, the immortality of only one lower god, can't be compared with me. How can I stop at a little difficulty if Yinyize can achieve some great achievements? Come down. Continue to move forward. Xianxian College is just a practice school. Since they haven't explicitly said that this is their territory ~ ~ we have seized it completely reasonable. "

Hearing this, the men had to nod.

Among the immortal colleges, Wang Yin knew the first time Yinyize occupied the Shenhe River galaxy.


Wang Xing murmured: "In just ten years, this man has been ascended from the chaos state to the immortal state. It seems that the three clusters that fell into the universe of Wuxingshan Starfield have been acquired by him. But this one After accidentally gaining great strength, he didn't know anything about the low-key, but swept all the way, making the Silver Wing Cosmopolitan Country, which was originally just a large universe country, leap to become another super giant universe country in Wuxingshan Starfield. "

Beside Wang Xing, Qingdi and other teachers were curious about Yin Yize.

"Dean, what will Yin Yize do?"

Zhong Shan inquired: "This man was lost to his mind by power and was very cruel. Now he blatantly crossed the line of the Shenhe River galaxy and provoked us to Xian Academy. I think we should stand up and let this silver Yi Ze knew that our college was not something he could provoke. "

Several teachers nodded secretly.

Wang Xing thought about it, and thought that Zhong Shan was right: "This Yinyi Ze is indeed arrogant. He is thought to have become immortal, and no one outside of Shenhe is his opponent."

In fact, it is exactly the same.

Although Yinyize broke through to the immortal realm, he has never seen other immortals.

Even the division of immortal realms is not very clear.

He only felt that he was very strong, and even thought that he was the Son of Destiny, otherwise how could he integrate the origin of the universe.

"But this Yinyize is a good research object."

Wang Xing thought about it, and got the idea: "You don't care about this thing, I will meet Yin Yize in person."

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