Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1686: Self-explosion

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At this time beside Liu Fan, several Renaults also stood up, and they also saw the landing Godship.

"What's the situation, it's been half a year. Why did the No-Front Shenship come here? Did this battle fail for half a year?" Someone said immediately, completely fainted by the situation at hand. However, one thing is for sure. The former No. 1 Shenship belongs to the Red Flame Army, and only the people of the Red Flame Army can operate it, so there must be some Red Flame Army people on the Godship, and the repair is definitely not low, low. There is no control over the Godship.

Realizing this, everyone's eyes were bright.

They were besieged here and could not leave. Sooner or later they would be found by the Serpent Demon Army, and their reserves were almost exhausted, which made them eager to go back.

"Go, look for the Goddess of Infinity."

Renault made a decision immediately, and that was their hope for going back.

Who makes it impossible to go back with their own strength.

The members of the squad don't have opinions.

A group of people set off because their consciousness could not search for the exact landing point without the front number, but when the last time they fell forward and backward, they still saw the approximate landing point.

A day later, they came near the fall point.

"The spaces here are staggered. If there is no previous number, it will not be easy to find if it falls into any small space." Liu Fan thought about it, and he had no choice. There is too much small space here, if he doesn't remember the way , You will soon get lost.

Uncle Renault nodded, he also knows this, but there is no previous number is the hope of everyone back.

"there's noise."

Renault stopped suddenly, then looked in a direction where there was also an entrance to the space.

At this time, I only saw a dozen snake warrior warriors coming out of that entrance, and the one headed by it was a third-order higher-level realm of immortality.

Not only that, Renault can feel that the opponent is definitely not the first stage of the immortal third stage, but reached the peak of the third stage.

He is definitely not an opponent. None of them together is an opponent.

Not to mention, there are five second-tier immortals in the other dozen or so, and two of them have reached the peak of second-order breath.

Realizing this, he yelled.


Hearing Renault's voice, almost without thinking, everyone fled quickly.

At this time, you have to stay and fight against death, then you are really looking for death.

No way, the gap is too big.

Liu Fan is no exception. Although he thinks that he can entangle the second order of immortality of an opponent, there are still four. The key is a third order of immortality.

In contrast, Renault, a superior god, has just broken through in less than half a year.

The strength of the opponent is absolutely crushing them.

If you run away, no doubt who is slower and who dies faster, but fortunately, they are closer to the entrance of this space. After exiting this space, they make a few more turns in other spaces, throwing off the other party and saving their lives. The odds are high, which is why Renault made everyone run away immediately.

The battle was annihilated.

If you run away, there is a high probability that you can keep more than half of the people.

Liu Fan's speed is among the crowd, which is a little slower than Uncle Renault, who just broke through. It is much faster than other players, which makes him more likely to survive.

"Kill them all!"

The warriors of the Snake Devil reacted, and the third-order upper-level god, who was headed by Immortal, roared, and everyone chased up.


Liu Fan left the space one by one, but the two slowest players who escaped never came out of this space.

This is no way out. The extraterrestrial battlefield is so bloody, it is not uncommon for a dead person to die.

Liu Fan had already fled into another space at this time. Renault called Liu Fan, not to let Liu Fan be with him, but to tell Liu Fan that if he escaped, don't go to everyone and go directly to the inevitable number. go back. In fact, Renault can also understand that the third-order **** of the Immortal Realm of the Snake Devil will definitely chase him. If he is taking Liu Fan for his life, that will really hurt Liu Fan.

Liu Fan didn't say anything. In fact, his wariness against Renault had gradually disappeared.

After escaping into another space, there was a gray world in front of him.

This world was once covered by green plants, but now all these green plants have been burned and become dust, so the whole world is gray.

Liu Fan felt that he was the king of the kingdom, and the warriors of the Snake Demon did not need to chase him.

