Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1683: eat human

Even Liu Fan was startled. I can't believe that the Chiyan Army had such a history. At this time, everyone looked at the Shenzhou ship, which was going forward, and it became completely different. This is indeed not an ordinary godship, which represents the soul of the Red Flame Army.

The two Shenships carried the Red Flame Army million soldiers across layers of space, and then came to an area full of space faults.

It's time for the battlefield. This is what everyone thinks at the moment.

Looking at the outside, Liu Fan looked endlessly, and the yellow sand was rolling, but this is not actually yellow sand, but the bone meal raised by the burning of many dead bones in it, but it looks a little yellow under the sun. At this moment, all the soldiers are dignified, they know that these people will soon encounter the snake demon army, and they will start a battle with the snake demon army here, but at that time, I don't know how many people can survive.

"Everyone disembarks."

With an order, many people flew out of the ship, and then quickly arranged.

In the team of Renault, Liu Fan unconsciously released the consciousness, but because of the chaotic energy of the universe here, there are various spatial and magnetic interferences. Not only the range that the consciousness can cover is greatly shortened, but also different. Looking in the direction, the distance you see is completely different. Some directions may see millions of miles away, and some may be less than tens of thousands of miles. Even the distance of a million miles is actually not instantaneous for the immortals. Can be reached in between.

Time passed slowly and three days later.

Suddenly on this day, there was a fluctuation in the space, and only a million-mile-long Godship broke through the space. The Godship was engraved with the ancestor totem of the snake devil, shining with a black light.

"Snake army!"

I don't know who shouted, the soldiers were all out of arms, ready to fight.

At this time, what was waiting was an order, and at this time, a huge fist flashed in the void, with a blazing flame burning on it, and the torn space blasted towards the godship of the snake army. Everyone was stunned. Such a punch was enough to easily blast a star system and destroy a thousand worlds, and this is exactly what the Fire Ape shot. But at this moment, the **** ship of the snake army raised a black sky, protecting itself like a shield.


The fire ape punched on the godship, and the sky was sunken, but it didn't mean to break at all, and then it was like a spring. Instead, it bounced the godship of the serpent army back directly in the void It stopped for hundreds of millions of kilometers to fly out.

At this time, a white light flashed out of the godship, only to see a fly-like thing shot out of it, heading towards the Red Flame Army.

Everyone was holding their breath at this moment, even thinking of running away.

You must know that this is a magic gun on a godship. It is very powerful. At present, the highest level seven magic gun can not easily intercept even the main god. However, not all magic artillery can reach the level of seven, but the general Godship must have been equipped with a six-level magic cannon, and the magic artillery launched by the snake demon army is exactly six. If no one can intercept it and fall into the Red Flame Army, this strike will kill at least 100,000 Red Flame Army soldiers.

The fire ape naturally knew this, so the interception started immediately.

I only saw him punch out with a huge fist on the shell, then the two forces annihilated each other, and finally the power of the divine cannon was exhausted.

However, at this time, the Great Perfection God of the Red Flame Army had all shot. They condensed their divine power into chains and grabbed each other's Godship. It was naturally impossible to destroy the Godship, but it could prevent the Godship from escaping. A chain of chains trapped the Godship of the Snake Demon Army, that is, a beast is bound and cannot move. At this time, the general of the snake demon army also saw that he could not escape, and immediately opened the hatch of the ship, leap out, and a blade of light flashed, and all the chains were cut off.

At the same time, one by one Snake Demon soldiers rushed out of the ship.

Although Liu Fan stood back, he could see clearly. Each of the snake demon fighters had a body like a snake, their hands and feet were short, and their head was like a cobra.


The General of the Snake Devil roared, and suddenly more than half a million Snake Demon soldiers rushed over.


At this time, the two Shenhua ships of the Red Flame Army launched magical artillery bombardment at the same time, but the other side had already dispersed and did not cause any serious casualties to the other side, but even so, there were nearly 10,000 Serpent and Demon Warrior soldiers here The bombardment turned into fly ash.

"Army attack!"

The fire ape screamed at this time, and the soldiers of the Red Flame Army rushed out.

