Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1637: This woman is so scary

What else could she say, never seen such a narcissist.

Although Tianhe Yanyu was speechless, he had to admit that Su Yu was telling the truth, he was really excellent.

Realizing the two first-class laws and breaking through to the immortal realm is a rare thing in the entire universe.

It is no wonder then that the Crystal family will launch a great consummation **** to chase him down. If such a genius allows him to cultivate to the realm of the Lord God, who can control it.

"I heard this Crystal guy say you were seriously injured?"

Su Yu pondered for a moment, and slowly said, "The crystal family's combat power is horrible. You already have an advantage in the same realm. You are still injured, most of them are not his opponents. Now you come to rescue me, and you may take yourself Here, you can go if you can. "

He said sincerely.

He is bound to die, and at this time he does not want to affect Tianhe Yuyu.

Knowing that Tianhe Yanyu was still seriously injured, he would not inform the Tianhe lord.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be quite righteous." Tianhe Yanyu even smiled in approval. "But I face Tianhe Yanyu and have never escaped. Do you know how this injury came from me? It was left during the battle. I am in Tianhe Qiuyu outside the battlefield, and the alien corpses killed can be piled into a mountain, of which there are 10,000 and 8,000 crystal warriors. "

Hearing this, Su Yu was stunned.

Is this woman so sturdy?

After hearing this, Bahrain licked his lips: "I didn't expect to encounter an unusual character this time. The contribution you made to me by killing you may not be less than this Su Yu."

"Huh, don't flash your tongue when the wind blows." Tianhe Yanyu sneered, then looked at Su Yudao, "boy, I just realized a third-class rule, the most common rule of flame, but let me show you today Here's the true usage of the law. "

Then, she rushed towards Bahrain.

Her speed is very fast, just like a ray of light, going straight, without any offset, even a tenth of a degree offset.

A punch immediately blasted out, and it was extremely straightforward.

The shortest distance, the strongest attack, condenses to the extreme strength.

Su Yu saw a lot of things in an instant, and this way of fighting surprised him.

"Good job!"

Bahrain sneered, but also punched out to fight against Tianhe Jiuyu.

But Tianhe Yan Yu suddenly turned his fists into palms, and at the same time a fire feather and a short knife pierced the head of Bahrain.

She knew that her power was not as good as Bahrain, so she never thought about fighting with Bahrain. At this moment, Bahrain was unexpectedly changed by a move.

Bahrain immediately waved and grabbed Tianhe Yanyu's palm, trying to stop Tianhe Yanyu.

However, at this time, Tianhe Yanyu's flaming dagger flew away, and her palm escaped like a snake, grabbing straight toward Bahrain's neck.

Bahrain was shocked.

This series of changes made him unexpected.

It ’s the same for Su Yu. Such a direct fighting method, which attacks the opponent at all costs, is simply too sharp.

Bahrain wanted to stop it too late, and the only thing he could do was shift his head.

That fire feather short knife was no longer under the control of Tianhe Yanyu. At this moment, as Bahrain's head shifted, he passed directly in front of his nose, and the power of the horrific flame law pierced Bahrain's nose and put his face All burned to a black.

"you wanna die!"

Bahrain was so angry that he couldn't believe it.

At this time, many golden needles condensed from his body flew out of his body and headed towards Tianhe Yuyu.

"not good!"

Tianhe Yan Yu said in secret, knowing that this was a secret technique of the other party, and immediately it was a turn over from Bahrain and flew away in the distance.

But there were so many gold needles, and even if he was as dexterous as a swallow, there was still one piercing her arm.

Suddenly, only half of her arms were seen turning into golden water.

After she stood still, her arms burned, and then she gathered again.

She is already a second-order deity, and only one cell can be resurrected, not to mention that only one arm has been destroyed.

However, restoring one arm was a great drain on her divine power, almost draining the power of ten thousand worlds in her body.

There, Bahrain is not much better.

He recovers and consumes huge energy.

"I want you to die."

Bahrain roared and launched an attack.

The failure of just one move ignited the anger in his heart.

"come on!"

Tianhe Yan Yu hummed, but also ushered up.

A flaming dagger appeared in her hands. The two daggers intersect each other, like scissors, and can cut everything.

Her attack was still sharp, either not attacking, or simply taking the key points of Bahrain.

You can see that Bahrain was almost killed by one blow.

"This woman is terrible."

Where Su Yu couldn't understand, Tianhe Yuyu had a terrifying sense of fighting. She was born to fight. Even if it relies on a very common third-class rule, and it is still seriously injured, it can fight against the powerful crystal warrior without any wind. Her mastery of her own laws and her control of power have reached an incredible level.

Her fighting power has far surpassed his current cultivation status.

Hundreds of successive moves, she faintly prevailed.

"Su Yu, find a chance to leave quickly."

At this time, Su Yu heard a message from Tianhe Yanyu: "The great consummation of this horned tribe is right. I did get a serious injury. I came out of Shenhe just to nourish my injury. Now Every time I fight with him, my injury will be a serious point. In my body, the kingdom of God is collapsing. If I continue, I do n’t know how long I can support it. And the great consummation **** of this Horn tribe should also Perceived my purpose, so he is mainly defense-oriented, and does not give me the opportunity to kill him. If this continues to drag on, I will definitely lose. "

Hearing the news ~ ~ Su Yu's face changed greatly.

Tianhe Yan Yu wanted to kill Bahrain within a few strokes, so she has always been attacking, but now she finds that no matter how she attacks, she can't kill Bahrain, knowing that she will lose sooner or later.

At that time, she could not protect Su Yu, so she let Su Yu plan early.

"Tianhe Yanyu, I really appreciate your helping hand. But you let me run away, I can't do it. When we haven't reached the end of the mountains and rivers, when I passed the message to the Lord of Tianhe, I also took my own situation The obituary was given to the college. I just received the news from the college. The college has sent a teacher over it. I believe that when this teacher comes, we will be safe. "Su Yu thought for a while, and Chuan Yin returned.

Hearing this, Tianhe Yanyu smiled bitterly: "What's the use of sending a teacher to your academy? I guess your dean doesn't know what the crystal family is about to kill you."

Su Yu was silent and did not refute.

Tianhe Yan Yu continued: "The teacher of your college can only be sent to death. The crystal warriors of the Great God are invincible outside of Shenhe."

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