But he was stunned as soon as he turned around, a middle-order **** of the second-order peak of the Serpent-type Immortal Realm, and a lower-order **** of the first-order of the Serpent-type Immortal Realm all followed him to this space, apparently directed at him of.

"I'm just an emperor?"

For a moment, Liu Fan had to wonder if he was the median god, otherwise why even the second-order peak of the immortal chased him.

Soon, Liu Fan wanted to understand, he really wanted to give himself a slap.

He looked at only the emperor ’s cultivation, but if he ran away, the speed was comparable to the third-order Renault of Immortality. This made others believe that he was really the emperor, and he must have thought that he had deliberately hidden the cultivation. The strength should be the second order of immortality.

As for the third order of immortality, if it is true, Liu Fan has two superior gods on their side, and flees, just do it.

Therefore, it is strange that others do not chase Liu Fan, and directly regard him as the second character of the team.

Liu Fan considers himself not an opponent and can only make every effort to escape.

After a dozen consecutive staggered spaces, he was lost.

But looking towards the back, the first-order Immortal Snake Demon Warrior couldn't keep up and didn't know where to go, but the second-order Immortal Snake Demon Warrior recognized the truth and died biting. He kept on, and the distance between the two was still getting closer.

"The other party has been chasing after me, and I can't escape at all."

Liu Fan thought for a while, but he was ruthless: "No, it is the second-order peak of immortality. I will try it today."

He simply did not escape, left-handed sword, right-handed sword, turned back and looked at each other coldly.

The warrior of the snake devil family is also tired enough to see, Liu Fan stopped, his body is also full of murderous intentions, and then there is almost no nonsense, both of them are a sprint, killing each other.

Liu Fan combined a sword and a sword, killing them at the same time, blocking all the retreats of the opponent, but this snake demon warrior is also powerful. His hands and iron fists are constantly punching out. It rang and almost went out.

The cultivation of the second-order peak of Immortal Realm is more than ten times stronger than the second-order immortal first entry.

Liu Fan also realized at this moment that the immortal gap is huge, especially the immortality on the extraterritorial battlefield, which is immortal with few fighting opportunities in the Shenhe River.

The opponent and Liu Fan played out Liu Fan's boss.

It turned out that a guy he chased after for so long was not really the second-order **** of immortality.

But God knows why you, an emperor, run so fast.

Liu Fan was also very speechless. In the courses taught by the college, from the light work of the elementary school to the magical powers of the university, many escaped.

That is to say, there will be no somersault clouds, otherwise he, an emperor of the realm, will be able to let the third-level **** of immortality fart, provided that this higher **** does not master the immortal body magic.

Liu Fan, an emperor of the realm, can compete with him and make him angry and yell. The fist in his hand is filled with divine power, and he smashed into Liu Fan desperately, and that fist was about to throw this space. wore.

He didn't believe that he was a serpent demon warrior at the peak of his median **** and could not kill an emperor.

But one or two, ten minutes later, he really wanted to scold his mother.

Are the emperor kings so strong now?

Doesn't it mean that the death rate of the emperor king in the extraterritorial battlefield is the highest? Which **** counts this? Isn't this abnormal count included?

"Huh! Huh!"

Liu Fan heard the other person panting, knowing that the opportunity to wait was coming.

He has a big gap with the other side. He must not be able to do hard work and can only be beaten by the other side.

The only thing he has an advantage over is that his immortal power can flow endlessly and endlessly, but the other party only consumes. Now watching the other party ’s divine power is exhausted, they are almost overdrawn, and it is when he counterattacks.

It was said that time and time later, Liu Fan sacrificed his magic weapon to swallow the gourd with a wave of his hand and punched in his fairy power. The swallowed gourd became as big as a planet.

The calabash mouth evolved into a black hole, which produced a strong suction, and it was necessary to devour the other side.

However, Liu Fanxiu is limited. If he is fully motivated, he can devour the first-order gods of the immortal realm. It is definitely impossible to devour the second-order immortal realm.