Liu Fan clenched his gold biting sword. At this moment, the feeling is completely different. This kind of life and death fight may be at any time, or simply a magic cannon flew to himself, making himself a sense of death and stimulation of the cosmic particles. His brain was spinning fast, and it felt like he was being injected with a stimulant. His call and control of the law of engulfment also reached the extreme in an instant.

"Kill!" At this time, Liu Fan and their team belonged to the brigade, and the leader of the brigade yelled and rushed forward. He cut it out with a knife, and instantly a high-level snake-like demon warrior was cut in half by him.

The other squadron captains also took the lead in charge, followed by the small captains, and Uncle Renault looked at Liu Fan with a deep meaning at this time, and his eyes were full of worry: "For a while, follow me. And, Don't think about hunting for the immortality of the snake army, you are not their opponent. "

Liu Fan was silent, he had his own plans.

On the battlefield, no one can surely protect him, because he does not know what kind of opponent he will face.

With the charge of the Red Flame Army, Liu Fan began the first battle with aliens. The battle between the immortals was destined to be different from ordinary people. I saw the entire battlefield spread to a range of light years.

Liu Fan's golden bite sword stabbed in towards a snake demon warrior who wanted to kill him, and then stirred up one belt and one, shattered the core of his soul, and felt the life of the other person disappeared, and recorded the hand of merit Ring, the number on the top changed from 0 to 10, representing that he received 10 points of merit. Later, he saw that there were several Serpent and Demon King Warriors coming to besiege him, and a sword was cut in the past. The sword gas directly cut the arm of a Serpent and Demon Warrior in half, but the opponent was quickly Another arm was condensed and was not affected at all.

Liu Fan knows that this is what makes the Snake Demon tribe special. Except for the most critical brain domain core, their bodies are completely insignificant. So when you want to kill the warriors of the Snake Devil, the first is to destroy their bodies and their souls at the same time, and the other is to destroy their brains. For these, everyone has their own special method, such as Liu Fan saw a person who did not know what race it was. When piercing the body of the snake devil, he was able to find out something like a tentacle directly into the brain of the snake devil, and put their brain core. It was extracted, but after this guy killed three snake demon clan, he was chopped into a meat sauce by the middle **** of a snake demon clan.


An immortal of the snake demon family noticed Liu Fan, and a flying knife flew over in his hand, toward Liu Fan's heart.

Now that the battlefield is so chaotic, when Liu Fan reacts, the flying sword is almost reaching his eyebrows. At this moment, he feels that death is coming, and the thirst for life makes him think more than ten thousand times in an instant. Then he didn't even know how he did it. He reached out with one hand, grabbed a black hole in front of him, and swallowed the flying knife into it.

The immortal man of the Snake Devil also stunned, and then pounced on it like a cat smelling fish.

Although Liu Fan is not afraid of immortality, but it is just the first-level lower **** of immortality. If he is like He Yunze, he would not dare to say that he can win. At best, there is no way to win each other. In the first moment, he was extremely cautious. But not waiting for the next **** of the snake devil to rush to him, the two kings of the snake devil tribe cut to him from behind, but fortunately he kept a heart and rolled out to hide a million miles Passed. This is the special nature of the extraterritorial battlefield. The enemies come from all directions. Maybe the enemy that is fighting with you will be killed in the next moment. Or you may be attacked by another person and chopped it.

After Liu Fan avoided, he fell into a wolf's den, surrounded by snake warrior fighters.

When they saw Liu Fan ~ ~, they found that they were just one emperor. At least three immortals had chopped towards him and had to chop him. Liu Fan was also stunned, and the crisis of life and death came again. This was how he couldn't experience it before. It could even be within two or three times of life and death in just one minute. In the face of three immortal siege, and other tiger warriors of the Snake Demon clan, how should he survive. His brain is fully operating to a limit, which directly drives the magic cube in his mind to spin and move quickly, and those mysteries about the law of devouring become a little power, slowly blending into his soul.

"Engulfing the void!"

He yelled, as if compressed to the extreme cylinder, bursting with terrifying energy. All I saw was that he rushed towards the immortal of a subordinate devil and demon immortal, and he turned into a black hole, completely disappeared, and then when the other side did not respond, he suddenly swallowed the other side.

Everyone who notices this scene is dumbfounded. This is cannibalism.


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