Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1649: Kill all, or kill half?

Wang Xing didn't want to explain so much. He waved and wanted to send Guanyin back to his world.

"and many more."

Guanyin drank Wang Xing: "Why, why is it me again?"

She was going crazy, this was the second time she had been brushed off.

"Think of myself when I go back."

Wang Xing said, and then sent Guanyin back to his own world.

Needless to say next.

With the arrival of Lingdong, Xinyuehu, Pig Bajie, Wang Chao, and Ruthless Emperor, the school became lively again.

Among them, Zhu Bajie, Ling Dong, and the ruthless emperor went to teach in the university department, Xinyuehu went to the junior middle school, and Wang Chao went to the junior middle school.

In particular, the arrival of Ruthless Emperor made the college a sensation.

The main reason is that the ruthless emperor's cultivation is too strong, and he has reached the realm of the Lord God, and the life experience of the ruthless emperor is definitely a legend.

On the seventh day of the ruthless emperor's arrival at the college, he visited the ruthless emperor alone.

He is Liu Fan.

"You came to me because you swallowed the magic of the sky?"

The ruthless Emperor looked at Liu Fan, and at a glance saw Liu Fan's practice.

This is also due to the mutual induction of the same origin exercises, which she noticed when she entered the college.

Liu Fan nodded his head: "I practiced your devouring magic, but I have never been able to break through to the Jinxian realm. Now that I have learned that you have come to the Xianxian Academy, I have come to ask for advice, and also asked my teacher to teach me."

He was extremely sincere and respectful.

After all, the three of Su Yu had already broken through to Jinxian's realm first, giving him an invisible oppression, forcing him to break through as soon as possible.

The ruthless emperor pondered for a moment, but shook his head: "Although we practice all the magical skills of swallowing the sky, the same method will go in a different direction in the hands of different people. The magical swallowing skills you are practicing now have become their own In the same vein, even if I am the person who is most familiar with this exercise, I ca n’t give you direct pointers. To break through the Jinxian realm, you can only rely on yourself. And you must understand that the exercise is only a supplement, there is no invincible exercise Only invincible people, you can't be too obsessed with Gongfa. "

Hearing this, Liu Fan was lost in thought.

He carefully recalled his cultivation experience over the years. It seemed that he was really practicing in full accordance with the Gongfa, all of which had lost his thoughts.

At this time he unconsciously remembered what Wang Xing had pointed him at, saying that he should not stick to the rules, have his own thoughts, and go his own way.

"I see, thank you teacher."

Liu Fan bowed and salute, and the whole person suddenly opened up.

The ruthless Emperor looked at Liu Fan, and was a little shocked. From his own words, he could understand his biggest shortcomings, which is not what ordinary people can do.

At the same time, the ancestral **** base.

Many Patriarchs are there and they are waiting for something.

"The collapse of the law of the origin of the universe has begun, and now all the gods can come out of the river of God without any restrictions. The Great Perfection God can leave the river of God as long as he is careful. I also teach people to send people outside of the river of God in order to Beware of the complete collapse of Shenhe, early layout. "A man said.

His name is Hailey, and he is a great **** of ancestral religion.

Beside him, there are three great perfection gods, a dozen perfection gods, and dozens of gods.

The power of the ancestral religion outside the Shenhe is simply terror.

However, this is not enough. In order to cope with the situation after the collapse of the law of the universe's origin, the ancestral religion once again increased its manpower beyond the river of God.

Hailey brought people here to meet these immortals who are about to reach the Patriarch.

At this time, there was a wave of space.

Just seeing the square in front of me, hundreds of people suddenly appeared, each of them was very strong, reaching the level of immortality.


Hailey murmured, and when he saw the headed man, he felt shocked.

It turned out to be him.

The ancestral **** is one of the title gods in the Shenhe River, but this title **** is not a great perfection, but a true master god.

His name was Porsche, and he had been the titled general before three epochs.

"I've seen Lord Porsche."

Hailey stepped forward and said respectfully.

A main **** sent from a river of gods is no less than a commissioner, and even he has to deal with it carefully.

