Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1673: Galactic Dominator

After Luo Sheng's departure, several of Urk were lost in thought.

"What to do?" Ulk asked half a day later, and he didn't know what to do now. In fact, before Luo Shenglai, they were already applying to become citizens of the Earth Federation. After the application is approved, they will be able to obtain the permanent residency of the Earth Federation. But now, if they become citizens of the Earth Federation, they must respond to the call If you join the court, if you refuse, you will be deported.

At this time, a voice came: "Everyone, I'm your neighbor, Harmon. I don't know if I can come and gather."

A few people hesitated and found that it was the Harmon of Villa Seven.

Ulke had seen Luo Sheng go to Villa No. 7 before. He must have invited the other party. Now the other party asked them to gather together. It should be to discuss the matter. They have no idea at all, and it is naturally best to discuss with others at this time. So they went out and came all the way to the door of Villa No. 7, and Harmon was waiting for them with a smile on the door.


Harmon said, inviting Ulke to enter the door a total of seven people, but in fact they were ten people in total, three of them happened to be absent today, but Ulke already told the matter to the three people who were absent. Soon, the three will come back.

With Harmon, Ulke walked into the villa lobby and found nine people inside. Seeing that these people are also their neighbors, each is also immortal. In fact, of the 25 villas sold in this row, 24 buyers are immortal, and there is only the sixth villa, which is occupied by an ordinary person, it seems that it is still a rich second It's coming.

"Well, everyone at home is here today. I believe Luo Sheng has found everyone. What do you think now?" Harmon thought for a moment and spoke as the host.

"Earth federation is fooling us away." Someone already said, very resentful.

"No way, since we want to live in the Earth Federation, it is certain that we are under the jurisdiction of the Earth Federation." Some people are very open-minded. "No matter how, the Earth Federation is better than the Union of the Gods. History, I feel that this universe has its own bottom line and principles. Even if we join the heavenly courts, they will not be able to treat us as livestock. "

"That's good, but who can guarantee that the Earth Federation will treat immortality like ordinary people." Someone immediately questioned it, and it turned out to be like a debate, noisy, beside Ulke felt his head big.

"Okay, everyone listen to me."

At this time, Harmon, as the host, said again: "It is imperative for the Earth Federation to establish a heavenly court, and I believe that in the future, some other cosmic nations will definitely set up similar institutions. After all, immortality like us, no one can let it go. It doesn't matter. Actually, in this universe, where is there any absolute freedom, and I don't believe that everyone will be willing to be dull, it is just that they have low strength and want to stay out of the matter. "

Everyone felt worried when they heard Harmon's words, but also knew that Harmon was telling the truth.

"Everyone may think about it from another perspective. If the Earth Confederation is established, if we join the heavenly court, then it will be the first batch of members of the heavenly court, and we will definitely receive special care and get great benefits. Not to mention anything else, the dean of the Immortal College Speaking at the altar, you know what this means. If we say it later, we can also be half of the disciples of the dean of the Xian Academy. If anyone dares to touch us, we must think about the promise of the Xian Academy. When it comes to this, everyone is shining.

"You know Luo Sheng, when he was lobbying you, he certainly didn't tell you his cultivation behavior. In fact, he has now reached the peak of the first stage of immortality, and will soon break through to the second stage of immortality." Harmon At this time, some enviously said that they also integrated the immortality of the scattered universe's origins. Except for the one that continuously devours the origins of others, such as the Cosmic God Alliance, the progress of other people's strength is not large, and many of them are still in the immortal realm. Even the combat power is not as good as the immortality that broke through the third-class rule.

"This is impossible. I knew Luo Sheng long ago. He should be similar to our realm." Edith immediately retorted.

"There is nothing impossible, because he was instructed by the dean of the Immortal Academy." When Harmon said this, it was a stone that stirred up a thousand waves. Immediately everyone was stunned. Chang really has this ability, just by pointing at Luo Sheng, he can make his cultivation so much progress.

"Is the Dean of the Immortal Academy really so magical?" Ulke was a little bit tempted at this moment. If he could get the guidance of the Dean of the Immortal Academy, would he also be able to get a higher promotion.

"That is of course. You do n’t look at the current Xian Academy. There are several students there. There are several people who understand the first-class rules. In addition, I am revealing a secret to you, the dean of the Xian Academy. The cultivation is at least the realm of the King of God. "At the end, Harmon's voice was very low.