Of course that is not to say that swallowing the gourd is useless to the second order of immortality. It can restrain the other party. If the other party is not to be sucked into it, it must share some power to resist the swallowing force of the swallowing gourd.

Therefore, Liu Fan chose this opportunity very well, the other side was already exhausted by divine power. At this time, he was given a part of the power to resist the gourd, which basically killed him.

"go to hell!"

Liu Fan saw everything as expected, and the other side was dumbfounded, an unbelievable look.

You, an emperor, have such a high-level source magic weapon?

He is the second-order immortality of immortality, and there is only one magic weapon of the force, who is immortality.

However, it was useless to think about it. When Liu Fan was hitting him by surprise, he could only watch Liu Fan poking his body with a sword.

"I'm not going to make you feel better."

He watched Liu Fan stab into his body with a sword and a sword. At this time, he didn't know where to send out a force. He even let his hands break free from the shackles of the gourd, and grabbed Liu Fan's. arm.

Liu Fan screamed immediately, and the other's fingers got into his flesh.

"Let's die together!"

The Snake Devil, the second-tier immortal warrior, yelled. He was thick and unwilling, and his body was rapidly expanding.

What's this for?

My grass, did it explode!

When Liu Fan thought of it, he saw the other person's face and soon understood the other person's intention.

This guy is going to die, and he is going to be buried with him.

"I don't want to die with you."

At this moment, Liu Fan's desire for survival erupted again, and he hacked in the arm of the opponent, but the hack did not hack.

He remembered that this was the mystery of the Snake Demon tribe. He could petrify part of his **** body at will, and became like a practitioner's body, but it was basically impossible to recover after petrification.

This was originally a kind of chicken rib mystery, but now it has become a killer.

"You can't break it."


Liu Fan sneered, but cut it again, this time not toward the other's arm, but towards his own arm.

Time is running out, he can only break his wrist.

Anyway, being able to recover is a matter of consuming a little magic power and re-tempering.


The Snake Devil, a second-order immortal warrior, was stunned, but with a loud noise, he became a fragment, and it was raining in the sky, and Liu Fan flew upside down, his whole body was blurred, and his armor was Broken into pieces.

Fortunately, the fortune-telling was saved.

It is just that he is in this state, and at least for an hour, he will not be able to exert any power. If a warrior of the snake demon army comes, even if it is a warrior of the king emperor, he will be finished.

"Don't come!"

"Sound, this ..."

Liu Fan looked up ~ ~ I really want to give myself a slap, let your crow mouth, only to see that there really is a serpent warrior warrior coming, and still the first **** of the immortal first order.

In fact, it was the guy who chased Liu Fan with the dead snake warrior before.

This mouth is open!

The serpent warrior felt the fighting atmosphere here, he was very careful, and did not come immediately, but a little temptation, but no matter how tempting, at most three minutes, he can find the half-dead Liu Fan.

"He found me ..."

Liu Fan was silent in his heart, at this moment he felt that he was really finished, and the kind of resurrection coins would not work.

"Wait, a voice again?"

He noticed the back and didn't know when there was an extra person, but to see how this person was so familiar.

Wasn't that the guy who snatched his room on the godship.

Liu Fan really didn't know what to say. Is it because he didn't die fast enough? Will he be killed by two people each time?


The Snake Demon fighter had rushed to Liu Fan, apparently to kill Liu Fan first.

Liu Fan had closed his eyes. At this time, the man who robbed him of the room had recognized him. It would be good if he didn't kill himself, let alone save himself.

But at this moment, the sound of a metal collision appeared in front of him, only to see that the man who was trying to **** his room was blocked in front of him, and a sword held up the attack of the snake demon warrior.

He saved himself?

Liu Fan looked confused at the man in front of him.

At that time, he couldn't rob his own room. Shouldn't it be that he wanted to kill himself and then quickly, why should he save himself, did he save him and kill him himself?

"What a stupid thing are you doing, get it back!"

The man looked back at Liu Fan and growled, his face was a bit horrible.

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