"Well, you're called Hailey, aren't you. The branch outside of I teach Shenhe has been here for two epochs. You did a good job, but in the future, all the things that the ancestors taught outside of Shenhe will be my responsibility, and wait After handing over with me, you can return to Shenhe Headquarters and enter the secret area of ​​my teaching to practice for thousands of years. "Porsche said lightly, without the slightest emotion.

He is the title **** and the main god.

For Hailey, he didn't take it seriously, just announced it mechanically.

"Yes, Lord Porsche."

Haley said he was afraid to question the decision.

It goes without saying that Polsjo soon took over the branch of the Patriarch ’s religion outside the Shenhe River. Looking at the people he brought, there were as many as twenty-one Great Gods. All of them came down from the extraterritorial battlefields, and they have been fighting for hundreds of years, and they are not weaker than Hailey.

Hailey obviously felt that these people were very unruly, and he was full of contempt when he looked at him.

Although he complained, he did not dare to speak up.

Hailey was handing over to Polsher at this moment, and at this moment saw Polsher pointing to a person's name and saying, "His name is Gerda, my brother, but I haven't heard from him for a long time. "

Hailey heard this, and held it slightly.

Polsjo looked at Hailey and continued: "Gelda was a perfect god, and before the first collapse of the law of the universe, few people were his opponents. As an ancestor of God, he was outside the river of God. The person in charge of the branch cannot pay any attention to the members of the ancestral religion such as Gerda. He disappeared for so long, haven't you checked where he went? "

Upon hearing this, Haley understood immediately.

Porsche deliberately looked at the materials of the Patriarchs for his brother.

"This one……"

Hailey hesitated. Naturally, he couldn't ignore Gerda's whereabouts.

"Why do you want to hide it from me?" Porsche snorted coldly, and immediately Hailey felt like a falling ice cave, a shocking spirit.

Where did he dare to conceal, and there was absolutely no need to conceal it?

He then said truthfully: "Gerda did not return to God for a long time. It is impossible for me to be indifferent to this as the person in charge of the previous ancestral religion outside the Shenhe River."

Then, he took out a piece of information.

"This is the intelligence I investigated about Gerda's disappearance, and it's really weird."

Hailey handed the information to Porsche, and if he knew that Porsche was Gerda's elder brother, he would have submitted the information he had investigated.

Polshe snorted and took a look.

In fact, the whole thing is not complicated. In short, before the disappearance of Gerda, Gerda's disciple, Sabina, once had a bet with Leng Shuangning of Xian Academy, and this is the most weird place.

Because as Gerda disappeared, Sabina and Abel, another disciple of Gerda, also disappeared at the same time.

"There must be some connection in between."

After seeing Polsjo, he also confirmed this idea.

Everything that happened before that was the most questionable one.

"Where is the Lord God Space, without my brother's information?" Porsche thought for a moment, asking casually.

"I went to the Lord God Space the first time, but they could not determine the location of Gerda. However, the Lord God Space also believed that the disappearance of Gerda had a great relationship with the Immortal Academy. Later, the Lord God Space contacted me and said that it was discovery It shows the traces that Gerda had fought with others, and the cold frost condensation of the local fairy college has also been there. "Hailey said everything he knew without concealment.

Porsche's face was already darkened.

"What's the situation at this fairy college?"

He said slowly, with a touch of killing in his eyes, which made Hailey tremble.

Hailey knew that Porsche was killing.

No matter whether the Immortal Academy is related to the disappearance of Gerda, Porsche will certainly not let the Immortal Academy pass, which is the so-called Ning killing mistakes.

"Xian Academy is a very powerful force outside Shenhe. It is suspected that a strong god-level strong person was founded. Now Xian Academy has established affiliated junior high schools and high schools in hundreds of star fields around it. It recruits talents and has a very fast development momentum. Few people dare to provoke them. It is precisely because of these considerations that without sufficient evidence, I did not even dare to go to Xianxian College to question, in case the other dog jumped off the wall and made it awkward. "Hailey said cautiously, leaving himself Clean.