"God King?" Someone exclaimed immediately.

"Be quiet, I also got this news with great difficulty. It should be eight or nine." Harmon said, "So I thought twice and already planned to join the heavenly court. After all, the dean of the Immortal Academy was in the thirty-sixth day of heaven Sitting in the town, you can get close to the dean of Xianxian College, which is a great opportunity in itself. "

Everyone was silent at this time, and began to figure out in their hearts.

"I ... I'm willing to join the heavenly courts." A faint voice sounded at this time, and it was one of them.

"Bochelle." Ulke looked back, surprised.

"Brother Ulk, I don't want to hide anymore. The Earth Confederation is a very friendly and cosmopolitan nation, and it fits my ideal universe nation. I plan to settle here for a long time." Burcher said, apologizing.

"How about you, all right?" Harmon thought.

"I'm willing to join heaven."

"I don't care, it looks like I'm moving again."

"I plan to wait and see."


A group of people said that Harmon nodded secretly. Eleven people who were willing to join the heavenly courts accounted for half, which was not bad.

He pondered for a moment and said slowly: "In this case, those who are willing to join the heavenly court will enter the heavenly court with me, and sooner rather than later, now we will communicate the will of the emperor."

Others naturally had no opinion and immediately began to communicate the will of the Emperor.

The No. 6 villa next door, indeed lives here is a rich second-generation, called Li Hao. He returned from a hangover last night. Today, he just got up and stands on his balcony. He saw that many of his neighbors were heading for Villa No. 7.

"What are you doing next door, so many people have gone?" He asked his servant.

"Maybe it's driving PARTY." The servant thought about it, and answered it very seriously.

"What, open PARTY, yelled so many neighbors, and didn't even call me, it was really boring. I wonder if I'm PARTY Little Prince, GO, GO, GO!"

He said, washed briefly, and wrapped in a nightgown, headed for the next villa No. 7.

A group of people in Harmony were communicating with the will of the Emperor, but they suddenly heard the sound of the alarm at the door, only to see a man holding champagne and rushing in.

"Hey, atmosphere, all you want is atmosphere!"

He yelled, and then saw the 20th person in the hall looking at him handsomely, with an aggressive feeling: "What's the matter, isn't this part of PARTY, wine, beauty? What the **** are you doing ??? Hi, come on! "

At this time, a golden light shrouded the villa.

Everyone looked up, only to see the Emperor Tian's will come. At this moment, the Heavenly Emperor was extremely sacred, and slowly said, "The door of the heavenly court is wide open, and all immortality can enter the office of the heavenly court. The eleven of you have made a wise choice. Others, if you are unwilling to serve in heaven, please leave the territory of the Earth Federation quickly. "

Talking, the golden light shrouded eleven people, and they were to be drawn into the heaven.

The eleven were full of enjoyment, and the others who did not join the heavenly court were silent. But the most weird one should be Li Hao. He looked at the heavenly will of the heavenly emperor, and he was really familiar with it. Isn't it that there is no superior heavenly emperor of the Earth Federation, and then thinking of the emperor just now, he looked at him in shock. What do you mean by this group of people, are these neighbors who are in front of them all immortal?

This is too fucking, today is not April Fool's Day.

It's like living for twenty years, and suddenly your dad said you were not born.

He felt a sense of collapse in three moments. He really wanted to post a help post immediately. The name was all right. It was called ‘my neighbors are immortal. What should I do? Waiting online, it's urgent.

"Well, I still have something ... to say goodbye ~ ~ goodbye!" He said, already sweating from his body.

"Who is this?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"The rich second-generation man in Villa No. 6 next door." Edith was embarrassed. She had seen Li Hao a few times with some impressions.


In the heavens, Luo Sheng received news from Harmon.

"Good job." He said, in fact, Harmon had promised Luo Sheng to join the heaven court early in the morning. Everything after that was just an act, and just after the emperor sent a message to all the immortals in the territory of the Earth Federation, there were already a dozen people. Contact him to join heaven.

A month later, a total of 105 immortals within the territory of the Earth Federation, 67 of them finally made up their minds and agreed to join the court of heaven.

As for the remaining people, Tiandi gave them a year, and they will be deported after one year. At this time, a more significant news detonated the Earth Federation, that is, the Earth Federation decided to take the whole within ten years. The Milky Way was incorporated into the territory of the Earth Federation and officially became the master of the Milky Way.

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