Porsche completely ignored Hailey's careful consideration, he disdain and Hailey cares at all.

Besides, the above order has been given to allow Hailey to return to the Shenhe River to practice for thousands of years, and he cannot stop Hailey.

"Founded by the Lord God?"

Porsche sneered and taunted, "I am in the extraterrestrial battlefield, and there are hundreds of master gods. If this master **** is really founded by this god, I will happen to this master god. If he caught me Brother Gerda, I must let him pay for his blood. "

Hailey shivered.

There are hundreds of master gods to kill, and this Bolshey is too scary.

As soon as the figure flashed, Porsche went out.

"Brothers, follow me to Immortal College."

He said that those immortal gods who followed him to Shenhe responded one after another, and several figures flew out of the base and headed for the galaxy.

Many people were horrified at the base of the ancestral religion, thinking that something great happened.

Hailey also looked inexplicable, knowing that this matter was going to be big.

If it was really the immortal college that caught Gerda, if not, this time the immortal college will also suffer from innocence, and it is possible to destroy it.

Among immortal colleges, Wang Xing is teaching.

Suddenly he was feeling.

"Self-study first, and I will continue my class when I return."

Wang Xing thought and walked out immediately. At this time, there were several causal threads in his body.

The rule of cause and effect, he too.

This is also the case. Last time he was able to follow the force of cause and effect and destroy the "Night" base of the Crystal family outside the Shenhe.

Soon he found what he wanted from these lines of cause and effect.

"It's a bit interesting, but it was Gerda who was caught in a glass bottle." Wang Xing muttered, knowing everything. "It seems that the patriarchs guessed that Gerda was caught by our college. This is to come to our college to ask someone. However, it can cause cause and effect, which makes me feel inductive. It seems that a lot of people have come to this time. "

He understood this and knew what to do.

In the galaxy, the stars are bright, and many invisible forces penetrate space and time, all over the universe.

Wang Xing looked in one direction, his eyes exuding a charming purple light.

He saw hundreds of people, and the hundreds of people were killing themselves and heading towards the galaxy.

"It seems they are."

Wang Xing murmured, his eyes have locked the head of Bolshe: "This man's strong cultivation should be the realm of the Lord God. It stands to reason that it is still difficult for the strong man in the Lord God realm to come outside the Shenhe River. The ancestral **** sent him over, and it certainly took some effort. However, this person must challenge our immortal college as soon as he arrives at Shenhe, which must be the wrong target. In the period when the Supreme God and the Cosmic God could not interfere outside the Shenhe , Our college is really not afraid of anyone. "

Then, Wang Xing returned to Xianxian College.

Porsche paused at this time, he had a strange feeling, as if he had been peeped.

But his consciousness enveloped him for dozens of light years, and no one was peeping at himself.

"General, what's wrong?"

One of the men asked, a little curious.

The others also stopped.

"Nothing, it may be my illusion."

Porsche thought about it, and he guessed that it might be that the law of the universe had noticed him, but he had this feeling because he had ignored the hidden treasure he had brought on him.

A group of people continued to rush to Xian Academy, and it was faster.

Among immortal colleges.

"Vicious man, great teacher."

Wang Xing thought about it and summoned a person to come over: "A group of immortal gods have come to our academy. Those who come are not good. You can teach them a lesson."

The ruthless Emperor nodded, without asking why.

Wang Xing thought about it, and said something about it.

After listening to the ruthless Emperor ~ ~, he frowned slightly.

"This ancestral deity is really overbearing, and it really should give them a lesson." She said slowly, "but to what extent is this lesson to be killed, or half?"

Wang Xing was instantly agitated, and the cruel emperor was indeed cruel.

It was all killed, half killed, scared to death!

"It's mainly deterrence. If the other party is stubborn, don't kill it, just grab it." Wang Xing said, throwing hundreds of glass bottles in the past, "Well, imprisoned in this glass bottle after catching it Medium, and then put it on the shelf in my office, I will still be useful in the future. "

The ruthless Emperor nodded, she had a habit of collecting things before, and thought that this should also be a way of collecting things.

It's just that this collection is one of immortality.


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